Why Japan Hasn’t Collapsed from Its Debt

Japan has the world’s highest government debts. While many nations are crumbling down, Japan had somehow survived.

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  1. Your reference to 1990 property bubble and stocks… Isn't this is what we are seeing in China now in 2024? Hence seems to see this trend coming on to China. Investers are moving out and foreign funds are not coming in….

  2. I wish India finds extremely giant reserves of oil, gas or any other high value and high demand resource, so that India can get rich in a short span of time like the Gulf.

  3. Japanese government owes such debts, but Japan has the largest foreign assets, current account surplus, and best people in the world. It is like Japanese government is a spoiled son among the Japan family members.

  4. Again, politicians do not understand their people.
    Japanese people borrowed massive personal debts to invest in real estate during the 1980s.
    When the 1990s property bubble burst, almost all Japanese people had personals debts that are bigger than the market value of their real estate investments.
    If the value of your mortgage is bigger than the value of your house, then you have negative equity real estate.
    So Japanese people focused on paying down or refinancing their massive personal debts to keep their households solvent.
    That caused Japanese people to stop spending and investing altogether leading to over 3 decades of economic stagnation.
    If the Japanese government wanted to save their people from their debt burdens and encourage spending, investing, and also raising families then how about the government write off their citizens’ debts and reset every family’s household finances.
    Bail out your citizens, not your banks, enterprises, and companies.
    No one in human history has ever tried that economic experiment.
    So I wonder if it will work or not.

  5. The primary reason is most debt is domestically funded at a low interest rate. I suspect many other unusual trends in japan is a result of this as well. However note that the GDP per Person has been rising, so the people are still doing compartivly well. I am not certain how sustainable this is, but its working so far.

  6. and one of the reason is japan just hope money and they dont think about another problem \\\ but i believe japan have potential to fix that problem when many people support japan again that support china ,china also need help japan cause japan have their formula how to being amazing and rich like now ,in japan not just they population is descress and less but they also have the number of the died ,died cause of overworking and they payment also less that past year and ctrazy high tax ,in malaysia we have almost 8% tax but still ok as small economy but look at the japan ,they size economy is so big that they country is just island and long terms ,but japan is genius they know how to handle it with japan economy

  7. Title: Why Japan hasn't collapsed.
    First 9 min of the video: why Japan should have collapsed.
    Only the last minute of the video provides some lackluster explanation to the question raised in the title.

  8. Because Japan's debt is domestic loan, owned by its high-income citizens. Japan had a powerful financial/industrial foundation before World War 1, while other Asian countries was bullied by Western imperialists.