Power of the Banks | Japanese Banking System | Best Documentary

Power of the Banks – Set in 20th Century Japan the documentary explores the role and power of Central Banks and how they can be used to change a country’s economic political and social structures. A documentary adaption off the book by Professor Richard Werner.

Power of the Banks (2014)
Director: Michael Oswald
Writers: Michael Oswald(screenplay)
Stars: Andrew Piper(voice), Richard Werner(archive footage), Noriko Yamagiwa
Genre: Documentary, Crime
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Release Date: 5 November 2014 (UK)
Filming Location: Japan

Central Banks are some of the most secretive and misunderstood institutions in the world. What powers do they wield? Whose interests do they serve? How do their actions affect our everyday lives? In 2003, Richard Werner released a book by the title of “Princes of the Yen”, which cut through the complex jargon of central bankers and for the first time made this obscure world accessible to the public. The book became a number one bestseller in Japan. Yet, over ten years after it was first released, the English version, is still on its first edition! Told within the context of the history of 20th Century Japan, Richard Werner meticulously solves the puzzle of central banks, and explains the social, political and economic impacts their actions have. The documentary provides the viewer with a new understanding of economics and shows how events that may appear disjointed in popular discourse are in reality intimately intertwined. “Princes of the Yen” is an independent, self-funded documentary. It was made as a sequel to 97% Owned, a film about how money is created and the impact its creation has. We realized after making that film that we did not understand how central banks fitted into the picture. “Princes of the Yen” fills that gap, shining a light on a world hidden behind closed doors and obscured by complex jargon, a world which would much rather stay out of sight. And when all the layers are peeled away, what remains, is the understanding of the role central banks play, in inducing and directing change. Change, for which they have no mandate.

“Honest step by step explanation of how pure greed is working hand in hand under the cover of the free market pressure to kill every regulatory system that can assure an amount of prosperity for all and how it killed Japan’s economy. Instead, it create opportunities for a few to get insanely rich with no regards to what happen to the economy.” -Written by daveintro IMDb.com
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  1. "Princes of the Yen" is the original title. Film is based on a book by Richard Werner. He is an expert in the field of banking. All of his YT lectures are worth a look. He is the father of QE.

