L’argent sale, le poison de la finance – Mafia – Banques – Documentaire complet HD – SHK

Duisburg, Germany, August 15, 2007. So mafioso lying on the asphalt, all from Calabria, Italy. It’s not cinema, it’s not Hollywood, it’s not The Godfather, Goodfellas or American Gangster. This is reality. The killing of August 15 tears away the veil of darkness that usually drapes itself over organized crime

And immediately falls back into oblivion. And yet, another reading of this carnage is possible. Organized crime is the dark side of globalization. Yes. Under the asphalt of Duisburg, another story emerges, much more sprawling and worrying, that of mafia gangrene through the economy, globalization, globalization has given a global financial dimension to the mafias.

The mafias, their wealth is significant today for the stability of economic and financial markets. Yes. We are therefore talking about a threat to humanity, that of organized crime, an economic power so great that the question arises where this will lead us? Five years after the bloodshed in Duisburg,

I set out on the trail of this criminal globalization, the one that we don’t see, that we don’t talk about, that of this dirty money that colonizes the world. Direction Italy, the kingdom of mafias which remains the most successful example of the infiltration of crime into the economy.

First stop is the port of Joya Toro, in the south of the country, in Calabria, where the murderers and victims of Duisburg were born. Created almost 20 years ago, Joya Toro is today the leading container port in the Mediterranean. The crisis has not spared it, but it still welcomes around 3,000

Ships per year and 3 million containers. No surprise to see the mafia flocking to such a source of business. Agios Yata Euros, It is the shadow of La Granja that hovers over the docks. The place is the place. Guetta has a parasitic nature and needs an organism

To root on and exploit its environment. A port is a door to the world. The free movement of goods is one of the keys to the liberal economy and Giulietta Euro is therefore a showcase, a strategic location that a criminal organization can use for all this trafficking in drugs, cigarettes and weapons.

In Giulietta Oro, it is even said that the drug state levies a tax on each container unloaded each year. Italian authorities seize millions of counterfeit parts, tens of tons of contraband. In the second half of 2011 alone, more than a ton of cocaine. So common they carry. Of course.

Joya Toro pork is an epicenter of drug trafficking. The most recent seizures have further demonstrated this. Judge Di Palma will not tell us much more about the oratorical precautions which can perhaps be explained by the omnipresence of the port managers around us. That day.

In any case, not everyone is so moderate in their diagnosis. The Calabrian Francesco Fargeon headed the anti-mafia parliamentary commission between 2006 and 2008. He is one of those who alerted the world to the power of the Drang eta, but also to the economic power of all Italian mafias.

They have to tell me the truth. Let’s not be afraid to tell the truth. Most of the activities at the Joya Toro port are still managed by Dangote. This is a real problem because the presence of state drugs in the port of Joya Toro

Is not the presence of mafiosi with revolvers and rifles. For the puppets. And the presence of insecurity is. The presence of own business companies that are directly linked to the pyromania, peaches and Bellocchio families . Peaches and Bellocchio.

These names are those of some of the 145 clans that make up the Drang eta. Here we can see their boss filmed without their knowledge by the carabinieri. Stolen and rare images from a world that cultivates discretion. It’s spring. Italian justice lists nearly 5,000 members of Teranga in Calabria.

This is without counting all the others, these hundreds of accomplices who work in legal companies and thanks to whom the Calabrian mafia does its business in Gioia Toro by recruiting the workforce, corrupting the unions, blocking the calls of ‘offers. This is how a mafia marks its territory. They Mafioso.

The mafia blacksmith does his business in Paris, Milan, Duisburg or Toronto. That if he is the boss of a territory. Calabria Territorio in Calabria. The territorial dimension and the global dimension go hand in hand. There is no such thing as a mafia in mafia territory. The territory is a family.

A family is blood. And blood is silence. But a global mafia like the Drang state also means modernity, territorial control and financial networks. The shepherd and the banker Joya Toro and the world. This is how a mafia establishes its power and sets out to conquer the planet.

This is what Duisburg also tells us. This settling of scores between Calabrian clans reveals to astounded Germans that their country has become a bridgehead for Italian mafias in Europe. Like a nod to the legend. The killing of August 15 also took place in front of a pizzeria. And it’s not just a cliché.

La Guetta reportedly controls more than 300 in Germany. It is also by selling Margarita or Regina that the Italian mafias weave an invisible web throughout the Old Continent. The mapping established by the transalpine authorities leaves one wondering. And we’re only talking about Italian mafias here. And the others ?

So what are these mafia entities that are colonizing the planet? To decipher this criminal atlas? I went to see two experts, authors of reference works on the geopolitics of organized crime. We should only use the term mafia to designate a very limited and very specific number of criminal entities.

These are higher level criminal entities, those who form the aristocracy of crime. So what is a mafia since we cannot give this term to all criminal organizations? These are criminal entities that are basically secret societies. Do not confuse a criminal with a mafioso. A criminal is Francis the Belgian. He’s a gang leader.

He leads a band. He commits crimes that are essentially the same as those that mobsters will commit. But the criminal society that he founded and created has no permanence. She was created with him and she disappears with him. Let this leader die or be sent to prison for a long time.

