
Hello everyone. This is Kaoru Kamigawa. The topic we will discuss this time is that Mr. Trump reportedly said that if a NATO member country were attacked by Russia, he would not help defend it, but would instead encourage Russia to do whatever it wanted. It is being This time,

I would like to explain that the impact is not just on Europe, but also on Japan. First of all, let’s take a look at the report on the situation in which Mr. Trump made this statement. Trump mentions possibility of not defending NATO. Criticism of the White House. A White House spokesperson

Criticized former President Donald Trump’s comments about potentially not defending NATO members from a Russian invasion, calling them “horrifying and deranged.” On the same day, at an election rally in South Carolina, Mr. Trump said that the leaders of the major NATO member countries he had met with in the past told him

That if NATO did not pay its contributions and was attacked by Russia, the United States would He revealed that he was asked if he would defend him. It did not mention the names of member countries. Trump reportedly

Replied to the leader, “I will not defend your country. On the contrary, I will tell Russia to do whatever it wants. You have to pay the contributions.” Asked about the remarks, White House Press Secretary Bates said: “ It is horribly deranged to encourage the brutal Putin regime to invade our closest allies

. It threatens the stability of the United States and the American economy.” Article 5 of the NATO Treaty provides for collective security, under which a member state has an obligation to defend another member state if it is attacked. Trump, who is the front-runner in choosing the Republican presidential nomination,

Was critical of NATO during his time as president, and frequently talked about withdrawing from the treaty. Some U.S. polls show Trump ahead of Democratic President Biden, and European allies are concerned that Trump’s re-election could undermine America’s commitment to NATO. There is. The first thing to note is that

Regarding the issue of not paying contributions, there is no NATO member country that is required to make contributions and has no intention of not paying them. So, the point here is that although it is called contributions, what Mr. Trump is referring to is

Meeting the 2% defense spending ratio of GDP of each country required of NATO member countries. It seems that you are talking about whether or not it is met. Among NATO member countries, there are many countries that do not reach this 2% GDP ratio, and European countries rely on the NATO framework and

Leave their national security to the United States. There is. They are free riding on the system. I have made such criticisms. In fact, European countries have significantly lowered the quality of their military budgets,

Believing that once the NATO system was established, it would be highly unlikely for any country to pick a fight with NATO . Each country has worked hard to develop its own economy in the form of receiving the so-called peace dividend . So, is there any meaning in what Mr. Trump says now? Basically,

It is nothing more than a 100% harmful statement that President Putin would enjoy. As a member of NATO, there is a sense of security that Russia is protected from other countries, which is why we are in the current economic situation, and

Russia is actually using military force to invade Ukraine. In the current international situation, even if a country is a member of NATO, if the country’s defense budget does not reach its target, even if it is attacked, it will not help it, and in

Fact, it will not help Russia, which is attacking it. If the United States were to make such statements, European countries’ confidence in the United States would decline significantly. And President Putin is happy to see such a scene. I said that such statements are basically 100% harmful, but

Showing solidarity has a deterrent effect to some extent. For example, in 2022, reports that Russian troops have begun to gather on the border of Ukraine have begun to be published in various media, and the question of whether or not an invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops will actually take place

Has become a topic of debate. Ta. At a time like this, American diplomacy, especially President Biden’s statements that made it seem unlikely that the United States would use military force, became a major problem. This was criticized, saying that it would not be

Surprising if President Putin took the approach of “Ah, invasion is OK.” By the way, Ukraine is not a NATO member state, so even if Ukraine were invaded, NATO member states would have no obligation to engage in its defense. Therefore, as long as there is no defense obligation,

The United States can never be given a strict order to use military force. However, if he becomes vague and takes into account all possible options, he becomes a little hesitant about what he is going to do, and his words serve as a check on the president when he closes up a little. must.

In reality, it can be imagined that President Putin continued with the order to allow the invasion, believing that President Biden could not do anything, but there is a difference between at least one word and whether or not to check it.

And after hearing Trump say that if they don’t meet their defense budget goal of 2%, even if they are NATO members, they will be left alone even if they are attacked, countries are increasing their defense budgets. As we move forward, the question arises as to whether that is really all we need.

Even if they only have conventional military forces, there are many countries that would not be able to withstand an attack by Russia if they were alone . In Europe, there are many countries that are economically challenged and have limits on how much they can strengthen their own military .

Among such countries, an issue that can be seriously discussed as an option is the issue of nuclear arms. It is quite possible that we would be better protected from invasion by Russia if we had nuclear weapons rather than conventional weapons . At least Ukraine was not a nuclear state, so

Russia’s threat of nuclear weapons was quite effective. Nuclear weapons have been repeatedly warned against countries providing military aid to Ukraine, warning them that they might use nuclear weapons . Given the circumstances in which military aid to Ukraine was initially provided in small amounts and then gradually increased,

It is now recognized that such intimidation with nuclear weapons was effective. And this attitude of unwillingness to engage in the defense of countries whose defense budget does not exceed 2% of GDP is not limited to European countries. This will also have an impact on the situation in Asia.

