Tutela dei lavoratori: le nuove regole dell’Ue sull’esposizione al piombo e ai diisocianati

Leads is absorbed and can stay in our body for more than 30 years these rules will protect workers across Europe from getting cancer so in this episode we’ve come to Bel to look at the latest efforts at EU level to protect workers from harmful substances including lead what will new

Restrictions mean for public health why have they been updated and do they go far enough welcome to real Economy and C in franch we are recycling about 90 to 95,000 tons of lead containing scraps most of it are car batteries in fact we recycle in this plant here about 10,000 car batteries a day and why is it important that places like this exist well you know if we wouldn’t recycle

Those batteries they would end up somewhere in a dump which is obviously not that good and by the way the industry needs the lead so it means that we would need to get lead from the mines which either are in Europe or probably outside of Europe which which is again

Yeah not that good for the Environment we were well aware about this new regulations and we were working of course already for a long time into this direction but of course we will have to work it further but we will get there the heal effects of lead are known for a long time but now we have more

Data indicate that these health effects also happen and occur at lower exposure levels so we need to bring these levels down to prevent chronic disorders like for example cancer our experience is that it is a large diversity as to how these rules are effectively inforced at workplaces and

Of course that’s where where guidelines come in it’s it’s where the role and the function of Trade union reps uh uh labor inspectorates and so on uh come comes into play but it is a challenge to ensure that these rules are applied equally throughout Europe

In a moment I’ll speak to the me that helped to deliver Europe’s new chemical limits but before all that here’s our crash course For Nikolai willamson thank you for speaking to EUR news how significant ific are these new limits for the protection of workers these are very significant we are talking about that human lives will be saved less workers will get sick from going to work less workers will will die

What we are doing is that we are revising for the first time in 40 years the limit value on lead but we’re also for the first time ever introducing uh a limit value on D cyanides this means that metal workers industrial workers those who are making the wind tour Bine

Who are making the the batteries those actually in the Forefront of the green transition will be better protected due to this legislation are the limits low enough not if you ask me and not if you ask the majority here in the parliament but these are still significant improvements for workers and I think

Also something that is a huge victory for me uh in these negotiations is that we managed to have a review Clause So within five years we have a review meaning that we will not have to wait another 40 years for for better Improvement do you think you will be

Revising these rules pretty quickly then that’s of course important because we know there’s always new technologies there’s always new things coming forward that shows that that these harmful substances do more harm than we actually think and the fact is just that now we’re taken a significant step and we

Need to make sure that we don’t have to wait decades again before further steps can be taken how confident are you that these new limits will be enforced across the European Union what we’re speaking about here is how law so we’re talking about Union law that employers will need

To respect and if they do not respect that then the authorities will have to make sure they face the consequences isn’t it the case no matter what you do more and more workers could be exposed to these substances because of the green transition yes more workers will be exposed to these dangerous substances

Due to the green transition and that is why it is so crucial that we make sure that the workers are better protected that those who do the Green transition the workers doing it underground do not lose their life or get sick due to their Work

Che impatto avranno le nuove restrizioni sulla salute pubblica? Perché sono state aggiornate? Saranno sufficienti?


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