What’s the economic impact of ageing populations? | Counting the Cost

From the United States and Europe to Japan and China, the world’s population is growing older. By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and above is set to rise to 1.6 billion globally.

The rapid ageing of societies is raising concerns about the future of the global economy. So, is our world set for slow economic growth? Or can an ageing workforce help keep economies churning?

China’s steel exports are set to reach an eight-year high. We explore the global implications.

Plus, is gaming in trouble?

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  1. This is unfortunate for the nations facing an ageing population with Japan in the forefront. The nations experiencing this had no option but to rely on immigration to meet employment needs.
    Permit me to say that at the very beginning of creation God says for humanity to multiply and replenish the earth.
    Economic conditions has forced a departure from family expansion together with career individuals in marriages and relationships affecting family expansion and values.
    Govts need to insititute good Social Engineering programs to encourage family expansion which will replace our ageing populations. I write with interest and concern for the direction our nations are embracing. Change is needed . I believe Russia encourages Family expansion with benefits . Great show at Aljazeera. Keep up the good work.

  2. Australia addressed the problem of an aging population many years ago. They tackled the issue on two fronts, firstly setting stages when the age of retirement rose from 65 to 67 years. At the same time they made employers pay into superannuation funds for each worker, so that people have more money for their retirement.

  3. It's so scary that populations are aging in Japan and parts of Europe. Does this mean African migrants will be sources of labour in these countries? It is very difficult to argue with the tariffs imposed by Canada and USA against China because Chinese will dump cheap steel in their markets

  4. The saying that when Empires are Failing they resort to Wars. When the most Nations of the World are Collapsing they take you to a a War of Words & World Wars.

  5. The demographic reality is the fact that too many Humans have been removed from Farming.
    Consumers have no idea where food originates, or how it was produced.
    That appears to be a reality that has been overlooked.

  6. Only cancer and viruses grow until they destroy their host. Economy and population should follow all ecosystems and organisms, by reaching a mature steady-state. In areas where overgrowth induces excessive pressures, degrowth is appropriate. Less is more.

  7. GDP is Grossly Distorted Propaganda

    What is NDP?
    Net Domestic Product !!!

    Funny how economists do not say much about NDP. What kind of businessman does not know Net from Gross?

    You see there is Depreciation that economists subtract from GDP, at least when they want to. But that depreciation is only for Capital Goods.

    Consumer Durable Goods got added to create GDP also. But somehow the depreciation of Durable Consumer Goods disappeared into space. How many automobiles have American consumers trashed since Sputnik? There were 200,000,000 motor vehicles in the United States in 1995. Where did all of that Depreciation go?

  8. Earth is full of humans, nowhere in history 8 billions people live on earth, stop producing children for the next 30 years, which is the main reason for climate change. Save Forest, Animals and oxygen first. Otherwise 🌎 will end very soon due to global warming.

  9. No mention of climate change and how having more consuming people will cause more environmental damage. Also, no mention that having kids is just insanely expensive, and with everything costing so much more for the newer generation than their parents, why would they have kids?

  10. The real problem, which many talking heads have trouble admitting, is decreased taxation (less people to tax) along with increasing government expenditure on social welfare promises. The work force is already increasingly replaced by automation, so labor force shortage fears are fake.

  11. Governments to implement mandatory “assisted death” programs perhaps? Or maybe another virus that targets the elderly might just so happen to spread across the world?

  12. Your suggestion is unfair . You must involve in the discussion vulnerable group of society – feminist and woke culture. They were not able to describe their comprehensive approach to society in terms to shrinc demografy )