Since Japan and South Korea are not members of NATO, the goal of a defense budget of 2% of GDP is completely unrelated . must assemble a defense. However, Japan’s defense budget has remained at 1% of GDP for a long time. Therefore, from Mr. Trump’s perspective,

Japan is seen as a country that does not pay any money to protect its own country. Recently, the Kishida administration finally attempted to increase the defense budget, but it has not yet reached 2% of GDP. At last, it has increased from 1% to 2% of GDP.

Therefore, similar to what Mr. Trump said about NATO member countries, countries that do not provide defense budgets of 2% of GDP to Japan and South Korea, If the United States were to say that it would not rush in as reinforcements even if attacked,

That would have a huge impact on the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the Japan-U.S. alliance. And in the same way as before, the issue of nuclear weapons has come up as an issue for South Korea and Japan. Mr. Trump’s comments are considered extremely problematic

In the sense that they could lead to such a debate . And when a discussion like this occurs, there is more to the story than we need to think about. For example , if Mr. Trump develops diplomacy that says that if Japan does not provide a defense budget of 2% of GDP,

The United States has no intention of defending Japan, and the Japan-US military alliance will be dissolved. , Then, if you’re wondering if Japan can refuse it, the problem is that it can’t. This is because, if such a relationship were to be severed,

Japan would be in a situation where it would have no alliances or allies, and would be in a situation where it would be adjacent to these three countries: Russia, North Korea, and China. Japan is now in a very dangerous situation, having to stand alone against

China, which has a military budget of 30 trillion yen every year and continues to expand its military . There are people who talk about the current Chinese military while still harboring illusions about the Chinese military of the last century, but it has

Already been nearly 20 years since the military budget exceeded Japan’s, and the current Chinese military is completely unbelievable. You should face the reality that you are dealing with someone who is not your partner. When there was a Japan-U.S. alliance and when there was no alliance, it is clear that

The balance of military power would be in a more dangerous state without an alliance unless we spend more on the defense budget alone.

The defense budget at this time will exceed 10 trillion yen, and there will be talk of whether we are aiming for 20 trillion yen, and while it may not be a big deal, given the current public opinion, it will be difficult to sustain this. And if such internal divisions deepen, we

Will end up entering an undesirable situation that will create chaos in Japan, which is a blessing to neighboring countries. However, the reaction of Republican Trump supporters to this is likely to be positive. Even if it has a big impact on the international situation,

From the American people’s perspective, there are reasons to support Mr. Trump’s statements. That’s because Mr. Trump is showing that talking about the United States keeping the world safe places too much of a burden on the United States, and that this burden should be lifted . Mr. Trump always

Talks about “America first” and “wanting to restore America’s glory,” but this is strictly America first, and he never talks about things like international peace. The prosperity of the country, the United States, comes first, and no matter what happens to other countries, that is no secret.For this reason, “deal” is often used to

Conclude negotiations that are advantageous for America. This is the number one priority, and the current situation is that we don’t really care about whether conflicts or wars will occur in countries other than the United States . This composition is not new;

The same can be said for World War I and World War II. For example, when the war in Europe became large-scale, America became the factory of the world. The United States produced large amounts of military supplies and daily necessities needed by Europe, and exported them to Europe.

The enormous amount and amount of money contributed greatly to the development of the American economy. That is why there was a strong opinion within the United States that the United States should not be involved in the war in Europe . The fundamental reason why we shouldn’t get involved

Is a little different now than it was then, but at least from the perspective of Trump supporters, it would not lead to American citizens directly participating in a war. It should be understood that a public opinion is growing that the modern NATO system is no longer a nuisance to them.

In each country’s political situation, what people place most importance on are not security or foreign policy issues. This is purely a domestic policy issue. If we talk about President Biden’s economic policies, at least the American economy is doing well to some extent and there are no major problems.