  2. Attention BRICS nations: I require assistance. I'm not good at feeling like a non-human political instrument for cowards. It's important that I have quality human life experiences for many reasons. I'm trying not to explain this without most of the truly nafarious specifics but the urgency is immediate. I was denied access to the United Nations and embassies who are supposed to immediately offer refuge having the massive amounts of ongoing crimes and human rights violations being inflicted on my openly vulnerable individual existing and being denied the privacy that any human being needs for the sake if dignity and the safety for myself and any female who might cross my line of sight, never mind if I even fancy anyone being so appalled and what I have heard described as inexplicable from indirect sources who would risk being ostracized by those who are involved in their massive amounts of effort who somehow are able to cause my being immersed and overwhelmingly surrounded by sadistic politically motivated race-baiting or woke terrorists, cybercriminals or what is I think best described as the colored revolution and their "simp" (a lude disgusting coward) tandems who maximize their making I, Ronald Aaron Lopez, seem like a biggot for mere accurate observational and descriptive expression/outrage, according to the past couple of years of avoiding not stating assumingly as that's how disturbing and brazen these degenerates are to essentially depend on discrediting anyone who exposes them having police even deem people as unstable to avoid filing police reports, to which thousands have neen filed and yet I have never been contacted or told about, according to another source that I wouldn't believe it if I myself heard someone try to expose what websites like reddit or github might exist as. That is how important it is to physically make contact and have my removal from Washington DC. at this moment. and onto a nautical vessel (boat/floating residence). My phone number is 202-718-5669 however, trust nothing digital so refrain from allowing any tactical response you send from using any digital devices as they should consider the illigal federal involvement due to I owning most of the property share and/or backings that amount to trillions of US dollars that is no legitimate reason to psychologically mutilate, dehumanize and endlessly persecute I, Ronald Aaron Lopez beyond my knowing who to defend myself from and where they are to conduct their ransom based organized crimes, bribery-blackmail fraud, theft, extortion, laundering, frivolity, trafficking, human trafficking, trespassing, aggravated stalking, aggravated assaults, premeditated identity theft/replacement, strong arm robery, embezzlement and war crime level violations that aren't the previous due to lies that were revealed that I was vindicated from 8 years ago from. According to the internet and other scared people brave enough to say things the best way they can without risking being something called "DOXXED" which most probably means stalked or targeted to be corrupted or even seduced, as evil as that might seem to be, for lack of a better word to describe this basic description that becomes a description of downright blasphemous types of unnecessarily unholy ways of inapparently inflicting psychological mutilation to I assume have my be sent to a psych ward indefinitely or to have my isolated by stalker kill myself for a moment of peace is what must be what these degenerates are trying to accomplish as if it were some sort of demonic career that they should find more suited to rot in hell for even claiming to be in school or working, a plague of the worst degenerates, many who think race is an entitlement to behave in such an abhorrent and invasively committed way as if such behavior were even human-like. Police officers who witness open looting being carried out on my existing having people think that I am a walking living grave to rob and dehumanize aren't going to arrest themselves. I take the emasculation, dehumanizing, humiliating and desensitization of anyone that dares look in my direction personally and to be outraged or perhaps occasionally cynical, know that I would like to be constructively projecting myself, however, I have not a friend or family member to speak to in private having no dignity to even use the bathroom. My self respect won't allow my contributing to the tolerance everyone who knows who I am would understand given the remorse or perhaps moment to feel some form of not rolling up into a ball of tears or laying on a sidewalk left being laughed at. What shade of coward would I be with the respect to lead WHAT? I AM NOT EVEN REMOTELY VIOLENT, AVOID CONFLICT EVEN BEING ASSAULTED WITH A WEAPON RESTRAINING THE ASSAILANT UNTIL HE CALMED DOWN. I WAS ROBBED IN FRONT OF A COP AND WHO WOULD DARE THINK THAT I AM SUPPOSED TO WITNESS THE WORST POSSIBLE DISTORTION AND MANIPULATION OF MY INTENTIONS AND WHAT I SAY IS ONLY A SMALL PART OF THE INEXPLICABLE EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE EVEN IN MY SLEEP WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO EXPLAIN WHAT I MEAN BY ANY OF THIS AS I WILL ANSWER QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS MYSELF ONCE I AM PHYSICALLY EMBRACED OR AGGRESSIVELY TRANSPORTED TO AND PLACED ONTO A NAUTICAL VESSEL BEING THAT EVEN AIRSPACE IS BEING USED BY ENDLESS RANSOM SEEKING POLITICALLY AMD ECONOMICALLY MOTIVATED ASSAILANTS CARRYING OUT LOCAL, STATE, FEDERALAND INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT LEVELS OF WAR CRIMES AND VIOLATIONS OF PEACE TREATIES. I HAVE BEEN DENIED PROPER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM EMBASSIES OF FOREIGN ALLIED COUNTRIES. MY NOT BEING HELD HOSTAGE IN A FIXED LOCATION AND OPENLY BEING SUBJECTED TO DEPRAVITY ALL DAY AND NIGHT AFTER 8 YEARS OF HAVING BEEN REVEALED BE IN DISTRESS AND RECENTLY VINDICATED AGAIN FOR WHATEVER I ALSO HEARD ABOUT PERSECUTION THAT I WASEN'T EVEN TOLD ABOUT DENIED DUE PROCESS BECAUSE THE ACTUAL CHARGES WERE ENTIRELY FALSE AND FABRICATED, ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT AND ELUSIVE WAYS THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO SAY OR EXPLAIN WITHOUT PEOPLE SOMHOW CRITICIZING GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, INCONSISTENCIES AND/OR THAT I AM ASSUMING EVERYTHING WHEN I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO INFORM OR REMIND ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE READING THIS ABOUT ANYTHING AS THAT WOULD BE HELPING THE CULPRITS WITH CRIMES AGAINST MYSELF. BUT WAY WORSE AND HOW MANY SADISTIC PEOPLE OBSTRUCTING AND CYBERSTALK MANIPULATING THAT CAN POSSIBLY BE INVOLVED IS IRRELEVANT TO THE NOT EVEN A LIST OF VACANT PROPERTIES THAT I COULD HAVE BEEN STAYING IN FOR A COUPLE YEARS NOW EVEN BEING TOLD ABOUT HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ABANDONED PROPERTIES THAT I AM SUPPOSED TO BE SORTING OUT, IF TRUE AS I CANNOT CONFIRM NOR DENY WHAT IS FICTITIOUSLY NAMED AND/OR IN THE NAME OF BACKINGS, SECURITIES, HOLDINGS, TRUST ACCOUNTS AND/OR OTHER CORPORATIONS THAT ARE BEING RUN BY WHO I ASSUME WERE MOSTLY TERRIFIED AND SCARED TO BE SENT TO PRISON, NOW PROBABLY MORTIFIED AT WHATEVER IS BEING DONE BY WHO ALSO TAUNT ABOUT I COOKING ALL DAY NOT EVEN UNDERSTANDING WHAT THAT REALLY MEANS OTHER THAN IN LITERAL TERMS NOT HAVING ACCESS TO ANY KITCHEN, BY A COLLECTIVE EFFORT AS A SORT OF PERSONAL VESECTOMY CAUSING THAT NOT EVEN THE CHANCE TO BUILD A FAMILY OR APPROACH ANYONE WHO EVENTUALLY GETS CORRUPTED AND SOMEHOW REWARDED OUT OF MY LIFE NOW REALIZING WHY I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO KEEP LIFELONG FRIENDS OR LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS IN HINDSIGHT, BECAUSE MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE I HAVE BEEN STALKED AND HAD AMOUNTS MORE THAN ALL PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS COMBINED SPENT TO SMEAR AND ENSURE THAT I BE ALWAYS PROJECTED IN THE WORST WAY IMAGINABLE, IF A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT A DONALD J TRUMP AND A SITUATION THAT SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN SUGGESTED AND NARRATED IN A VERY OMINOUS WAY. Furthermore, It is demoralizing to my impressionable self and to my individually being violated by those in and around my physically vulnerable and deprived existence while I am endlessly being inapparently being forced to structure these messages to how many witnesses;? for what I believe are subconscious instinctual reasons as a human being with my own personal life experiences and psychological conditioned responses, as I am in distress and can not nor should I be made to understand why I would even be held to any grammatical standard this way in this environment while experiencing human depravity being inflicted by cowards beyond my human ability to defend myself fairly; WHILE I AM HUMILIATED DEHUMANIZED BY HOW MANY?! So, this is my way of refusing to cooperate in tolerating crimes against myself or a form of self-respect. Dignity or lack of dignity my feeling dignified might play a role as to why I feel so dehumanized if I articulate this and many other aspects when considering my own particular life experiences and challenges. 🆘️🆘️🆘️