And the group he has around him falls apart, recomposes itself around another individual. So where are these higher level criminal organizations that meet the definition of a mafia? Experts name nine Cosa Nostra in Sicily, the drug is in Calabria, the Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia, the Camorra in Campania. In the Balkans,

We find the Albano mafia then the Turkish mafia. In Asia, the Chinese triads on the continent and on the island of Taiwan, the Japanese mafia, the famous yakuzas and finally in North America, the Italian American mafia. We can add to this list of more recent criminal entities the mafias

Of the former Soviet empire, the Latin American cartels in Colombia and Mexico, and organized crime in Nigeria. They are just as dangerous, but have neither the sense of silence nor the territorial anchoring of historical mafias. What’s happening in Russia and what’s happening on the Côte d’Azur is Beaujolais Nouveau. And Corleone’s family

Is from Château Latour 1947. You can immediately see the difference. These first or second category criminal entities have never been so rich and so powerful. Their turnover makes them rivals of multinationals and even certain States. For example, it is estimated that in Italy, the combined turnover of the four

Italian mafias would be around 130 to 100.80 billion euros per year, or probably 8 to 10% of the gross domestic product. At the global level, we know the sources of this wealth. First, drug trafficking worth 300 to 500 billion dollars. Then, the counterfeiting and contraband market. Technology, drugs, cigarettes. Then human trafficking,

Prostitution, illegal immigration, finally all the rest of waste, energy, protected species. In total, 600 to 700 billion in money. Black. Criminal. A colossal fortune. We do not have details because unfortunately, the bandits do not send us double their invoices because they do not have an invoice. But one thing is certain,

Nothing allows you to make more money faster than narcotics. Eleven kilos of cocaine. And a kilo of cocaine in Colombia costs farmers around €1,200. And again, it’s not cocaine, but coke. When this kilo of coca falls into the hands of the Colombian drug trafficker, its price has already increased tenfold.

It is now worth €15,000. The drug trafficker sells this kilo to intermediaries and it finally arrives in the hands of the Guetta drug dealer. It is then worth twice as much €30,000. There it is processed and cut. One kilo of coke yields four kilos of cocaine.

They are sold on the markets of Paris, Milan, Zurich or New York for a unit price of €50,000. €50,000 x four equals €200,000. It’s about training. As someone with a Marxist background, I do not know of any commodity in the world capable of generating, as Marx said,

An added value going from €1,200 to €2,100,000. The business model is staggering and unbeatable. He sits the mafias on mountains of black money. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It is this striking force that will allow them to develop beyond crime itself and to infiltrate

Society in a more insidious and even more lasting way. The introduction of considerable financial mass into the legal economy has in fact created increasingly larger and stronger common zones between the criminal markets and the legal markets, the economic and financial markets, and we see the development

Sort of gray areas in the global economy which are neither entirely legal nor entirely illegal. Corruption, cronyism. Organized crime puts entire sections of the economy under control. The criminal world, which has no particular managerial talent, still has something that it knows how to do very well. He knows how to make people obey.

To do this, he has two means at his disposal: corruption. We pay people 100 times more than in normal society and so they do things graciously. And then something extraordinarily effective and virtually impossible to penalize, called bullying. Bullying is a step below being shot in the head,

It’s we know where your kids go to school. And so people obey because they are afraid. Intimidation, corruption. The method is king to establish your power and earn money. And it’s a relentless recipe for making lots and lots of money. This is public procurement piracy.

Here again, Italy has been exemplary since Joya Toro. No need to go far, just join the now famous A3 motorway between Reggio Calabria and Salerno. Modernization work began 20 years ago. You can map highway sections. You realize that the construction companies which were awarded the construction of this

Highway from north to south are all under the influence of a criminal clan. The criminal clans of both the Camorra and the GTA spread out dozens of kilometers by tens of kilometers. Highway construction. A highway that looks like a departmental road. Speed ​​is limited to 70 kilometers per hour on many sections.

Organized crime has found itself a goose that lays golden eggs. The opportunity for a short guide to mafia methods. Following a rigged call for tenders. The Machin company receives a phenomenal amount of money to put ten cm of bitumen, then restore and ensure that the highway is perfect. You only put two.

As a result, the auditor to whom we explained that we knew where his children went to school and we showed a photo of the youngest said Wonderful, absolutely fantastic. You receive the balance. This represents hundreds of millions of euros each time. And the affair is all the more wonderful because,

As there hasn’t been ten cm of bitumen since May 2, the highway is being damaged twice as quickly and bingo! The next time, instead of it being ten years later that we start again, well we have to start again three years later. In the meantime, we have recreated another company and research company.

To run this type of business, you of course need to know the elected officials and elites. We arrive here in the gray zones of mafia contamination, when the criminal is no longer on the edge but at the heart of society, creating a weld between the legal and the illegal.

First consequence, the economy is distorted and perverted. A reality that we know well on the Côte d’Azur. I have a very specific memory. A few years ago, of a business manager who had been placed in pre-trial detention for fairly sustained corrupt practices. It was construction and the designated administrator had received instructions.

