China’s Diplomatic Dilemma: Japan, S Korea & Risk of Betrayal! Conversation w/Carl Zha! (Part 4)

Join me and Carl Zha as we discuss the economic/diplomatic dilemma facing China as it navigates its relationships with Japan & South Korea. Chinese Premier Li Qiang recently praised a restart in relations with the two countries, but can China truly trust them?
In this live discussion, we explore the risks of betrayal, drawing parallels to the Philippines’ shift in allegiance once new leadership took over. Stay informed on how US allies have historically responded to pressure from the US, urging China to proceed with caution in its international relations.

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Carl’s Bio:
Carl Zha is a Chinese-American Twitter user & influencer. He is the host of the Silk and Steel podcast (, which focuses on China, history, culture, and politics. Zha was born in China a month after Mao Zedong’s death and left for the U.S when he was 13. He is based in Bali, Indonesia


  1. Key questions are: Do these Japanese and S.Korean politicians have their citizens and nation's interest at heart? Are they independent leaders of a sovereign state? After all, who has foreign soldiers on their soil? We see what happened to Slovakia and Iran's leaders.

  2. The Asian / Chinese connection is there between NKorea + SKorea + Japan! They ALL read and write, inherited the Chinese script, they understand the script and language! They dress and inherited Chinese dress culture, they inherited Architecture and Architectural language!! Their Kings / Monarchy / History IS ALL derived from China….

    Thats why the West look at the surface of Asia and think everyone is either Chinese or Japanese etc!

    Taiwan IS NATIVE Chinese immigrants? From Fujian! just a few miles off the coast of China! There IS NO doubt that Taiwanese Eat, Sleep, Speak Chinese WHOLESALE! They speak mandarin! They write Chinese! THEY ARE CHINESE!!!

    ALL these countries understand Chinese culture! Lunar New year! Journey to the West! etc All these countries eat with chopsticks! White rice! Noodles! Their culture and sensibilities are closer CLOSER to Chinese / China than they are to America, the West! Hamburgers, Knife and Forks!

  3. Oh a good back and forth or panel, is get Carl, Warwick Powel, Einar Tangen?? OR to balance it out abit more IF YOU COULD i dont know maybe someone Western like Jeffrey Sachs etc

    Oh btw regarding Scott Ritter not getting back to you… its probably nothing personal and just a time and resources thing….

    And i totally get it when people dont reply its like applying for work….. chasing and chasing and then its just a waste of time and disrespectful…… but i totally get it if people dont even have time to respond….

  4. Korea abstained in UN votes against China on Hong Kong and Xijiang being only US ally other then Hungary too do so
    Korea also uses huawei and is part of BRI
    So they’re much better

  5. Also the opposition party in Korea has almost 2/3 seats after midterm election and they want friendly relations with China and both parties said Korea won’t participate in a Taiwan war against China

  6. Also the opposition party in Korea has almost 2/3 seats after midterm election and they want friendly relations with China and both parties said Korea won’t participate in a Taiwan war against China

  7. Q
    Since WWII Japan lost its sovereignty and became a vassal to the USA…. Japan cannot defy the USA as the USA is already occupying Japan with a huge military force of 50000 that can destroy Japan in an instant the moment Japan seeks independence…. forgive David I have no respect for Japan, South Korea and the likes despite their advancement…. they're still slaves to the USA and the USA allowed them to prosper only because they can help the USA to attack China….😮

  8. Good evening Dr David Oualaalou, South Korea, Japan Philippines Australia are poodles in Camp Joe Biden. When US orders the poodles to ban Huawei, the 40 military poodles of USA implemented the bans.

  9. No. Japan and South Korea are just like a disposable guard dog. They don't have their head with them. They will agree whatever USA told them. They are just a good dog, who like barking at on behalf of their owners.

