🇸🇻 The Electoral Government of El Salvador May Not Want Me to Say This In Metrocentro, San Miguel 😲

¡Bienvenidos a El Salvador! Many that have  been here just a couple of years ago and   just are not aware of what has changed since  the most recent President has been in office.   Currently that President is Nayib Bukele.  I think she’s packing gifts. “Empaca tus  

Regalos.” Oh yeah! You understand what I’m  saying? Yes. Ohhhhh. English in El Salvador!   They have movies. What’s up bro? I follow  you on YouTube. You, you follow me? Yeah,   I believe So. Really? Nice to meet  you. What’s your name? Familia? Hello

Everyone! ¿Como estas a todos? Jay Cee  Max aqui. Coming to you from San Miguel,   El Salvador and right behind you’ll see  the Metrocentro. Famous shopping mall here   in the center of El Salvador. Many things have  changed since the last time I’ve made it here to  

Metrocentro. Things have changed for the better  or many things may have changed for the worse.   What I want to tell you is certain things that you  may not not be aware of coming up on February 4t,  

2024, will be the general election that will allow  the citizens of El Salvador to vote for the new   president vice president and all 60 deputies of  the legislative assembly so what I want to do is  

Show you what has changed what has changed for the  diaspora who have been in El Salvador many years   ago and just may not have seen it or many that  have been here just a couple of years ago and  

Just are not aware of what has changed since  the most recent president has been in office   currently that president is Nayib Bukele. So what  I’m going to do is take a walk through Metrocentro   if I can because you know sometimes they be  telling people to put down the camera but I’m  

Going to make sure that doesn’t happen and if it  does happen I’ll talk my way through it and I’m   going to show you since he’s been in office from  the last time you may have seen Metrocentro this  

Shopping mall or other shopping malls what has  changed what has changed in the parking lot what   has changed in the area look at the cars look at  the license plate look at the style of cars look  

At the brands look at pretty much everything okay  I’ll talk my way through it as I walk but I want   you to determine if things have changed for the  best and maybe you will say you know what these  

Past couple of years of presidency has been so  good that I just want to elect the same person   over again this is not a political Channel  but it is realization channel so for people   the realization is things are better there’s less  crime there’s less drugs on the street and if you  

Feel that there’s a good reason behind that then  maybe the same person may be who you’re looking   for for the next general election this is not  a promotion this is just a realization like I  

Said look at everything look at the trash on the  floor we don’t see any trash at this time that’s   a good thing so keep pushing with me and we’ll  discover together if things have changed for the

Better m in all right see there’s a difference  smiling faces no one’s afraid of me no one say   who is this exano AI over here with a camera in  his face talking to himself see bye walk with  

Me you might find this interesting because I’m  talking through it or you might find it boring   but I’m going to make sure you’re entertained  and also informed as you see here we have Toyota   Corolla taxes we have everyone in Toyotas Nissan’s  Japanese brands as we know Japanese brands are  

Super reliable but don’t be too surprised because  just because it’s a Japanese brand does not mean   it might not break down watch out for the CVT  transmission on that Nissan kicks it may not   last you all right so let’s keep pushing forward  and I’ll show you look at the restaurants we have  

Los poblanos Taco Bell Wendy’s we even have a  Pizza Hut in the corner and even a KFC many of   those have been here already but some have just  popped up and made its way into this mall to give  

You the treats of different things from around  the world we have promotions for Wi-Fi free Wi-Fi   here in Metrocentro Viv to experiencia we have  people dressed to impress letting you know how   sexy they are everywhere you go last time I was  in Metrocentro l it was like that as well but now  

It’s even more so as I walk through I’m going to  let you know one thing that I have noticed I’ve   noticed that there are many more people out and  about and when I say that families with their kids  

No one’s like shuttering or or or afraid everyone  is like super happy to be out before when I came   here some 3 years before it wasn’t like that it  was just a small amount of people here and many  

People were still kind of cautious cautious of  this exaro wondering what the heck I was doing   with the same exact camera but now people are cool  tranquilo just like that B all right so just keep  

Looking around look at the smiling faces look at  the mues who are shy but have a wonderful smile on   their face see the wonderful people on the side  of my door that’s how I do it baby all right so  

Let me find a way to get into this Metro Centro  and show you a little bit more of inside if I   can I don’t know it’s kind of hard but I’ll  keep pushing they’re going to have to check  

My my bag maybe oh no no one’s checking my bag  anymore okay so just look at the people I’m not   going to speak as loud cuz I don’t want too much  attention on myself here we got a Western Union  

We got people in line waiting to get that money  from where Italy Australia USA who knows but we   know that there are a lot of diaspora from El  Salvador all over the world so shout out to you  

People who have left your country for different  reasons and are doing well enough to send money   back to a Western Union or a money gam station  whatever it helps it helps people because as we   know because a lot of diaspora are making more  and more money than before it’s Al it’s actually  