Of course, never again. He followed us and six months later, the company was put into liquidation. That’s what’s fascinating, is to think that without crime, sometimes crime in the broadest sense, the company loses markets and ceases to exist. Is it crime that has become one of the main elements of the economic engine?

If that’s so. So it is not only devious, this organized crime , it is pernicious and in the long term, it will take us away. This mafia gangrene which will take us away is already an old story in Naples, a city undermined for 20 years by the garbage crisis.

The Neapolitan mafia, the Camorra, is found at all stages of waste trafficking. Perfect example of the convergence of crime, crooked businessmen and corrupt politicians. Familiar issues for the new mayor of Naples, Luigi Di Magistri, former anti-corruption magistrate in Calabria. For the bonus in Corsica.

My first action was to fight against the infiltration of the Camorra into public administration and public policy. Administration. First, when I took. My duties as mayor. The streets of Naples were covered with 2500 tons of waste. For six months, we can say that there is no more waste on the streets of Naples.

So difficult to purify. On the other hand. The situation is still serious in the rest of the province. He has it going for him. Organized underdevelopment. This is the other effect of mafia infiltration. Hillary Action campaigns against this

Dirty money which is devastating the environment and ruining the lives of the inhabitants of her city. First, to Juliano, we were Juliano. Before it was the countryside. In campaign. We produced peaches. And when ? Then again. You see these fields, even today, they produce peaches sold on European markets.

In fact, this area is called the Land of Fires. Cooking specials. If you walk around the area around six o’clock in the evening, you can see at least eight and nine pyres here and there. Every day. We’ll play there. The lands of Campania are saturated with illegal dumpsites for the Camorra.

Garbage is worth gold up to $500 thousand a day. And that’s not all. Once burned, the waste must follow a different, even more expensive, reprocessing cycle , provided by private companies complicit with the Camorra or managed directly by them. Concerning a vergogne beer. This is the road of shame. As you.

Can see it, there are all kinds of industrial waste. In industry. It’s a real organization. The textile industry dumps its products, these residues of all kinds in the chemical industry dumped, solvents. Nothing serious. This is a really serious situation. For. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs from the north

Of the country have used the vast territories of the South thanks to the development of mafias. To hide and bury extremely dangerous waste. Which explains why in Campania, populations suffer rates of cancer, leukemia and various diseases which can be explained by the fact that waste and garbage are taken,

Then then reprocessed in a completely abnormal way when this Italian waste are not simply then resold abroad and dumped in third world countries which have even fewer regulations and controls in terms of treatment. We see that organized crime has gone up a notch.

Its logic of control over the legal economy now transcends borders. But you don’t need to go to the Third World to see it. In the spring of 2011, journalists from France Trois carried out an edifying report in the largest open-air landfill in Romania, in Galina, near Bucharest.

Landfills like these become the trash cans of Europe while all importation of waste is normally prohibited. The Romanian owner of the place leads the visit and he introduces the journalist to his partner, an Italian businessman. Why does an Italian invest in Romania. Gets involved. Invested. In Romania in ecology. Ecological?

Do you recycle Italian waste here in Romania? Absolutely not. We here don’t. Works only for. Romania. Not for Italy. Italy has its. Problems and he stays there. We have none. Link. It’s a very, very interesting waste market. It’s quite interesting. All markets are interesting. Each matter has its interest. Really.

So we’re going to see how the waste is handled here. It is not uninteresting to know that according to Italian investigative journalists, the associate in question by the name of Sergio Pieri is not a man above suspicion. With his brothers, he would be a former associate of Vito Xiong, a railway worker.

Former mayor of Palermo, here in these images in the 70s. Vito Sean Cimino, the first Italian politician convicted for his proven links to Cosa Nostra. And we can ask ourselves even more questions when we decipher the rest of the report. The director of the landfill explains that the objective at Glénat is also

To produce electricity from garbage. Probably for that, we’re going to need your money, from Europe. Money, commission, Commission, Europe. How many millions of euros is this a project? More than 10 million. From there to deduce that the Galina landfill is only a front for trafficking

In waste and in the process pocketing subsidies from Brussels. Well, we can’t say anything, of course, but still. Wouldn’t this be a good illustration of the international expansion of the mafias? Yes, if mafia it. You have to think of mafias as multinationals, they have their headquarters in one place and they operate everywhere.

They ally themselves with some here and oppose others. There, police and legal proceedings remain above all territorialized. National, where European crime is by nature transnational. Despite everything, we can be surprised by the continuation of a syndrome of European blindness all the same. In recent years, we have seen states

That were deeply criminalized states integrated into the European Union. Even before demanding that these states become states of law, that is to say that it has police, justice and modern codes. They were brought back to Europe overnight. Is this really reasonable? It was at the end of the 1980s,

A pivotal moment, that criminal organizations changed their nature. They understood, as soon as the Berlin Wall fell, that the new markets in the East offered them fantastic opportunities. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the enlargement of Europe to Eastern countries, the anti-mafia leadership in Italy recorded a telephone conversation. Between.