  10. Nice work Doc … People must know the truth… People must know the real problem then they can think of fixing it…but for decades mainstream media amused Ppl with fake problems and hided the real ones

  11. 44:07 i was watching that show and i really wondered when i saw scott started to talk like neocons…. that a fact that today Russia, china and Iran r the only adults in the room

  12. America has always wanted to crush and kill Russia for many years.. Before 2012 there was no war between Ukraine and Russia. America lost its Rag and impatients,,no war was appearing in the next few years. America Angrily broke out and decided to start the war in Ukraine 2014 and kept it going for next 8 years against ethnic Russian people in Ukraine. Russia had to come in and save it's ethnic Russian people. America in 2014 illegally violently overthrowed the Ukraine legal government . and set in place itself and the NATO Nazis death squads as the illegal puppet Government. Every where America illegally invades countries it doesn't take long America always like to start the war against it new victim and backward America always blames the the innocent victim..

  13. Hi Dr.,please invite Matthew Ehret and V from RogueNews 🙏 pkease!I believe Carl knows Matthew,you won't regret it,those two are both a powerhouse of geopolitical knowledge, so please try to get them both for your panel!

  14. Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Australia, will betray China to the US and NATO. Both Japan and South Korea invited US troops on their homegrounds. Australia often deploys her troops alongside the US and NATO, in all major conflicts around the world. Australia UK and USA are members of AUKUS. Australia Japan and US are members of QUAD and SQUAD.

  15. Thanks for this video.
    Nice always to see you both.
    I like also to listen both Scott and Carl because I like both of them sadly to say it will not happen too soon again.
    I heard all conversation between them, it was something without mimics two intelligent individuals.
    Carl did not take anything personally or insult anyone or anything like that. On the other side I did not expect Scott would push that conversation his way or highway.
    It is good to know how they both present themselves amazing differences.
    Carl is intelligent, happy man who showed that nothing will push him out of his emotions yet certainly I must say Carl is not a stupid or be called stupid.
    Scott as an American at least speaks his honest mind with American attitude.
    Good to know both.

  16. S Korea and Japan will lose their 1st world status if war ensues. Both will have to start from the bottom again because their demographics are against early repair and reconstruct. In the case of Marcos Jr. he is now a puppet of US. This is because his father's ill gotten wealth of 400 million is being investigated and will be seized by IRS if found to be 'dirty' money. The trial is held in abeyance because Marcos Jr became president in what is an US planned operation in the Philippines election. Now he has to do what Washington tells him to do. US is also interfering in Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar and in fact all the Asean countries. Asean is having a tough time pushing back against the US dollar effect.

  17. While the US like to have allies against China , such as South Korea, Japan, Australia , Phillipines and India. There are some who would like the US getting into a war with China!!The population of Taiwan are evenly divided as supporting independence for Taiwan from China Most Taiwanese doesn't want independence for Taiwan as this would provoke China to take back Taiwan militarally. Japan would be happy if the US would invade and take over Taiwan as. Taiwan is the world's supplyer in the chip industry under the excuse of supporting Taiwan's desire for independence and democracy. But the Taiwanese doesn't want a China US war. It would cause the destruction of Taiwan just like what's happening in Ukriane.The reason why some Taiwanese want an independent Taiwan is because Japanese ethnic Taiwanese wants Taiwan to become a US base. They unconsciously want a China US war. Japanese had been nuke by the US. They want the US take a taste of their own medicine!! Japanese don't forget so easily while they consciously alled with the US!!

  18. Very much like the western European don't trust the eastern European, Chinese doesn't trust Japanese in political issues. Culturally, Japanese mentality is that they are better any other east Asian. And they don't think human beings are equal, even within Japanese. They won't see any thing done against the Chinese on an agreed issue "betrayal" at all.

  19. Can the world trust China?, says the guy in the initial video comment section. Well as an adult of African descent, I am willing to trust ANYTHING compared to this wicked corrupt backwards and twisted society and leadership in America. Many of our so called white people believe that Treasonous Donald Trump is the solution for America. This puts the entire nation in danger. Trump is utterly ignorant and wicked minded and corrupt. America needs help