Here’s Why Robert Kiyosaki Borrows Money From Japan

Robert Kiyosaki tells where he borrows his money from.

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  1. The moment someone talks about gold and silver being real money like this guy you know it's a grift. Gold and silver also has inflation because its being mined, its only superior to paper money in that it takes more effort to increase the supply, so its harder to inflate maliciously, but it still inflates and it still has problems just like paper money. And theres no chance this guy wouldn't know that if he was legit, so the fact hes failing to mention it means he's not being genuine

  2. Japan along with Indians used to save money bcoz that habit usually stick with their dna. Its the traditional practice they done over hundreds of years even before this stupid paper money came to existence which only suck wealth from large population and spit to small group.

  3. In the beginning I thought he was honest to teach people but as most people in the social media he is always to sell his words and I don’t like that he is always putting himself in pedestal and talking sh..t about others 👎🏻

  4. The only beneficiary will be your kids and the Japanese tax collector. Remember it's only by the US printing that paper that he is wealthy. Otherwise he would be Japan, stuck in a deflating moribund economy for decades. If the fed stopped printing money and the economy crashed, that gold also crashes in value when there are fewer buyers who are all selling, while their fellow citizens eats from a food kitchen. His homes become worthless. Just think of the 08 crash and the 1920s when there was a gold standard. A few titans while the US citizen starved and the end of that was Hitler and the loss of those rich kids sons

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  6. He doesn't have to insult the Japanese…😢. These are probably the last remaining tribal nationals, who are generally very honest, very polite and very smart. Not very easy to find in this current global landscape and popculture. The Japanese are also one of the nations, with the most Silent Old Money Dynasties in the world, i mean the oldest companies in the world were created there, including the oldest pharma company; Takeda, Mitsubichi, Hitachi etc. Yet you will never hear too much about them being involved in conspicous consumption like their fellow asian brothers, because they're JUST TOO POLITE and honuorable. Say what you want about Japan; as a nation, they're are FAR more honourable, and sensible than the average American….Their Blood is PURE…..❤🇯🇵

  7. Not gonna say I'm a finance expert. But I'm honestly tired of seeing this guy say everyone's stupid when he's millions-billions in debt. Debt isn't all bad it can be good. But if you keep going more in debt how will he ever pay it off or his family? 🤔

    Can someone explain so I can understand this. 🤔🤔🤔