A mafia boss who was in Italy and one of his bankers in Germany. Their dialogue is edifying. The boss tells the bankers go, buy, buy, buy! But the banker in Germany asks what do I buy? Everything, Absolutely everything, replies the boss. Hotels, restaurants, grounds, whatever you can find. And that’s what happened.

Other sound element. Opinion. Today, the mafias are full of money. The problem is not making more money. But it’s about reinvesting it by laundering it. Villa and castle. Luxurious hotel. Securities. Bank accounts. The scale of the wealth seized each year by the Italian justice system is dizzying.

In 2010, more than 9 billion euros, in 2011, almost 5 billion. This gives an idea of ​​the financial power of organized crime. And we’re only talking about Italy here. We can clearly see that money laundering is at the heart of mafia infiltration.

On Via Veneto in Rome, the Café de Paris still looks great. Portraits of Mastroianni and Fellini still decorate its walls. But today, it is above all the ghost of a flirt boss Guetta who haunts the place. After months of investigations, Italian justice discovered that this

Cult place of la dolce vita was in fact the property of a Calabrian clan leader. Vincent Alvaro. Thought that the Café de Paris and. The Café de Paris was in the name of a hairdresser. A hairdresser of a. Village of the rise of Consolait. TOS had become. Owners of this bar.

Mythical in the center of Rome. A coffee worth millions. The hairdresser, of course, was only Vincente Alvaro’s alias. However, the mafia boss was listed on the personnel registers. But as a chef’s assistant, Alvaro had organized his business through multiple shell companies run by important front men. This proves how these mafias have

Modernized as well as the networks they maintain. Do you think that half-illiterate shepherds from country villages, from the tea market, could have bought the Café de Paris without relationships with notaries, accountants, bank directors or people linked to the. Politics of objects and politics. It’s here, in Rome. The other facet of the mafia,

This mafia bourgeoisie which lives thanks to the money of the mafia. From the mafia. While pretending that this money was clean. And so it is all these completely legal professions which will serve as help to him, as intermediaries both to access the political world and corrupt it,

And secondly, to be able to launder money. Whitening. One word gets to the heart of the criminal economy. Let’s now pause to detail the mechanics and logic. The simplest and most widespread process is that which consists of taking cash and introducing it physically and materially into the accounts of a small local business.

A massage parlor for example. There is no one there all day. Never mind. Every evening, the boss deposits the money from these traffics into the cash register. He can even edit receipts to make it appear that his salon has received customers. So the trader artificially inflates his turnover. Not too much.

Otherwise this may draw attention to this somewhat inflated turnover. He will indeed pay a little more tax, but this additional turnover will cause material laundering. From this money acquired fraudulently at the start. Another illustration of a bleaching circuit. Japanese ants. The Japanese mafioso gives two tourists the famous ants,

A criminal sum of money and plane tickets to Paris. The ants buy luxury leather goods, perfumes and haute couture in the capital. Back in Japan, the ants bring their purchases to the traffickers and receive a small commission. Luxury products adorn the windows of a

Parisian goods store belonging to the mafiosi and their sales complete the cycle. Dirty money laundering gained in sophistication in the 1980s. Franklin Jurado is one of the architects of this new era. Financier of the Cali cartel. After studying at Harvard, Jurado established a circuit in faces that are still relevant today.

At that time, drug traffickers amassed phenomenal wealth through drugs. The traffickers had. Literally speaking of the masses of the mountains of tickets. We even tell. I don’t know if it’s true that some Colombian traffickers store their banknotes in their swimming pool and empty their swimming pool to put

The banknotes because they no longer knew where to put them. This is where Jurado comes in. He divides the process into two stages. It’s pretty simple, but it requires a little attention. Let’s say I’m a Colombian drug trafficker. I travel to a

Caribbean tax haven and deposit briefcases of cash into a bank account. Neither seen nor known. My black money is then transferred to a bank, for example in Germany, to the bank account of a nominee. And there, it multiplies. Money is distributed and circulates through dozens of increasingly intermediary banks

Respectable, on dozens, even hundreds of bank accounts in Monaco, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria. To avoid attracting the attention of the banking authorities, the account balance never exceeds $10,000,000. Second phase of the Jurado cycle Now I have to repatriate the money to Colombia for this. Via straw men, I found companies in Europe.

And these are the companies which, with laundered money, will then invest in my name in Colombia, in real estate restaurants completely legally. It’s not the money that must be laundered, it’s the launderers. That is to say that the person who has the money must become unsuspected

And if he is unsuspected, we will not suspect at that moment, we will not ask the question of knowing where his money comes from. Dissemination, concealment, globalization. The key words of criminal finance are posed. No wonder Jurado founded his theory during the 1980s when, under the influence

Of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, a new ideology spread which made deregulation the alpha and omega of economic policies. From the 1980s. The United States Congress systematically votes with both Democrats and Republicans. Laws of deregulation of economic and financial markets, that is to say laws by which

Economic and financial actors will have less and less control of standards and will be less and less monitored. Globalization. Globalization as it was constructed in the 1980s and 1990s carries with it major flaws. And one of its shortcomings is the lack of transparency in capital markets. This is how a

Global market was formed that I would describe as criminogenic in the way it operates, that is to say it encourages criminal activity, whether it be money laundering, corruption or tax evasion. Shadow capitalism takes root, finance becomes king. A godsend for anyone who wants to recycle their dirty money.

