
What kind of place do you imagine Italy to be? A long history dating back to the Roman Empire Artistic heritage born from the Renaissance era Known as the country with the most World Heritage Sites in the world, and has a warm climate and cheerful people

A country that is said to have the most delicious food in the world, attracting people from all over the world Contrary to that public face… This time, I would like to check the reality of the serious problems that Italy is currently facing Hello everyone I’m Bappa Shota Currently in Naples, Italy

In the previous video, I introduced the gorgeous Italian culture However, when I talk to many people in various places, I hear that behind the glamorous scenery of Italy, there is a deep-rooted darkness lurking

I heard that ruins and abandoned villages are spreading all over Italy, and more and more people are leaving, turning them into ghost towns This time I would like to take a look at the dark side of Italy

Italy is a country that stretches from north to south The cuisine, personalities, and culture of the north and south are different, making it a completely different scenery I heard that ghost towns are spreading particularly in southern Italy, so today I’d like to visit them Arrived

What’s this? It feels like a city on a hill This is amazing This is Craco The city was built on a steep hill by the Greeks who immigrated in 540 AD At its peak, the population increased to 2,600 people It has been plagued by floods, landslides, and earthquakes for a long time

More than 1,300 immigrated to America from 1892 to 1922 Natural disasters continued The last residents left in 1980 and it became a ghost town This is a historical treasure Can you believe that there was a city in such a remote area even when there was no electricity?

From the looks of it, the first floor was probably for livestock People would have lived on the second and third floors Everyone, there are baby goats (maybe) on the second floor What’s this? What kind of place is this? Goat babies are here… I feel like it’s still being used

I met some people outside, but I couldn’t speak Italian… I wonder if it’s used for livestock now? The second and third floors The floor on the third floor has fallen out, and it looks like this It was a dome That’s amazing It’s completely different from Japan The ceiling is made of brick

Italy is the second largest agricultural country in Europe after France Agriculture seems to have been common since ancient times I noticed this when I got off the highway It seems like Italy still has an old culture They still have horses and sheep It’s like Mongolia!

Italy is also known as one of Europe’s most earthquake-prone countries Frequent damage from natural disasters Along the way, I saw road construction work in various places I never had the impression that Europe was an earthquake-prone area Maybe it depends on which part of Europe the country is located

The Italy I imagined was cities like Rome or Venice But when you come, you will still see beautiful nature and countryside areas I’m impressed The next place I came to has also been turned into an abandoned village What a great atmosphere No souls at all

This place is located on the slope of a mountain at an altitude of 560m Roscigno flourished as an agricultural village suitable for growing olives and grapes In its heyday, there were as many as 300 buildings and about 1,600 residents

There are water veins underground and the ground is loose, so it has been frequently damaged by floods and landslides However, the residents refused to leave the town and struggled to stay However, due to the malaria epidemic in the 1990s, the town was devastated and turned into a ghost town

Currently, there are about 30 ruins lined up in a row Until recently, an old man who wore like Santa Claus lived here But he passed away and no one lives here now It became an abandoned village

However, from the looks of it, I get the impression that it is well-maintained, unlike the ruins in Japan There are trash cans There are villages nearby So I guess the people from those villages come and do maintenance I just met the police and he asked me what I was doing

I told him I was from Japan and just was looking at the ruins And then, they told me I could take a look inside, so I’m going to go inside Interesting Maybe it was the kitchen People should have cooked here This was a storage room The second floor is rather small

The first floor is for livestock But apparently, there are other rooms on this floor as well The floor is covered with tiles that look like concrete Is this the oven to bake pizza? Have they been making pizza for the past 70 years? Yeah, they should So there is a pizza oven

It’s sad to think that people lived here just until 70 years ago I think the people who lived there were farmers There is a lot of farmland around here It’s so sad No voices heard Why are there more than 6,000 abandoned villages in Italy?

