The Forgotten Trip That TRANSFORMED Modern China (ft. Deng Xiaoping)

Is Japan a friend or foe of China? Though relations between the two nations are deep & complex, Deng Xiaoping’s historic trip to Japan in 1978 (the first standing Chinese leader to visit Japan in over 2000 years of China-Japan relations) changed modern China’s destiny – and its impact is not often talked about.

Just over 3 decades after Deng Xiaoping sat on Japan’s famed Shinkansen bullet train, China has not only matched Japan in economic & industrial power but surpassed it – now boasting the fastest and longest high-speed rail network in the world.

Find out more about Deng’s visit in this video, how Japan & China became best friends, and why the relationship fell apart.

0:00 – Intro ft. Deng Xiaoping
1:00 – Why Deng visited Japan
2:40 – When China became BEST friends with Japan
4:15 – The Japanese leaders who helped China (ft. Panasonic)
6:43 – The aftermath of Deng’s visit to Japan
7:59 – Why did China-Japan relations sour?

Special thanks to Ezra Vogel (the world’s leading Sinologist & Japanologist at the time) whose books were very insightful when making this video.


  1. The real harms really came from the outside of the Asian Continent, these foreign powers stirred the serious trouble in Asia. They pit Asian nations against each other! They're the largest colonizers in the past, it's said the sun never sets within their colonies due to vastness of the territories, from side to side around the globe.

  2. I thought it was quite the opposite. What Deng learned really from the economic model of Singapore when he visited with his 18 delegates in November 1978, then Senior Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China. Deng Xiaoping made his first and only official visit to Singapore – the last stop on his three-nation tour of Southeast Asia that included Thailand and Malaysia. He launched the economic reform immediately after he met with Singapore's founder and visionary nation-builder Lee Kuan Yew. He, indeed, enlarged the scale of the Singapore model provided.

  3. Timestamps (and further reading):
    0:00 – Intro ft. Deng Xiaoping
    1:00 – Why Deng visited Japan
    2:40 – When China became BEST friends with Japan
    4:15 – The Japanese leaders who helped China (ft. Panasonic)
    6:43 – The aftermath of Deng's visit to Japan
    7:59 – Why did China-Japan relations sour?

    Deng's visit to Japan:

    Japan's ¥3.6 trillion contribution to China:

    China Reform Friendship Medal for Konosuke Matsushita (Founder of Panasonic):

    Ezra Vogel's books on China & Deng are 100% worth a read too.

  4. We need more friendship & collaboration between the Asian countries! This is proof that it's possible (as long as outside forces don't interfere) 💪

  5. Small in stature! But huge in terms of foresight, courage & unwavering conviction to make China great again with bold strategies & well thought out plans. Which was not only unfathomable & can be deemed anti-communist ideals. Also, none of President Deng's dreams would've been possible if Chairman Mao was still alive. Great people, do great things without asking for permissions. President Deng was the instigator & President Xi is the closer. China's renaissance & unbelievable progress is only possible cos of these 2 selfless men. Thank you

  6. Outstanding Video, clear, concise and un-bias Deng Xiaoping will go down in history as one of the greatest leaders. From the poorest country with tons of internal issues, to the richest.

  7. China and Japan could have remained allies if not for the US who corrupted the Japanese Govt and replaced it with pro-west elites

  8. All the Japanese need to do is to apologise for their horrendous and inhumane war crimes, not just to China but also the rest of South East Asia. But they won't and so the hatred and animosity continue.

  9. It was SINGAPORE that inspired Deng the most

    Deng was in awe when he saw how Lee Kuan Yew developed the Chinese people to modernity.

    Lee Kuan Yee told Deng if they can do it, China can do it better with all the talents in China

  10. Any American who has visited China recently and can see that China has surpassed the US in so many areas would wish we have an American Deng Xiao Ping, instead of a Trump or Biden as our choices for president. Is it that hard to find another JFK in the US?

  11. This is actually a very good video. unbiased and informative. Alot of supporting evidence to backup your message or claim like the Lee Kuan Yew statement on Deng. Keep up the good work.