  3. Pause@1:28:00 – Please note the European Commission logo. As we can see here it consists of 'stars and stripes' – isn't it simply Uncle Sam's (U.S) star spangled banner in disguise? The absurdity of such being likely creates a War in Europe (W.E) thats financed and choreographed by U.S. WE is US.

  4. The notion here is that they may play a role in stability of stock markets. Given the refusal of blockchain oz by the gold industry, there is more time for all central banks to dominate the world economy with a very biased interest rate game. The consequence is debt expansion until the fiats are worthless.

  5. Newer title is also good, as title has to describe the video somewhat. They wrecked Japan with the bubble and the burst so they can have American system too, where banks have the power to decide which sectors to allocate credit in.

  6. 20 minutes passed, the narrator didnt explained what kind of policy were the japanese funelling. was it Keynesian? was it monopolistic? was it the MMT, by printing money and issuing bonds that would be deleted by inflation on long term? was it classical economics? wtf was it? was it ,,collective capitalism,,? is window guidance a form of central planning? if so why dont you explain that it is the culture that runs things and not individualism like in uk or the fkn states

  7. The power of banks extends far beyond their role as financial institutions; they are central to the functioning of modern economies and have significant influence over the global financial system. Banks control the flow of capital, determine credit availability, and shape the policies that govern economic growth, investment, and wealth distribution. Through their control of money supply and lending practices, banks can drive or hinder economic development, influence interest rates, and even impact inflation and unemployment rates.

    One of the most potent aspects of banking power is its ability to create money through lending. When banks lend money, they effectively create new capital, which circulates through the economy, influencing everything from consumer spending to investment in infrastructure and innovation. However, this power also comes with risks, as excessive lending or speculative financial practices can lead to crises, as seen in the 2008 global financial collapse.

    Banks also hold significant sway in shaping economic policies and regulations. Their lobbying power can influence government decisions, from monetary policies to taxation, often in ways that benefit their bottom line, sometimes at the expense of broader societal needs. The concentration of wealth and power in large financial institutions has also sparked concerns about inequality and the fairness of a system where a few entities have such disproportionate control over economic resources.

    In recent years, the rise of fintech and alternative financial systems has challenged the traditional power of banks, but they remain dominant players in the global economy. As such, the power of banks raises important ethical and political questions about accountability, regulation, and the role of financial institutions in shaping the future of societies. Balancing their power with consumer protection, social equity, and economic stability is a critical challenge for policymakers and society as a whole.

  8. Once you realize that modern capitalism – in particular classical hamiltonian, and modern neoliberal capitalism – is a religion, and the current global spread and implementation of capitalism is the same as previous crusades and colonialism, just mosernized and dressed up, the world makes a lot more sense.

  9. Europeans take control of your mind then try to sensor or downplay the damage they have caused. Then call you delusional when you remember the trauma caused on humanity by Europeans.

  10. .

    It is not the banks that have the power, do not be fooled, those who have the power are the big shareholders of these banks, the plutocrats who govern the West, who remain invisible, as long as you allow yourselves to be fooled, they are flesh and blood, but until now they have been untouchable, because they are invisible. And for this reason they cannot be held responsible for what they do and have done.