On the contrary, although there are problems such as the feeling of overheating of the economy and the struggle to control rising prices, at least the American economy is not in a major recession. Therefore, political issues within the United States, such as the disparity between rich and poor,

The hardship of living due to high prices, illegal immigration, and even abortion, are concerns of the American people, and they are not outside the United States, but are entirely within the United States. It is located in Therefore, when it comes to the presidential election,

Whether Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden will win will depend on which side the so-called floating voters will vote for, as a matter of domestic circumstances in the United States . The problem here, too, is that President Biden is not necessarily a very strong candidate, but rather

Someone who would have no choice but to be chosen. Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are already quite old, their words are sometimes rash, and they are full of tsukkomi. When evaluating this political situation, experts on American politics say that the situation is

Not what it is now because President Biden became president, and that the situation is what it is now because Mr. Trump became powerful. There are people who explain the level of corruption within the United States, saying that only such a person is likely to become the current leader because of

The dissatisfaction of the American people or because the level of political thinking has declined. . Japan has nothing to say about the domestic political situation and policies of the United States, and it is just a matter of diplomatic relations between Japan and the United States

. They will probably ask for more than a trillion yen, and they will also ask for 100% of the cost of stationing the US military bases. Regarding that point, Mr. Trump has expressed such intentions for some time, so it will be a matter of course. So, although Mr. Trump’s recent remarks are

Basically aimed at NATO member countries, the possible impact of these statements is not only an increase in the military budgets of NATO countries, but also an increase in military budgets . This has led to the issue of nuclear proliferation, such as whether they should have nuclear weapons at all costs.Furthermore,

In the same way, South Korea and Japan, which have military ties with the United States, have been forced to increase their military budgets, I explained that this statement was likely to stimulate debate about the idea of ​​arming nuclear weapons . Trump is not currently president. However, if you become president,

It would be good to remember that the world may find itself in a situation where you will have to have such a conversation . So, that’s it for this video. Thank you for watching until the end. If you haven’t subscribed to the channel, please do so. After watching the video,

Please click the rating button and leave a comment with your thoughts. See you again in the next video. See you again! death


Donald Trump says he ‘would encourage’ Russia to attack non-paying Nato … https://youtu.be/x7HE6bCe24g?si=32WNfaGO_eIs_M6G @YouTubeより

Donald Trump says he would “encourage” Russia to attack Nato https://youtu.be/jGP1hJJNstI?si=jNjfN8ebOh4aazTT

神河が征く ツィッターアカウント https://twitter.com/KK_NewsNetwork











#ニュース解説 #時事問題 #神河かおる  #神河が征く


  1. たとえ経済力が小さい国でも防衛費2%を国を守るのに使わない国に他の国が人とお金を使うのは難しいのでは!

  2. トランプ前大頭領が演説している時、観衆は拍手喝采でした😔アメリカの国民の本音に、モンロー主義の孤立だと思いますネ🤔第一次世界大戦も第二次世界大戦の時も、アメリカの参戦に国民と議会は反対している😔アメリカ国民に戦争で被害者が出て、初めて参戦している😔日本の現状は、故安倍晋三政権時にアメリカとの協力関係が最高レベルだったけど、今の岸田じゃ👋と思いますネ🥵

  3. 日本も核保有国にならなければウクライナのようになる、あの北朝鮮でも核があるだけでどこも手を出せない。

  4. 「むしろプーチンを煽ってやる」と言うのは極端だと思うが…


    少しずつでも良いので 日本も自分で自分を守れるようにしていかないと いつまで経っても発言力が無いままでしょう

  5. トランプは日本は一日で核武装できると言ってたし、自分の国は自分で勝手に守ってくれということだろう。アメリカは守らないから世界の国は自由に核武装すればよい、ということだろう。果たして、アメリカ国民もそう思うか、だろう。

  6. どの国でも自国1stは当然の事ですが、流石にアメリカ大統領候補又は大統領が、「あなたの国は自国の軍事予算が少ないから、もしもロシアが攻めてきたとしても、むしろ勧める」というのは、領土的野心を抱く中露にはお墨付きを貰ったようなもの。これは看過できませんが、かと言って大統領選はアメリカ国内の事。何も出来ないのは心配ではありますが、今現在ウクライナがロシアによる武力侵攻を受けてるとはいえ、世界大戦には繋がっておらず又、世界的に保たれてる平和が如何に微妙なバランスの上に成り立ってるかを、この動画で知りました。

  7. 私は何も知らないのに知ったかぶりで言うと日本は日米関係よりASEAN関係を重視してASEAN同士で協力して防衛すると言う意見をどこかで聞きました。一国だけで自国は守るには無理なので。そういう考えもありだと思います。

  8. トランプさんは大統領時代に、日本と韓国の核武装を容認してました。

  9. 「自由・民主主義」は「軍事力」によって守られているという現実を認めるべき・・。という事・?トランプは「金も払わず、守って欲しいなど論外」「支払うべき金を払ってから言え・」というだけなのでは・?