It’s partially because of natural disasters and epidemics that occurred in the past But more than that, the two crises Italy is currently facing are the cause One of them is what’s called the Italian disease I read it in an American article Italy is home to many famous fashion, car, and banking companies

Despite being called one of the world’s largest economies Since the 1900s, Italy’s economy has been stagnant It’s not because Italians are lazy The problem seems to be that Italian managers and companies are left behind in the times Compared to other countries, Italy’s business model tends to emphasize loyalty and connections over performance

That was fine until the 90s Since the 1990s, the IT industry has accelerated, and we have entered an era where individual ability and performance play important roles However, in Italy, many business models from the 1990s still remain It hinders its economic growth

In addition, unstable governments, legal systems, and large-scale tax evasion also seem to be involved The second reason is that they have the highest unemployment rate in Europe The average unemployment rate in Italy is 10% For young people, it’s 30% The reason behind this is low wages

In Italy, there is a term called the 1,000 euro generation No matter how talented someone is, it seems they are forced to live a difficult life on a monthly income of 1,000 euros Wages are not increasing in Italy, even though they are steadily increasing in other European countries

Some articles even say it’s the “unhappiest country in Europe” Italy has overtaken Japan in terms of GDP per capita, ranking 6th in the G7 For this reason, more and more talented young Italians are leaving the country Hundreds of thousands of people seem to be leaving the country every year

There is also the issue of mass immigration And Italy has the third fastest-aging population in the world Japan is the first, by the way Its birth rate is the third lowest in Europe Declining labor force and increasing social security costs As a result of decades of facing similar problems to Japan

Italy is even called the baggage of Europe now The population decreases by about 200,000 people per year More than 2 million people have left the country since 2008 In 50 years, the population is expected to decrease by 20% from today A thorny road where you can’t see the light

As a result, Italy today is full of empty houses like this Villages are being abandoned more and more It is said that there are currently over 6,000 abandoned villages What do you think about current Italy’s economy? I think it’s problematic

For example, it is said that by 2030, the country will not have enough funds to pay retirement benefits Italy is an old country with many elderly people and few young workers You’re 27 now, right? Where are all the young people going? Probably London

London is now a place for young Italians to grasp the new “American dream” So everyone is going to work in London Yes It’s easy to start a business in London If you have a great idea, it’s an easy environment to start it

I think everyone in Italy who makes something for themselves and works on it is like a hero For example, people who run restaurants are heroes to me But in reality, they are not respected in that way What do you think is the solution? The solution I think is… For example, immigration

Does that mean Italy should accept more immigrants? Yes Accept immigrants from all over the world Let them live as Italian Teach them Italian language and culture so they can become Italian And work for Italy Why are young people leaving the country? Is it because of the difficult economic situation?

Maybe it’s because Italy is a traditional country We need to follow many traditions Do young people hate it? Yeah But I think it’s important to gain experience in other countries The most important thing is to learn many things

I think the best thing to do is to bring that back to our home country and show a new way I think so, but not everyone has the same opinion I’ve heard that Italy has one of the highest percentages of people living with their parents

70% of adults under 34 live with their parents And 25% of adults aged 34-39 Of course, some people choose to live with their parents for their bond with their families But most of them have no choice but to live with their parents because they can’t make ends meet financially

Because of this, many young Italians are struggling to survive Is life in Italy difficult for young people? Difficult Is it because of rent or employment? It’s difficult to find a well-paid job Having a child is also difficult because there is not enough support from the government, and many things cost money

Are there many people who don’t have children? Yes Many people are forced to choose not to have children If there is a child, the mother naturally has to stay at home and take care of the child It’s very difficult to balance childcare and work without support from the government

I have to stay at home, which then creates financial problems It is very difficult to keep a family with just one person’s income That’s why I think many people, once they decide to have a child, live with their families and raise the child With other family members? The next place is really huge

It’s like a village on a hill There’s not much information about this place, and I don’t know if there are people living here It looks completely deserted, just ruined buildings Photos from that time are displayed in various places like this Some shops are still open like this The inside looks new

People have disappeared recently maybe? I was talking to the person I just met There were not many young people here from the beginning, and the population was decreasing In 1962, an earthquake occurred and the buildings collapsed, displacing 6,500 people It seems that the remaining residents struggled desperately to stay in the village

