Election Chaos!

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India’s stock market took its worst tumble in four years after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s BJP lost its parliamentary majority in a surprise outcome.

This result means that Modi will need to rely on smaller parties to form a governing majority in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s parliament, raising uncertainty about the Indian leader’s ability to pursue his pro-business agenda.

Surprise election results in Mexico and South Africa also shook markets over the last week. Should investors worry about the effect elections can have on markets?

Manoj Pradhan on Twitter: https://x.com/ManojPradhanTHM

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  1. How many dead people or blank ballots will come In at 3am this year in the USA? When the rats forced poll workers to leave while they paused the count and then the rats instantly made their cartoonish comeback, what percentage of votes were demonrat? 88%? Higher, yet we laugh at Putin for getting 88%?

    Cmon man

  2. Something funny is that the USA is loosing their minds because Claudia Sheinbaum has Jew ascendance and is probably Jew too

    While here it wasn't even a total non issue for most sane people

  3. So what you're saying is the educated urbans have voting dominance in India, which is why Modi is a clear winner, while the educated urbans in America can barely keep Biden in power while the fly over states Bharats have more power to vote Trump in the back into the office. I wonder why the rural uneducated in America wield so much influence compared to in India.

  4. You are entirely wrong about reduced majority of BJP in north India. I am from here and wrong candidate selection plus fear mongering from the opposition along with cash handouts led to reduced seats. make sure you find correct analysts about India

  5. Why the title says chaos? Clickbait? It was super well organised, they were fair and transparent. It is a great achievement to conduct voting for the population of 1.4 billion. But you call it chaos? So that people who already believe everything in India is chaos will click! No?

  6. Yeah, those poor Indian farmers dont even benefit from the investment funds set up as part of soft power projection by the Uk govt. and designed to uplift the rural poor (something the indians should do themselves instead of launching objects to crash on the moon?!) The bank for poor farmers has been a source of low interest loans for India's wealthiest businessmen.

  7. It's a bit strange to think that the market fell in India because of fears a coalition government with a reduced result will have difficulties passing reforms when in fact what fell were shares of companies that win government contracts because of their support of Modi.

  8. Modi is good internationally if he can get manufacturing into India. The reason is geopolitical. There is a reason that a Hong Kong Trader was arrested for manipulation in India's stock market. There is a lot of money and when this election ends, the money supply will increase and we will likely see money move into stocks and speculative assets. China and India are geopolitical rivals and internationally if they compete economically this would create tensions but weaken the dominance of China in Manufacturing. China started trying to take military manufacturing which is a major no no for any rising power. It almost always leads to war when they have excess weapons and a weakening economy. Hence why they want Taiwan to be more controlled.

  9. India actually had higher growth under the UPA terms and corruption scandals have plagued Modi's party as well. Its just that the conversation has been shifted to communal rhetoric and scam stories die quickly.