Britain and Japan intervened, Tanzania resisted, yet China restarts China-Tanzania cooperation.

China and Tanzania’s cooperation on the Bagamoyo Port project faced interruptions due to political shifts and external interventions. Despite Tanzania’s initial reluctance, China has shown willingness to revive the project, emphasizing the longstanding friendship and past collaborations, notably the construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway. This railway, a symbol of China-Africa friendship, witnessed China’s significant assistance and commitment over nearly five decades. The Bagamoyo Port project holds strategic importance for Tanzania’s economic development and global connectivity ambitions. Despite challenges, China remains Tanzania’s trusted partner, reflecting the enduring bond between the two nations.


  1. .Both Britain, now no longer great and Japan a failed civil engineering nation used underhanded tactics, false promises and above all, financial gynastics and diplomacy to convince the few in power to change sides…
    China should no longer have anything to do with this African Judas and let that corrupt country sink…
    If more and more nations acted like Samoa, Argentina and Tanzania which after accepting Chinese investments then renege on its contracted undertakings, China will lose untold amount of money which she can use to better her own nation and interests…

  2. BTW, Chinese narrators and commentators have a bad habit to repeat the same story over and over again to draw out the post…
    It is unnecessary and tedious for us to watch and can turn other views off…
    Cut this practice out,…It is toally unnecessary!

  3. In chinese culture there is Confucious term called 'Gentleman' literary means noble man i.e. man of wisdom, man of his words, etc. The opposite is Xiao Ren ' small people' i.e. two faces, snake head, only interest, transactional i.e. can not be trusted.

  4. I hope China will be careful in dealing with countries practising western democracy. Every 4/5 years, they change their presidents and the trust and investment in Tanzania is a pure waste of time, manpower.
    Similarly too China's dealings and investment in Argentina and the Philippines.

  5. Tanzania under Magufuli declined the offer from the Chinese, because the contract was never beneficial to Tanzanians only to chinese. If the resume has to take place, we need to revise some terms in the contract so it will be benefiacial to both two countries

  6. Am sorry but the first deal was explotative and that's why the late president magufuli broke it , china wanted a lease on the port for 99years that was too long . So it had to be broken down and re negotiated to 33 years it'snot that he didn't want chinese help but 99 yrs is way to much

  7. Hard lesson for Tanzania. Tanzania should not trust Japan nor the UK. They are not interested in Tanzania and Africa's interests. It is always their own interests under US command. .

  8. Tanzania is not poor, The new President decided to honour the contract to keep friendship, They might require expertise but can finance the construction of a port.

  9. Is this a robot talking? A lot of repeat. The video time can be halved even less! People don’t get hooked to listen to repetitive information. It does not hook people!! If you want more viewers please take heed instead of persisting in your dead end videos.

  10. Tanzania should realise that the UK & Japan are only trying to corrupt the Africans leaders which they had done it in the past but the Chinese always honoured their agreement They couldn't get the price of the rail for less than 1 billion, look at HS2 in UK more than 50 billions £££ still not completed.

  11. It is a waste of time to repeat over and over again over a couple of small points which is done to prolong the video. What a shame, otherwise a very interesting video.

  12. Tanzania did want to give the the land to them it is exploitation. And tazara was built for the sake of china so that they can sell easly their products and reach market easly so it didnt build for tanzania it is for china

  13. Nonsense. No the conditions where parasitic. Crazy conditions only mad man will accept according to late president John Pombe Magufuli which is true. These are the conditions: 1. Tanzania should not develop any other port nor repair after this port is constructed( meaning Dar es salaam, Tanga and mtwara port with be gone) . 2. No using other port except bagamoyo port. 3. not ask the Chinese what they do including what they import and export ( this pose national security threat concern ). 4. Use the railway for free which Tanzania has been investing and constructing for years including the new SGR railway . 5. The Tanzania revenue Authority wasn’t allowed and had no power over that new bagamoyo city and port( in short behave like foreign land with different rules) . 6. The contract stated to own the port and bagamoyo city for 99 years. 7. If agreed then it means Tanzania agreed and promised the Chinese that they will make sure their investment will have return and if not return then they will extend again number of years . Remember how can you know they are making profit or lose without Tanzania revenue Authority going to collect tax or following up the imports and exports revenue charges 😅? . It doesn’t matter which countries people come from or race they belong. This project was suicidal. All these conditions when you read they are Trash. 😂😂😂😂😂

  14. Was it true that the late President Magufuli abandoned Bgm port project so as to invite Japan and Uk to take over!!?? That's completely nonsese. It was true that the Western Countries ( Uk & Japan included) were happy for the project's obandonment, due to their nerviousness of the Chinese rapid growing positive infruence to Africa. Remember, Magufuli's slogan regarding to economic investiments (both donestic or foreign) was "WIN-WIN" situation). As for the Chinese investiment on Bgm port project, the conditions set, did not conform with Magufuli's slogan. Hence, he abandoned the projet.