However, they were forced to leave for safety reasons in the end The person told me to walk in the middle of the road because the buildings can collapse at any time The roof has been repaired There are gates all over the village

It has been closed because it is dangerous to proceed any further I feel sorry especially in this village, because I can see what it looked like back then in these photos There’s no one Only pigeons Basically, abandoned villages in Italy are small towns in the countryside

It’s difficult for young people to find work even in the city, and it’s more difficult in the countryside Meanwhile, the Italian government turned its attention to foreigners to solve the problem Holiday house for British and Americans

I recently saw a report on the news that you can buy a house in Italy for just $1 I thought it was false information, but it was actually true Similar to Japan, local governments in Italy, where rural depopulation is a big problem, have started a project called 1 Euro Property

Attracting foreigners and reinvigorating the local economy by selling ruined houses for 1 euro It’s an effort to preserve the appearance and tradition at the same time It’s in ruins, so it usually needs renovation

In addition to the property itself being so cheap, there is also government backing, such as eliminating taxes on renovation costs Will people really come to such a remote place? I would like to try it though According to what I’ve heard Even if foreigners come to Italy as a holiday home

Many say that there is no point unless they solve the root of the problems What do you all think? Personally, I want the traditional Italian culture to remain But they can’t survive that way If you gain something, you lose something When I visited Damanhur before

I heard that everything on Earth continues to evolve I think it’s a kind of natural system on earth that old traditions disappear and new ones emerge Today, I’m going to stay at an inn that has been renovated from a ruin Let’s take a look at how the ruins we saw have been remodeled

Please look at this, everyone This is an inn that was renovated from ruins This place seems to have been a kiln in the past The living space is upstairs, and this seems to have been the family’s kiln

There was some charcoal on the ceiling, but they cleaned it and renovated it, and it’s now used as an inn room It is amazing There’s a good atmosphere It is made of stone and retains the remains of a kiln This is what the ruins turned out to be when they were renovated

I really want to try it too The toilet looks like this It’s a dome, indicating that it was originally a kiln It has been well renovated and the tiling is very beautiful There is no kiln smell at all Look at the ceiling That’s so great

The old taste is mixed with new elements through renovation Amazing room This building was originally in ruins Her long-held dream was to live in the countryside while valuing nature and tradition The inn was renovated with the help of her family for 10,000 euros over three years

By preserving the original form as much as possible, she hopes that people will be able to enjoy the atmosphere of the past This time, it was a video about how the Italian countryside is becoming more and more abandoned It’s so sad Italy’s cities are thriving

But when I go to the countryside, I see houses that are crumbling down and look like no one is there Nowadays, people can go to many different countries, and the range of residential areas seems to be expanding

But in fact, I feel like we’re getting further and further away from nature and the area we live in is getting smaller I think that by creating a compact city, it will be easier to control people in both good and bad ways

It was a travel that made me think and learn a lot So everyone, if you like the video, please subscribe to the channel From the Italian countryside Adios!





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  1. イタリアも日本も、英米の経済的価値観に支配されちゃってますよね。だから、イタリアの若者もロンドンへ行くのです。

  2. まるで日本を外から見ているようで胸が痛くなりました😢


  3. マフィアも面倒くさいっすよね

  4. 廃村とはいえ中にはまだまだ住めそうな建物も多いですね。石造りで丈夫そうです。

  5. B●の「小さな村の●語」という番組でなんとなく察してました…が、思った以上に深刻そうですね。日本も他人事ではないですが。

  6. 日本は経済的に子育て7少子化に支援できるのにやらない。

  7. 自由主義最大の欠点やね。自由は我々を豊かにしたが、それは結局過去の遺産(人口)を食い潰してるだけという。

  8. 昔は10年一昔くらいですが、今は3年、2年で一昔という感じがあります。





  9. 岸田総理にも観て欲しい動画です。

  10. イタリアはレンガ建てだから廃墟になっても遺跡みたいでそれなりに美しさがある。日本の場合は廃墟になるとぐちゃぐちゃで汚くなるよね。

  11. 世界の社会経済の構造がアメリカの一部ハザールユダヤ系の金持ち中心でありそこに金が集まるようになっているからこうなります。80年代以降世界の富がそこに集中しているの多くの場所で語られているでしょう。特に変動相場によるドルの無限発行においては何処お金が集まるか?システム上のものです。努力の問題じゃないのです。だから今彼らエスタブ層は中間層を消して貧困層と上級層に分け世界を再編する為の「グレートリセット」を進めています。