And this one, they think what to think about that. A day 1 € can do. 70. Movements in 70 different banks in 70 different countries? And who in the end, It is. It is clear that at the end of the 70th movement,

The arriving euro has lost traces of the bank from which it left. Money from crime sails like a fish in the waters of deregulated finance, following the same currents as money from political corruption or tax evasion. Currents that it takes towards its shores with a taste of vacation and black money.

Cayman Islands, Panama, Virgin Islands. But not only. We are talking here about fifty tax havens across the planet, where money circulates without stopping. The cobweb of the fraudulent economy. It is estimated that around half of international financial transactions pass through territories that are classified as tax or banking havens.

Therefore, these territories are no longer themselves at the margins or on the periphery of the global economy and finance. They have become central to it. John Christensen is today one of the spearheads of the fight against tax havens. He knows them well. He was economic advisor to the Jersey government for eleven years.

Offshore. When I worked in the offshore financial sector in Jersey, I charged much higher fees than if I had worked in a normal business. But clients expect to pay higher fees. That’s what he pays you for. This is the price of what the Swiss call discretion and what I call secrecy.

In return, you will not cooperate with potential investigators. You will even set up all possible barriers to investigations. I once happened to be doing research for a client, a huge oil company. She wanted to partner with a Russian company and I needed to know more.

This Russian company actually consisted of subsidiaries in Jersey, Cyprus, Switzerland, the state of Delaware, the Netherlands. In short, the whole range of different tax havens. Nobody actually knew who owned the company. Person. Russian intelligence information allowed us to suspect that this company belonged to a very, very high-ranking political figure in Russia.

But we never had proof of it. Actually. This evidence was locked in the safe of a law firm in Cyprus. In Cyprus. In Jersey, in Monaco, as everywhere else in these criminal economy counters, the price of silence is very well priced and not many people find fault with it.

The system corrupts lawyers and bankers, because they actually collaborate with criminals and know it. But the money from the rooms is far too important to dissuade them. In the secretive world of global finance , nothing looks more like clean money than dirty money. This is why the biggest launderers of criminal money are

Very honorable places in the heart of Europe. Peaceful Switzerland, for example. 30 kilometers from Zurich, the canton of Zug is one of the flagships of this financial opacity. I take out a map. 1975, after the oil crisis, when globalization took hold. Developed. Money too. Became more. International.

He moved to where the least taxes were paid. And that’s where the Zug boom began. For 20 years. Companies. Mailboxes are installed here. But there was also. An influx of. Commodity trading companies and their managers. Over the years, international groups have set up their headquarters in Zug. And.

That Strata, Glencore or even Trans Océan, leader in oil drilling involved in the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. And the money from crime in all this? In the disembodied world of lawless capitalism, it is impossible to identify him. The means are too weak to effectively combat money laundering.

And besides, the canton of Zug does not want national legislation against money laundering. This means that, firstly, the problem does not exist and, secondly, since it does not exist, we do nothing about it. While of course something exists. The policy of silence prevails. Well. We have them at home,

The tax havens, San Marino, Monte Carlo, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the largest tax haven in the world. For what ? There is no real blacklist? Because in tax havens, we don’t only find money from mafias and drug traffickers. Above all, we find there that of great political, economic and entrepreneurial corruption which today is

The most modern counterpart of the criminal economy. This is why this blacklist does not really exist, because political and economic corruption leads to the most industrialized countries in the world. So duplicity or blindness? There is another financial center that is good in all respects and which perfectly illustrates

This lawless capitalism where everything is mixed up. Perhaps the atomic heart of this out-of-control system. London and its sacred enclave, the City, at the forefront of deregulation since the 1980s. There we find all the actors and all the instruments of criminal finance. The one who adopted the methods of classic banditry.

London London is very attractive for money launderers in many ways. And people much more. Competent people like me consider London to be the number one offshore location in the world. World. We are offshore from Europe. We are also having interesting discussions with Europe regarding our status as a financial center.

But we are also offshore compared to the rest of the world, thanks to the heritage of the Commonwealth with the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Belize and many other jurisdictions which give us a rather solid position. And then. If you look at all these little islands,

They have a few things in common. One of them is that their stamp bears the figure of the Queen of England. She flies the British flag and it’s no accident. It’s part of the City’s development strategy. London, hub of financial flows in the world. Whatever the color of money.

If you put your money in London, when it comes out, it is legitimized again. If money is good for London, then it is good for anywhere and anyone. Since the 1990s, the international community has decided to wage war on money laundering. An intergovernmental body, the FATF, establishes a list of recommendations.