  12. I like the thumbnail ❤
    That moment of Deng is surely my favorite, he looks like an old happy and honest man.
    He was surely a great socialist patriotic may he rest in peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️

  13. I m Chinese and 50 yrs ago My parents could barely have enough food to eat. It was like North Korea. Now we have 5G, largest network of high speed trains, cashless society , Mercedes and BMW everywhere on streets, luxury malls filled with brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci. And have one of the strongest military in the world. Our rovers are on the moon, our Tiangong space station is on the orbit. Our aircraft carrier groups are patrolling at the sea. It’s been day and night difference in 50 yrs. We are forever thankful to our great leader Dengxiao Ping

  14. As long as there's USA,, japan will not have peace with china. South korea vs n Korea. Now Philippines vs china. And Taiwan vs china.
    The problem is USA

  15. Glory to the patriots, liberators, revolutionaries and workers of the motherland! Glory to the Mao ZeDong and the workers party for establishing the new China! Glory to Deng Xiao Ping for turning China into a prosperous country! Glory to Xi JinPing for elevating China into the worlds Superpower!

    All praise the most high! Glory to the motherland! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

  16. China was able to rise to where it is today because it cannot be separated from the figure of the late Deng Xiaoping who led China by opening itself to the outside world in the late 1970s by inviting Entry of foreign investment

  17. Prior to his visit to japan, Mr. Teng also had visited SINGAPORE, and USa for that matter.

    And it was SINGAPORE, which city state was the main inspiration for Teng's opening up of CHINESE cities, (NOT the whole country) to the World!
    In 1978 only few Chinese cities were opened up for foreign investments,
    cities like 深圳 Shenzhen,
    珠海 Zhuhai, and
    汕頭 Shantou in Guangdong province,
    and 厦门 Xiamen (Amoy) in Fujian province.

    Those cities were picked for their reminiscent of the state of affairs, and economic ties of the two provinces had with SINGAPORE during the 50's .

    And since Singapore had developed into a successful world class trading centre, as well as a financial hub for the region.

    It was an open secret that Mr. Teng had also met & seek the then Prime minister of Singapore Mr. LEE KUAN YEW, (also an ethnic Chinese) for his incisive & state of the art advice on the course of development of the then CHINA to take.

    Mr. Teng's visit to Japan was a protocol trade visit trying to attract investments when the Red China finally opened up to foreign capitalist investments!
    And his visit to USa was of similar nature.

  18. Dalam hal ini orang mengatakan ketua DENG hebat. Di sisi lain mereka juga menyalahkan peristiwa 1989(Tiananmen). Jika DENG XIAOPING tidak tegas saat itu saya akan pastikan MAINLAND akan terpecah menjadi 5 negara berdaulat. Selang 1 tahun 1990-1991 peristiwa beralih ke UNI SOVIET. adakah orang jenius yang merasa aneh dengan peristiwa yang berjalan hampir bersamaan?😂

  19. They would have developed even without the trip; whereas, we Americans got cheap labor and also took advantage of Chinese made products in America! Lets be fair!

  20. I believe the TRIP that Deng Xiaoping took that inspired him to make China modern was his trip to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore because in Singapore he met Lee Kuan Yew. As Singapore's PM, Lee Kuan Yew transformed Singapore from a 3rd world country to a major economic one… in one generation. Deng was so impressed because he didn't expect to see Singapore to be so well developed. Deng asked Lee, "How did you do it?" Lee said, "I governed on the basis that Man works for himself and family first… then for the community." When Deng went back to China, HE SENT THOUSANDS OF HIS GOV'T OFFICALS TO SINGAPORE with instruction, "Learn as much as you can about Singapore and bring back what we can use." President Xi Jinping may have been one of them. But that's why China is what it is today. Thankyou Lee Kuan Yew… for showing China the way.

  21. the greed of the west's rich is what transformed china and turned them into a superpower and screwed us now we reap the rewards hahaha