What’s common between China, Japan and drugs? #podcast #finance #japan #china

In Japan China you know we spoke about BYU also right really it’s the same thing happening when you Propel growth to an unnatural speed there has to be a downside I feel the analogy is like taking drugs the following day you’re going to have a crash because what

You’ve done is You’ just borrowed energy from the next day that’s all that’s happening so these economies also did that where there was so much effort put only on growth that now their days come where that crash is coming you know and I think India is going quite well in the

Sense that they have realized this but we are growing at a more sustainable and better Bas and I think people uh you know like to criticize India but this is a better way of doing things rather than what China did

Accelerating growth can be a luring thing initially, but at what expense?

Major economies like China and Japan took the aggressive growth route only to face an economy-crashing hangover.

On the other hand, India is taking a sustainable way to growth. Though criticised by some, we believe it’s the best way to reach the top and stay there!

#buildyourbluefort #bluefortblueprint #economies #china #japan #byjus #future #economycrash #japaneseeconomy #sustainable #growth #crash #trading

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