But these invitations to transparency are only relatively effective. The fight against money laundering and the fight against offshore is the most abysmal failure of the entire international community of the last 50 years. Let’s start with a number. The cartels. Mexicans and others who sell drugs in North America,

That is, in the United States and Canada, but mainly in the United States. It pays them every year. It’s a range because once again, we don’t have the account books. Basically, between 20 and 30 billion dollars per year, between 20 and 30 billion dollars every year.

This money is earned and paid in biffetons, in bank notes because the mafias do not accept credit cards, less checks in North America and repatriated after that, to Mexico or elsewhere, how much the United States seizes money by the way? 1%, 1%? The world of mafias is not experiencing

Crisis and we can even wonder if the current financial slump is not a fantastic opportunity to consolidate its positions. The only constitution around with. Today, the only international organizations with cash at their disposal are the mafias and they have started to penetrate the banking system.

This is why I have raised a major cry of alarm. I alerted governments and banks in 2008, 2009 and again recently. The financial crisis provides a unique opportunity for global mafias to penetrate and save the banking system and therefore establish themselves in the global economy in an irreversible manner.

Faced with this major challenge of our time, those who govern us seem to play the card of blindness or resignation. When it’s not more. Nobody wants this theme to become political. Fraud is this whole degraded system, this whole system of addiction in fact to trivialized fraud.

It’s a soft drug that becomes a hard drug. And in fact, no one wants the detoxification of society today. Of this deadly addiction. Martin Woods is a privileged witness. Woods was involved in the biggest money laundering scandals in history in 2005. This former Scotland Yard employee was hired

By the London subsidiary of a large American bank, such as Ecosia. Very quickly, Woods identifies transactions. Suspects. From customers linked to Casa de Cambio. Mexican exchange offices. What we observed was the existence of entire packages of Czech workers with consecutive numbers , suspicious signatures, no date, no identification,

Nothing that would allow me with certainty to know who had presented these checks. In this case, we have to go back to basics. Who is the. Customer ? It was impossible to know. Martin Woods alerts his bosses without knowing that he is not the only one. The American federal authorities

Are also very interested in Waco via. Especially since the Mexican army intercepted a plane in 2006, chartered by the Sinaloa cartel. The plane is full of cocaine. But above all, the investigation will show that it was purchased with money having passed through accounts there or via. A bank or. Bank executives

Were involved in promoting its services to clients of Mexican exchange offices. He provided the means to launder money. And when I have. Denounce this. I have. Been attacked by the. Bankers. Despite the evidence collected by Martin Woods, the bank turns a deaf ear and reserves all its criticism for its employee.

I was not supported either by my department or by my bosses. Actually. I received no support of any kind. But it took a long time for the people at the bank to realize that money didn’t control me. Money did not have the power of influence over me that it had over them.

The most notable was when my boss called me in 2009 to tell me that my bonus would be zero. This is a truly revealing moment. Moral of this exemplary story, Martin Woods is fired. As for Wicked, caught by American justice in March 2010, she got away with a ridiculous fine.

And is convinced of having financed the purchase of used planes from Casa del Cambio. Is it worth being Sherlock Holmes and having studied at Polytechnique to say let’s see? The money comes from Mexico. He went through some rather shady companies and they want to buy fairly good planes. This is undoubtedly for the

Development of tourism. You shouldn’t completely take people for donkeys. American justice and the American banking system have screwed the world over. I cannot explain or understand why the US Department of Justice decided not to prosecute the VIA managers. Perhaps this is linked to the financial crisis and the fear that after

The collapse of a major bank , Lehman Brothers, another major bank, Via, will also collapse? This may be the explanation, but it may also mean that today, the presence of criminal money is so strong. What about it? Became untouchable. In 2008, Ecosia was bought by a rival bank, Wells Fargo,

And it was she who would foot the bill. A fine of 150 million dollars. Grotesque when we know that in total, the sums laundered by Ecosia amount to 378 billion dollars. A staggering sum which is equivalent to a fifth of France’s GDP. Frankly. There is not a single bank

In the world that has not been affected by this problem. I even have some of my very militant colleagues, very worried about all this, who do not hesitate to say that today it is not the mafias who are looking for banks, but the banks who are looking for the mafias’ money. .

Some bankers must ask themselves the question. He should even be questioned by the authorities about what they are doing. Ultimately, is the distance so great between the money launderer’s hand and the criminal’s trigger? Who knows ? I.

Ce documentaire a été réalisé à des fins pédagogiques peut contenir des images qui peuvent heurter la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Si vous êtes une personne sensible, le visionnage de ce documentaire vous est déconseillé.

✋ Les enjeux du Monde ? Ils sont ici 👉 https://bit.ly/3nbDE0S Abonnez-vous 🙏

“Aujourd’hui, ce ne sont pas les mafias qui cherchent des banques, mais les banques qui cherchent des mafias”… Ces mots terribles ne sont pas ceux d’un militant agité. Bien au contraire, ils sortent de la bouche d’un très posé haut fonctionnaire international.