  10. 車に例えれば、自国がハンドルを握る運転席にはエアバッグをつけるが、その他の国が座る助手席にはコスト削減でエアバッグを省く。

  11. バイデンが認知症で退場して、トランプが選挙で勝ったは良いが脳溢血で退場してしまい、後のアメリカに誰も居なくなった。何て事を想像してしまった。

  12. American Firstと大統領時代の時によく言っていたのだからトランプの発言には驚きは無い。NATO加盟国がロシアに攻められても利益にならないと思っているのだろう。

  13. トランプの発言はもはや雑なだけになってきたな。

  14. アメリカが超大国になったのは植民地政策よりは神河さんの話すように二度の大戦による戦争特需で、世界の軍事予算が増えて軍拡化が進む方がアメリカの商機になるから都合がいいんだよね。ちなみに日本は戦後まもなくして起きた朝鮮戦争特需で産業が潤って成金が増えたとか

  15. G7でトランプの味方が安倍元首相だけだった時がある。安倍元首相が亡くなったのは




  16. 日本が中露の見方につくとなった方が米国にとってはヤバい状況だと思うけどね。

  17. つまり、2%にしたら守るてことだよね。そもそも、そういう約束になってるんだかは、特に問題でしょう。日本は核抑止力を持つべき!

  18. プーチンの思想は人類愛と程遠い

  19. 聖ロシアのプーチン師を「グローバリズム=DSと闘う現代のメシア」と礼讃する、赤や橙色の信者が、トランプ大統領の再来を指折り数えて待ちながら、ウクライナの壊滅に随喜の涙を流さんとする光景は、実に無学でグロテスクの極みです

  20. 日本の安保環境を鑑みれば防衛費のGDP比2%という数字は全く不足。米中露のような広大な領土を持つ訳ではなく、核・通常弾頭を問わずミサイルで大量攻撃されたら国民の逃げる領域はないも同然。核ミサイルを保有、又は保有しようとしている露中北の3国と対峙(すでにこの言葉が適当)しているのは日本だけで、せいぜい韓国が準ずる程度で、このような環境に置かれている国は世界に無い。平和温泉に浸かっている余裕などないことを理解する必要がある。今は西ドイツが対応したように緊急に国債を発行し、防御と継戦能力を高めることに注力しなければならない。2〜3年は傾注する必要がある。今は全力で備える事が最優先。のらりくらりと防衛論議を伸ばす公明党とは連立解消と言える腹が岸田首相にあるかも問いたい。

  21. (私は) "浮動票" と "不動票" (=固定票) ごっちゃになって長い間 間違って使っておりました。 いつも公平で冷静で上品で賢くなる解説ありがとうございます。

  22. 日本から孰れ米軍が引き揚げることに成ったとしても、自国を守れる軍事力を持っていればいい。現状を見ると、日米安保に頼りきりだね。少数精鋭、特殊工作組織、秘匿性の高い情報戦争に秀でた国に成ることが必要です。

  23. 日本は早急に憲法改正、自衛隊の国軍化をすべき。核保有の在り方も議論すべき。核兵器を持つのか、持たないのか?ではなく、どう持つか?だ。

  24. このトランプという人物!その時の感情を簡単にすぐに言葉にだす!これが世界のトップに立つ大国の大統領としての資質がある人物でしょうか?彼の頭の中では損か得かの二者選択しかないのでしょう?アメリカもとんでもない人間を担ぎ出したもんです!

  25. トランプ&共和党がウクライナ支援予算と不法移民問題を天秤に掛けて

  26. 日米同盟解消米軍撤退と成ればGDP2%ってレベル処か最低20%以上が現実をこの国の連中は判ってないからなそうなれば社会保険なんてぶっ飛ぶし国のインフラ予算もぶっ飛んでたち

  27. いやトランプさんでOK👍核保有に日米安保破棄だな、そうなれば傾国との外交も元に戻せるよね竹島もアメリカに遠慮しないで奪還出来る、アジアで一番の軍事大国を目指せ👍🇯🇵🙌

  28. バイデン大統領は、何も出来なくロシアのウクライナ侵攻を許容したのではなく、わざと侵攻させ中国が台湾侵攻のときまで、できるだけロシアを弱体化させ中露の協同軍事作戦をはぐ意図があったのでは。

  29. トランプは米国を約束を守らない国にするつもりか。米国が約束を守らないなら、米国債はたちまち価値を失い、米国はどこからも資金調達ができなくなって終わる。

  30. そもそも条約に書いてない理由で場合によっては助けないんじゃ全く条約の意味がない

  31. つまり、もうアメリカは“それどころではない”という実態だ。アメリカ社会はもう回復不能なくらいにバイデン政権下で破壊されている。実際、都市部の白人層を中心に海外への逃避が目立って来ている。日本へも沢山の移住希望のアメリカ人が来ている。

  32. 私がアメリカ大統領だった場合、日本のためにサンフランシスコやロサンゼルスを犠牲にする事はしない。日本が国防に自立すべきというのは当然やね。

  33. ビジネスマンらしいドライな判断とも思えるけどね

  34. 核武装論に発展しちゃいましょうよ!