Scienza, economia e sport: Donne che fanno la differenza in Qatar

I think encouraging women to Showcase their talent whether it’s in the jewelry field or any other field it’s give them more stability more voice and more empowering on the things that they are very good at it’s very important to have a role models because representation matters a lot I never believed that

There is a limit whether it’s social cultural political barriers I always wanted to embrace change hello welcome to cut 365 I’m Al Hal and on this episode we meet more women who are raising the bar in their professions were are shiny examples for the people around them but first we’re here at the

Doha jewelry and watches exhibition where All That Glitters Is Gold and Gems and Diamonds and Pearls along with celebrating luxury and elegance the event also put a spotlight on upand cominging cutri designers Lila Huma got to meet some of those inspiring business women you can say that Witter jewelry’s

Signature Collection is more than meets the eye what’s it is an Arabic word it means one or unique one or the only one and that applies to the eye print founder and CEO re Al Shamari uses Cutting Edge technology to turn each unique print into bespoke pieces of

Jewelry as soon as I got the patent I started working on the first piece and and it was like amazing it wasn’t an easy Journey because even capturing the eyeprint needed like a special studio and we built that studio the idea of immortalizing eye prints into gold came

From looking deeper into Leonardo daav Vinci’s Mona Lisa I realized that eye prints are second to DNA so every person have their own eye print like you and I have two eye prints not only one so I thought why not just like no two eye prints are alike no two jeel Pieces by

Witter are ever the same this uniqueness and exclusivity made Witter stand out at the 20th edition of the Doha jewelry and Watchers exhibition when it comes to supporting local designers there’s no bigger cheerleader than the Doha jewelry and Watchers exhibition every year the event has a special Cuttery Pavilion featuring

Homegrown Brands and women-owned businesses this provides a major Launchpad for design CH is Keen on bedazzling the international market this is not something new for dwe for the support of the Qatari talent and encourage always the the young Qatari artists to continue in such field and this is something important that that

Dwe uh support and and a sponsor and even like uh host as much as possible encompassing the Qatari Talent with their pieces and special talents that they showcased during the exhibition time another design designer showcasing her designs is Samir al- mullah the Hessa Jewels collection incorporates traditional Islamic items capturing the

Essence and beauty of Arabic women Samir who’s also a banker doesn’t see why jewelry can’t be both an accessory and an investment while at the same time a celebration of Elegance and femininity whether it’s creating one-of A- kind jewelry pieces or a collection inspired by tradition and Heritage the djw wants

To keep providing a platform for catari designers for decades to come I think encouraging women to Showcase their talent whether it’s in the jewelry field or any other field it’s give them more stability more voice and more empowering on the things that they are very powerful and they are very good

At Global Tech leaders investors and entrepreneurs recently converged in Doha as cutter became the first Middle Eastern and North African country to host the web Summit the world’s largest technology conference I caught up with websummit CEO Katherine Maher to find out what the event will bring to the

Fast growing Tech scene in the region hello welcome asalam alayum s for web Summit Qatar Katherine web Summit has become the Mary Global digital event you could have taken the brand anywhere what brought you here to Doha yeah I so I think the reason web

Summit came to Doha was that we saw an increase year-over-year in attendees uh to our event in Lisbon from this part of the world we felt as though the middle east region in general was a place where there was tremendous opportun and activity and hunger for something that like websummit and Qatar after

Conversations really seem to share the same vision around a very startup focused event uh that would be something that we could build on to really think about how to Kickstart The Innovation and Entrepreneurship ecosystem while also taking advantage of the fact that the location of Qatar is not just

Tremendously Central for the arabic speaking world but also has access to you know the entire African Market South Asia Southeast Asia and the like so it just felt like a really natural fit what changes have you seen as more and more women enter the tech space well women in

Technology has been a big focus of websummit ever since our start we’re known uh globally for our Flagship women in tech programs our women in Tech track here in cutar sold out uh which we’re really excited about but 30% of the startups that are attending are women

Founded and then you know in terms of attendee ratios we always look to have a really high percentage of of female technologists at the events overall the ratio for women in technology doesn’t look as good as it does at web Summit unfortunately I think in terms of you

