Why is the stock market freaking out today?

The Dow was set to open 1,300 points lower, and the broader market is on pace to plunge 4.5% Monday. The Nasdaq, full of risky tech stocks, was on pace to drop an alarming 6% and all of that comes amid a global market meltdown. CNN’s Rahel Solomon reports.

#cnn #news


  1. The left wings brainwashing is strong in this sheepish video! Infatuation is not zero and we all feel what Biden the pedo has done to our country for almost 4 years. GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP!

  2. What do we do? Hmm, gee, let me think. Maybe we tax the wealthy and give monthly tax rebates (gasp, don't call it universal basic income) to stimulate the economy instead of this made up BS called "the fed"

  3. Bidenomics at work. The market has been over-inflated for a long time, employment numbers have been wrong – Americans are losing their jobs and illegals are being hired. Costs of everything is up. Personal & credit card debt is over the top. The common person has been stretched to the limit and can't take it anymore.

    These policies need to change quickly. We need Trump back in the White House to straighten out this mess.

  4. The house of cards economy is falling apart ahead of the election. Who knew handing out taxpayer money like candy for student debt relief, foreign aid, etc would be so destructive…ah well now we know.

  5. Between the hard-liners in Israel and Iran it's going to start a war that no one wants, but all will have to pay for. Both sides (three sides more like) need to quit the crap, give the Palestinians a home (sorry Israel you need to give up some land and the illegal settlements on the West Bank, and Iran (and all their satellites) needs to agree to a non-aggression pact for all sides involved.

    But I'm dreaming because that region is so fueled by cultural differences and hate. So much so it is going to take a couple more generations to get something positive to happen.

  6. Democrats have used all federal agencies, including the federal reserve to help them and their ticket. The FBI no exception, even things like OSHA… the federal reserve raised interest rates trying to cool the inflation that reckless spending Democrats caused in 2021 2022 and 2023. Reckless reckless new deal inflation reduction act spending, which was just more climate change hysteria money… well now you’re feeling the effects of those raised interest rates that they had to enact to try to cool inflation. Raised interest rates caused fewer investors, fewer job creation, less jobs overall… 10 out of 14 of the last job reports had to be quietly corrected to show the true number, which was always a lot less than other federal agencies in the pockets of Democrats proffered.

  7. 29% credit cards, 10% car loans and 7% mortgages are eventually gonna break something. Consumers and businesses are getting killed with HIGH INTEREST RATES and HIGH PRICES! Damn you Kamala for creating our cost of living crisis.

  8. People have been expecting this for a few years. There's major damage to be repaired & it's going to take allot for the next administration to fix.

  9. look at the bright side, it took Trump a couple of years but ultimately we rebounded & recovered from the loses we took from the Obama administration.

  10. For people who know, the Estate Tax Exemption tax cuts might end next year and the wealthiest people don't want to pay for the counry that makes their wealth possible. American Billionaires need more private islands to play with little girls.

  11. It did piss me off a bit that I could not log in to my goddamn brokerage account. It cost me several hundred thousand dollars. One might think they could hire an IT flunkie who knows something about computers versus some dei shithead. I could buy a nice little house in many markets with what they cost me this a.m. Oh well, f it. I have two houses and a condo anyway.

  12. I listened to the radio Sunday. It wasca financial program.

    They had an issue with someone with a million saved.

    They didnt invest that million. Just saved it. Earning perhaps 1-2% yearly.

    These economists thought, that was terrible. If they knew how to invest like them, they'd be getting 7% yearly on their money.

    The program ends with, come invest with us.

    7% yearly?

    Oh, there's always the warning at the end. These results arent normal and it is a risk.

  13. The markets are where everyone’s 401K’s are wrapped up and people work hard to try to save. Nothing like having a Biden/Harris Administration to stagnate any growth for four years. People don’t want to make it eight years, Harris is done before she’s started.

  14. Every crash/collapse brings with it an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass up to $1m amid economy crisis, and even pull it off easily in favorable conditions. Unequivocally, the collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich

  15. The US want to let their politicians be bought off by the Israel lobby. Any wars Israel starts the US taxpayer is on the hook for. Good luck.