Japan’s Energy Mix and the Fallout of Fukushima

My Climate Journey podcast hosted by Cody Simms

Guest: Isshu Kikuma, BloombergNEF

Japan is important to consider on the global energy stage. The country’s emissions footprint is considerably smaller than China and the U.S. While Japan’s energy footprint isn’t growing as rapidly as India’s, it’s still the fifth-largest emitter of any country globally, with emissions representing roughly three to 4% of the global total. Japan’s energy system is heavily fossil fuel-based, especially after it cut nuclear power generation from roughly one-third to zero in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima incident.

Full episode: https://mcj.news/ikikuma

1 Comment

  1. Here's the reason why they don't want you using fossil fuel. Because if we put that carbon back in the atmosphere where it once was, the earth will be capable of feeding dinosaurs. Abundance is the kryptonite of the owners of this world.