Know Venture based funding only about 2 to% of overall Venture Capital goes to female founded startups so there’s clearly a long way to go but that’s actually one of the things that we’re so proud of at websummit is that our commitment to really foregrounding female Founders female entrepreneurs

Engineers technologists um is a way to point the industry towards the opportunity what you’ll see as we walk around is some of these sort of uh almost Booth like areas with what we call chipboard uh are all of our startups and so when you’re seeing the hanging sign those are

Startups that have applied to be here that are what we really think are sort of the future of the industry um and they’re here to give their pitches presentations talk about their companies uh and so we really think of that as like the core of the web Summit

Experience and then around that you also have some of these larger boosts that represent trade delegations that represent large tech companies um who are here also to demonstrate what it is that they’re working on uh they run classes they have all sorts of resources that are available and that mixture of

Everything from you know the the earliest stage startup to the latest stage tech company is I think part of what makes webs really Special 2023 was an amazing year for women in sports and as this is an Olympic year it can only get better I caught up with a few Trailblazers who help Champion the rise of female athletes honey Talia knows her way around a football pitch growing up in

Palestine it’s where she found her peace we grew up in a war zone in the hopelessness uh of War I thought that I could do something and um I was born as a rebel in fact actually I wanted to change the circumstances around me I never believed that there is a limit

Whether it’s social cultural political barriers I always wanted to embrace change that change came through her passion for football Honey manages public relations for FIFA but during her playing days she was the first captain of the Palestinian Women’s National team football gave me the tool to embrace uh

Those barriers and gave me the power and liberated me to come across all these barriers uh with confidence and with a lot of uh uh persistent um and a lot of resilience to just believe that one day I can uh be somewhere through football and uh that’s how it all started I

Always say from the Streets of Bethlehem to the world stages of FIFA and Beyond including Doha where she recently moderated a panel at a forum fittingly called Game Changers someone else who’s changed the game is ipaj Muhammad she was the first you us athlete to wear hij

Job while competing at the Olympics and the first Muslim American female to win an Olympic medal there’s a lot of people who don’t want to see us especially in a space like fencing which uh historically has been a a white sport so um it’s nice to know that in those moments where I

Was competing at the highest level of sport whether it was at World Championships or at the Olympics I really felt like I was doing it for the communities that I’m a part of for the Muslim Community for the black community um and you know for women and girls all

Over the world no matter what you look like what your beliefs are uh you have and should always have a place in sport to help with this generation amazing the Legacy initiative of the 20122 World Cup is on a mission to make sure all children have a place in sports through

Its public Outreach and education program such as this one on national sports day generation amazing is using the transformative power of sports to inspire and Empower young people around the world pette fortez Sanchez says generation amazing has programs in 75 countries across five continents and has impacted the lives of more than 1

Million people it’s very important to have a role models because representation matters a lot so as a young girl if you see a very successful woman whether it’s in sport or in business or else it gives you aspiration it helps as well this girl to dream big and just to realize

That everything or anything is possible and who better to look up to than a trailblazing Olympic medalist who has inspired others but is also inspired by the Next Generation oh I love it I think that we’re in such an important time uh for Qatar but also for the region uh this is

A new era of sport this is a new era for uh women and girls in sport hopefully they’ll be able to see themselves partic ipate in levels that we can’t even imagine from the playing field to the boardroom to cyberspace women are breaking new ground in the World of

Sports business and Tech we hope you enjoyed this episode and were inspired by some of the incredible stories of perseverance and determination that’s all the time we have for now for more check out and connect with us through our hashtag thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time on cther 365

Dal settore della gioielleria a quello dello sport e delle industrie tecnologiche e scientifiche, le donne hanno un ruolo attivo nel plasmare il futuro del Qatar.


Abbonati !

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  1. Ma certo! Dopo i mondiali in arabia era ovvio.che anche nei loro paesi dovranno piegarsi ad essere uomo e donna un unica vice per il mondo della carriera… manca poco ai figli fatti in provetta solo dalle coppie che potranno permetterselo… non lo vuole l umano si chiaro ma è l umano che si è lasciato comprare da questa IA artificiale che sta dirigendo il mondo verso i suoi conti