Antonio Maria Costa, ancien patron de l’Office des Nations-Unies contre la dr0gu€ et le crim€, avait déjà stupéfié son monde en affirmant en 2009 que l’argent du crim€ avait sauvé certaines banques de la crise financière. Ce terrible constat en dit long sur la contamination de l’économie par l’argent sale, celui du crime et des grands trafics internationaux.
Jamais les mafias n’ont été aussi riches et puissantes. Elles sont la face noire de la mondialisation, sur laquelle elles se sont appuyées pour accumuler des masses d’argent insoupçonnées. La financiarisation de l’économie est le second pilier de leur développement. Elle a permis aux grandes organisations cr!m!n€ll€s de recycler ces montagnes d’argent noir et d’en faire des acteurs majeurs du fonctionnement économique.
Dans les coffres-forts des paradis fiscaux, comme dans la sphère des transactions financières, l’argent du cr!m€ se mêle à celui de la corruption et de l’évasion fiscale. Contribuant à l’édification d’une gigantesque zone grise, avec la complicité de tout un tas de gens très “honorables” : avocats, banquiers, cabinets d’audit, experts en tout genre, élus de tout bord…
Ce film est un voyage au royaume de l’argent sale. De la Calabre à Londres, de la Suisse à l’Allemagne, nous sommes partis sur les traces de cet argent que l’on ne voit pas et dont on ne parle pas. Depuis plus de dix ans, toutes les énergies semblent tournées vers la lutte dont contre le t€rror!sm€. Alors qu’une autre géopolitique se dessine, peut-être le grand défi du XXIe siècle. Car une question se pose à nous : n’est-il pas trop tard ?… L’argent sale n’est-il pas devenu indispensable à la marche du monde ?

00:15 Argent Sale
01:14 Le pouvoir économique des mafia
03:56 Le trafic de drogue et les saisies
06:14 Influence territoriale des mafias
08:06 Définition des mafias
27:13 Richesses saisies en Italie
30:12 Mécanismes de blanchiment d’argent
36:06 Londres, plaque tournante financière
51:28 Les mafias et les banques

“L’argent sale le poison de la finance”
Réalisation : Nicolas Glimois
Production : MANO A MANO


  1. On se trompe chaque fois que l’on veut expliquer quelque chose en opposant la Mafia à l’État : ils ne sont jamais en rivalité. La théorie vérifie avec facilité ce que toutes les rumeurs de la vie pratique avaient trop facilement montré. La Mafia n’est pas étrangère dans ce monde ; elle y est parfaitement chez elle. Au moment du spectaculaire intégré, elle règne en fait comme le modèle de toutes les entreprises commerciales avancées.

  2. La Mafia n’était qu’un archaïsme transplanté, quand elle commençait à se manifester au début du siècle aux États-Unis, avec l’immigration de travailleurs siciliens; comme au même instant apparaissaient sur la côte ouest des guerres de gangs entre les sociétés secrètes chinoises. Fondée sur l’obscurantisme et la misère, la Mafia ne pouvait alors même pas s’implanter dans l’Italie du Nord. Elle semblait condamnée à s’effacer partout devant l’État moderne. C’était une forme de crime organisé qui ne pouvait prospérer que sur la « protection » de minorités attardées, en dehors du monde des villes, là où ne pouvait pas pénétrer le contrôle d’une police rationnelle et des lois de la bourgeoisie. La tactique défensive de la Mafia ne pouvait jamais être que la suppression des témoignages, pour neutraliser la police et la justice, et faire régner dans sa sphère d’activité le secret qui lui est nécessaire. Elle a par la suite trouvé un champ nouveau dans le nouvel obscurantisme de la société du spectaculaire diffus, puis intégré: avec la victoire totale du secret, la démission générale des citoyens, la perte complète de la logique, et les progrès de la vénalité et de la lâcheté universelles, toutes les conditions favorables furent réunies pour qu’elle devînt une puissance moderne, et offensive.

  3. La Mafia vient partout au mieux sur le sol de la société moderne. Elle est en croissance aussi rapide que les autres produits du travail par lequel la société du spectaculaire intégré façonne son monde. La Mafia grandit avec les immenses progrès des ordinateurs et de l’alimentation industrielle, de la complète reconstruction urbaine et du bidonville, des services spéciaux et de l’analphabétisme.

  4. Quant aux assassinats, en nombre croissant depuis plus de deux décennies, qui sont restés entièrement inexpliqués — car si l’on a parfois sacrifié quelque comparse jamais il n’a été question de remonter aux commanditaires — leur caractère de production en série a sa marque: les mensonges patents, et changeants, des déclarations officielles; Kennedy, Aldo Moro, Olaf Palme, des ministres ou financiers, un ou deux papes, d’autres qui valaient mieux qu’eux. Ce syndrome d’une maladie sociale récemment acquise s’est vite répandu un peu partout, comme si, à partir des premiers cas observés, il descendait des sommets des États, sphère traditionnelle de ce genre d’attentats, et comme si, en même temps, il remontait des bas-fonds, autre lieu traditionnel des trafics illégaux et protections, où s’est toujours déroulé ce genre de guerre, entre professionnels. Ces pratiques tendent à se rencontrer au milieu de toutes les affaires de la société, comme si en effet l’État ne dédaignait pas de s’y mêler, et la Mafia parvenait à s’y élever; une sorte de jonction s’opérant par là.

