The Rise and Reality of Japan’s Salaryman A Symbol of Economic Boom

In this era the image of the salary man was born the salary man a white collar worker who exhibits unwavering loyalty to his company became a symbol of Japan’s post-war economic boom these individuals were known to work long hours often without overtime pay and their life outside of work was

Often secondary to their job the dedication of these workers fueled Japan’s economic growth helping it become the world’s second largest economy by the end of the 20th century however this came at a price

n this era the image of the Salaryman was born The Salaryman a white-collar worker who exhibits unwavering loyalty to his company became a symbol of Japan’s post-war economic boom These individuals were known to work long hours often without overtime pay and their life outside of work was often secondary to their job The dedication of these workers fueled Japan’s economic growth helping it become the world’s second largest economy by the end of the twentieth century However this came at a price

1 Comment

  1. In Boeing, you can't even get the workers to put the required 3 bolts to make sure the door doesn't blow off midflight