  12. 政府や国が経済発展に予算を出さなくなれば国は衰退して行きますよね。個人の力では知れています。日本と同じで国民一人当たりが背負う借金の嘘でイギリス人も騙されていないか知りたい所です。退職金国が払えない2030年問題や移民を受け入れたいとか言ってる27才お兄さん残念ですね。

  13. たいへん興味深く拝見しました。

  14. Shotaさんもビザの計算で苦労されてると思いますが、シェンゲン協定でイタリア国籍持ちはドイツやイギリスの労働力の提供元になってるんですよね。

  15. 世の中広いな― 😵😆😣。

  16. イタリアも日本も似たような国になっているような‥?

    社会への問題提起が内容に たまに入り、未来への思案と成り、ありがたいです❗️

  17. へえー イタリア 普通に 観光に 行っただけでは わかりませんね 表の ええとこばっかり 廻るので とても 興味が 湧く 動画です

  18. G7の中で経済的に日本が上なのはイタリアのみで、この惨状をみたら、イタリアよりは経済が良いとは言え、同じ道に進むかもと恐ろしくなります。

  19. 冒頭の廃村も、ギリシャから来た人が築いた所。だから、長い目でみたら 多様な人間(人種) がイタリアを作った(作っていく)❤

  20. 少子高齢化、賃金の安さ、地震など日本だけのものかと思っていましたが、他国でもあるんですね。大変勉強になりました。

  21. 世界一の皮製品と言ってもイタリアの工場で働いてるのは中国人って言われるくらいだしなあ。


  22. 日本も同じ構造的少子化の問題を移民で解決するのは間違っている。移民に対して失礼だし、国はできることをやるべき。この五十年間で前の世代が作った社会で生きる若者が苦境に立っている。よい時代に築いた財産を持つ親世代に頼らざるを得ないという現実。。

  23. 宿はとても素敵です。ただ基本観光や移民に頼る対策は結局その文化の魅力がなくなっていくと思います。もともと住んできた人々が楽しく活発に自由に生きていてこそ、魅力が煽れ訪れたくなるのではないでしょうか。日本も同じです。大きな枠組みは国としてしかできません。

  24. 厳しい事を言うようだけど、国の未来を外国人に託しているようでは本当に終わりかもしれないな。国を捨てて出ていく若者の事を考えてみよ。外国人に託すくらいなら、出ていく自国の若者に託してみたらどうか?

  25. 毎回すばらしい現地レポートを楽しみにしています。以前の動画も面白かったですが、アメリカ西海岸以降のシリーズは硬派なテーマをユーモアも交えて取り上げられて、とても共感できます。Shotaさんのような若い世代がいらっしゃることが、わたしにはとても希望を与えてくれるし、励みにもなります。ありがとう。

  26. 日本もイタリアと同じ道を進んでるんだろうな。政治家がすべきときにすべきことをせず、気づいたらもう手遅れになってた。

  27. 日本の田舎に住んでいます。日本の地方も給料が低くて生活が大変とよく言いますが、イタリアと比較するとまだましかも、、なんて思いました。日本は地方移住や地方の町おこしのブームがまだ続いてますからね。。

  28. イタリアの若者の失業率がこんなに高いなんて思いませんでした。

  29. 10年ほど前にイタリアへ行きましたが、ナポリは正直二度と行きたくないです。町じゅうにスリがいるので、昼間歩いてるだけで落ち着きません。バッグをたすき掛けで持っていても、バスの中で紐を切られて奪いとられたり、駅の周りでは盗品がところ狭しと売られてひっちゃかめっちゃかな感じでした。はい、イタリアは私はかなり期待はずれでした。