Why don’t the Japanese quit? #economy

So why don’t employees leave for other companies that exploit them less and are more efficient because they don’t want to in Japan work as part of the cultural code you join company when you finish University and leave only when you retire taking with you a bronze horse or

A dragon for your contributions to the company and it doesn’t matter how productive smart or dumb you are your company is as much a part of you as your height weight or place of birth and for Japanese it’s very important to be in a big company that is also part of their

Family and by the way there are advantages to this too companies give you lifelong employment which means stability for all employees large companies often prefer to lose money rather than lay off employees some Japanese companies keep unprofitable Enterprises to maintain employment and these Enterprises continue to operate

That is of course if they don’t incur huge losses the longer a person Works in a company the more they’re paid and the higher they rise up the corporate ladder

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