  5. La Prohibition américaine — grand exemple des prétentions des États du siècle au contrôle autoritaire de tout, et des résultats qui en découlent — a laissé au crime organisé, pendant plus d’une décennie, la gestion du commerce de l’alcool. La Mafia, à partir de là enrichie et exercée, s’est liée à la politique électorale, aux affaires, au développement du marché des tueurs professionnels, à certains détails de la politique internationale. Ainsi, elle fut favorisée par le gouvernement de Washington pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, pour aider à l’invasion de la Sicile. L’alcool redevenu légal a été remplacé par les stupéfiants, qui ont alors constitué la marchandise-vedette des consommations illégales. Puis elle a pris une importance considérable dans l’immobilier, les banques, la grande politique et les grandes affaires de l’État, puis les industries du spectacle: télévision, cinéma, édition. C’est aussi vrai déjà, aux États-Unis en tout cas, pour l’industrie même du disque, comme partout où la publicité d’un produit dépend d’un nombre assez concentré de gens. On peut donc facilement faire pression sur eux, en les achetant ou en les intimidant, puisque l’on dispose évidemment de bien assez de capitaux, ou d’hommes de main qui ne peuvent être reconnus ni punis. En corrompant les disc-jockeys, on décide donc de ce qui devra être le succès, parmi des marchandises si également misérables.

  6. Le secret domine ce monde, et d’abord comme secret de la domination. Selon le spectacle, le secret ne serait qu’une nécessaire exception à la règle de l’information abondamment offerte sur toute la surface de la société, de même que la domination, dans ce «monde libre » du spectaculaire intégré, se serait réduite à n’être qu’un Département exécutif au service de la démocratie. Mais personne ne croit vraiment le spectacle. Comment les spectateurs acceptent-ils l’existence du secret qui, à lui seul, garantit qu’ils ne pourraient gérer un monde dont ils ignorent les principales réalités, si par extraordinaire on leur demandait vraiment leur avis sur la manière de s’y prendre ? C’est un fait que le secret n’apparaît à presque personne dans sa pureté inaccessible, et dans sa généralité fonctionnelle. Tous admettent qu’il y ait inévitablement une petite zone de secret réservée à des spécialistes; et pour la généralité des choses, beaucoup croient être dans le secret.

  7. Le plus grand problème de la Mafia italienne qui fait que pour lutter contre la Mafia sa ne peut pas finir ils ya des grand hauts responsabilités du gouvernement italienne qui travaillent avec la Mafia,ils sont beaucoup nombreux qui fournit des informations ℹ️ très très importantes dans le gouvernement même les Corp des tenues, tout sa fait que pour lutter contre la Mafia sa ne part pas nuls à rien.

  8. Pour le moment tout l’argent est sale le licite et illicite pour le purifier modifier les manières les façons licite pour les gagner ou pour les dépenser quand on arrive au degré de savoir faire la différence pour le dépenser en utilité la façons pour le gagner en utilité et par utilité au utilisateur la le licite prendra plus le n’ombres des gens correctes plus que illicites amen il faut donc préparer les moyens par responsabilité personnelle intime et prives a pensé à se corriger ou s’améliorer dans le clair avec le claire

  9. Quand je serai roi 👑 de France 🇫🇷 je réglerai se problème avec le cigare à là mains et les billets 💴 dans l’autre mains Italie 🇮🇹 a besoin d’une restructuration institutionnelle le même exemple d’une pute classique qui prends un par un bien payé peut faire un ou deux maximum par jour pour préserver sa santé et sa vie et d’être pays par plaisir sin plaisirs !! Quand elle devient pute mafieuse doit s’envoyer en l’air bin gré malgré à 100 par jour jusqu’à épuisement et la remplacer ainsi de suite l’argent ne suffit jamais puisque il faut payer les intermédiaires et les intervenants et ses frais personnels donc sa reste tout le temps en marche en recherche en recrutement etc le roi 👑 prendra du plaisir à vous annoncer la première carte à jouer pour stopper les hémorragies en Italie 🇮🇹 a peine je retourne ma carte sur table j’aurai fait reprendre 40% de privés en publique ni je fais pleurer la mafia ni je la laisse finir le peuples italiens ni je ferai des ennemis dans le gouvernement tout ça se trouve dans la main droite de roi 👑 de France 🇫🇷

  10. Je vous invite à regarder la pureté des saisies de ventes au détail de cocaine en France selon les chiffres du ministere de l'interieur.. 67 % de pureté en 2019 pour 68 euros de revente au gramme en moyenne englobant la fausse cocaine et uniquement pour les ventes au détail et englobant les ventes de fausse cocaine.. sans comprendre la mocro mafia néerlandaise, la principale importeuse de cocaine en Europe (même si la ndrangeta fait l'intermediaire) donc autant dire que les chiffres de ce reportage (50000 euros le kilo pour 25% de pureté) sont excessivement faux, très simple de vérifier par soi même ou en regardant d'autre reportage qui eux donne des chiffres réalistes….