  15. It seems as if this video has been either produced by China or has been sponsored by China. The video distort what Magufuli really said or requested from the Chinese government, which was that China can use the port for 30 years instead of 99 years, and he gave the Chinese 2 weeks to respond. China sponsored the Sudan government in its fight against the SPLA instead of trying to intervene peacefully in that conflict, and this ultimately lead to the split of Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan. If China like peaceful existence why is China involved with territorial conflicts with its neighbours such as India, Vietnam and Phillipines. Today Sri Lanka has lost one of its port to China for 99 years as a result of China's debt trap.
    We are sorry that Tanzania has lost a great leader like Magufuli. Magufuli is dead and cannot answer all these accusations against him in this video.
    How were Africans treated by Chinese police and Chinese people in 2020 and 2021 during the covid-19 pandemic in China ?
    It is peaceful co-existence when China and some American doctors like Anthony Fauci unleashed to the world the covid-19 virus through gain of function research that was secretly undertaken at Wuhan Institute Of Virology, and was secretly sponsored by unscrupulous doctors like Anthony Fauci without the knowledge of US government, after Barack Obama. had banned this type of research in the US.
    Unfortunately wool and mohair farmers in Lesotho are victims of the cooperation between Lesotho and China, whereby many of our farmers became bankrupt or nearly became bankrupt because of not being paid their wool and mohair money for about 3 years.
    Africans be careful when dealing with China, and, be careful of these secret treaties which our African governments sign with China which give our countries' asserts to China for 99 years.
    China's interest is the welfare of its 1.5 billion people and not the welfare of African people or third world people.

  16. From what I have just seen on YouTube CNMega is a Chinese Channel which seem to be propagating the propaganda of the Chinese government. That is why in this video there are so many distortions about Magufuli, and his engagement with the Chinese Government.
    Magufuli was not pressured by either Britain and Japan to ditch the project, but, he had asked the Chinese to reduce the time for which the Chinese can use the port from 99 years (which is almost 100 years) to 30 years. Since Magufuli is dead and cannot answer for himself, that is why these Chinese and their puppets are making these accusations.
    There are many positive changes which Magufuli brought to Tanzania which were for the benefit of Tanzania, and, not for the benefit of loan sharks like China, USA, World Bank and IMF.
    One of the things he did was to cut international trips by government officials. How many international trips did Magufuli take during his presidency. The port was to be taken by China for 99 years if Tanzania failed to pay the loan which China had used to build that port. This is not what is mentioned in this video.
    The Chinese did not respond to Magufuli's request to reduce the time from 99 years to 30 years.
    This propaganda videos have been produced by China as a way of saving face because people in Africa and the rest of the world are waking up, and, have become aware of how countries such as China, USA and its allies are exploiting Africa.
    If China is busy talking about co-existence, why is it that today many people are fleeing from China, and, illegally entering western countries like USA and Canada ?
    Why is it that China has built so many Ghost Towns or Cities in which no one is living ?
    My African brothers and sisters China is going down, and, it does not want to go down alone.
    Tanzania is not as poor as portrayed by these Chinese propagandists. Tanzania has a thriving mining industry.
    Do not let your countries fall into China's debt trap like Sri Lanka and Zambia.
    China of Mao Zedong helped many countries in Africa during our struggle for independence in many ways from weapons and educating some of our people in China. That is why people in Africa were friendly to China, and, why China and Chinese were readily accepted by many people in Africa. China of that time did not destabilise Africa, nor cause coups, civill wars nor regime changes. All these atrocities were committed the world over by western countries like USA, UK, Germany and France whilst teaching us about the god of the Bible.
    Unfortunately it seems the modern China which has taken the capitalistic path has become imperialistic in its dealings with African countries and other countries in Asia.
    Therefore when dealing with Africa, China has fallen into the same bracket of imperialists as USA, UK, Germany and France.
    In most African countries today people do not like the Chinese people because they consider themselves superior to the local people.
    Why did the Pakistanis try to bomb the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan ? Why do Pakistan people at ground level hate the Chinese people ?

  17. Azam wanacheza rafu sana.ikumbukwe kuwa walimuumiza vibaya sana skudu siku ya mechi ya azam yanga wakati mashindano ya ngao ya jamii mwanzoni mwanzoni mwa msimu huu. Jambo hili ni vema litizamwe kwa makini zaidi kwa kuwa linaharibu sifa njema ya mchezo wa soka. Soka ni burudani na siyo vita Wala uhasama. Azam waache chuki zakishamba

  18. Some truth was not told, some lies were told in it. Offensive to our latest interest. I sugest to everone. After watching this, search for President Magufuli's Stance on the Development of the Bagamoyo Port. Then you can Underatand. This video Insulted the Inteligence of The Late President, who was very Patriotic and Charismatic

  19. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the infamous National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA complementary organization, fomented conflict between the Chinese and Tanzanians.

  20. What a propaganda coverage on Bagamoyo Port! Magufuri was right on the port's future due to the fact that it was going to kill Tanzanian Dar es Salaam port. You need to report on both issues!

  21. Poor nations in this world must be aware of Western tricks to cause damage to relationship with China, a nation willing to help in the development of the less advance countries with no strings attached!

  22. 😳😳 Magafuli feels regretfull…!?? Tanzania is shamelessly asking China for forgiveness…!?!? Tanzania's economy is too poor….!?!?

    Magufuli was damn right about the contract that was signed by the earlier president. If there is going to be a resume of the project, it would be a far better contract benefiting Tanzania and its people better, than the former contract.

    We dont care who we disappoint as long the contracts are so disadvantage to us.