Causing the rates of houses and things to either  to actually increase which makes it hard for the   locals to live so it’s like it’s like a good thing  and a bad thing so send the money back if you can  

Because it’s getting harder to buy property here  because the foreigners are coming with mucho mucho   doto making things rise and that’s what we  call supply and demand economics Baby [Music] Woo all right so now look at that Lorena This  is Lorena with the new Loreno sign as you see  

It doesn’t have that normal green and orange now  it’s red with a nice white glow in the background   this is established from 1981 in San Miguel El  Salvador This is Lorena so you’ll hear the music   so if you hear any interruptions between what  I’m speaking it’s because I’m cutting the volume  

Because of the music in the background so there  will be some interruptions but don’t worry about that here we have a ghost store here we  have a mic mic store it seems like they   just sell bags and things like that all  right oh look at that and so there goes  

The old Lorena sign not the most old  but like before the new one pretty cool so this today is a Sunday some people may  be in church but others decided to come to the   actual Metrocentro Mall to shop with their family  and have a good time everything is bustling here  

In El Salvador at this time before the elections  people are out and about every store has people   in it caterpillar things like that Las kasas deas  whatever that means people are here here they’re   out here to shop so don’t think that just because  you come to salador that people are only buying  

False or fake Goods on the street of San Miguel  yes people do that but they also come to stores   like this and purchase the real thing this is the  good quality caterpillar boots for those who are   into stylish boots and construction and whatever  else once again the people of El Salvador hola  

Hola so again same stores that you’ve seen before  San Simon whatever you say it so I think they own   the actual complex who knows shoe stores Cado  mayora don’t know what that is impac tus regalos   I think she’s packing gifts empaca tus regalos  oh you understand what I’m saying Eng Salvador  

In come on how do you speak English a little bit  joke that I was a solo person in this entire that   have no you prove me wrong much what is your  name and you and my name is but you can call  

Me JC Max Latin yes I’m Latino yeah you saw her  eyes her oh was like where are you live I live   in SOS see where you from I’m going to have to  teach her what Latino really means signif Latin Latino America is consisting of the P that the the Latin came

Yes Latino Fran no Fran is laug so Bra so that’s why my name is am yay Latino o but  yes nice to meet you thank me me thank you this   is my six six V in in Salvador I love El Salvador  it’s a wonderful place great you live in in San  

Miguel yes okay have you ever been to estos yes  really weird don’t they new you have famia New   York yes New York Maryland really Angeles wow so  there are many people that watch me on YouTube  

That are from Maryland New York and Los Angeles  yes they’re going to see oh fatim oh my good   goodness Kun so do you want to say any palabas to  the Mundo to your famia H everyone all right so  

She says hello everyone so muchoo nice to meet  you nice to meet you too so this is what we do   my channel name is Jay Cee Max. Jay Cee Max me and  then you’re going to see your K on Miss Canal it’s  

M so you see videos new subscriber. it’s me. it’s  Madagascar yes the most recent country Madagascar   e Philippines El Salvador Madagascar is in Africa  so I’m a VI viao so let me know if you want to te  

On on the video just say o do you remember me?  I’m Fatima. and I’ll say yes I remember you okay   okay so nice to meet you I’m going to walk around  Metrocentro and show the mundo what is changed in  

Metrocentro nice to meet you nice to meet you  mu bye all right bye bye Fatima. Bye-bye enjoy   enjoy oh yeah so once again we meet the kindest  people here in El Salvador sorry if I had to cut  

That scene up a little bit it’s because of the  Musa in the background so I spoke slow this way   I can edit in between so the music doesn’t  bother the actual footage okay I try my best  

Here we have a playground for The noos so if you  want to put some quarters in there you can put   some quarters and get a little seesaw action or  whatever merry go around you can even buy cotton  

Candy right here in the middle this is going  to be a long video because it is showing you   almost everything that I see that’s interesting  here in Metrocentro now to the left at we have  

Motorbikes many of the motorbikes are sold here in  the malls you can actually pay $733 a month if you   want to put down a Down payment and actually  pay for it month-to month they actually sell   motorbikes with cell phones and washer and dryers  and fans and irons pretty much it’s an electronic  

Store for everything it’s kind of weird to have a  motorbike in there but hey that’s what they do in Salvador all right and refrigerators and range  whatever bomba we actually have clothes at the  

Bombacmy dumb behind I forgot what what city I  was in I think I was in at tiaya and I said bomba   fireworks I thought that it meant fireworks but  it has nothing to do with fireworks it is simply  

A clothing store so this is how bomba looks B  pretty nice clothes so now I corrected myself many   many months after going to a at Salvador so now we  have a row of ATMs so we have the Banco Agricola  

Look at that we got 1 2 3 4 four at least four ATM  sections for Banco Agricola so they’re letting you   know if they’re closed which is Sunday cerradoand  they don’t have any attendance you can come and  

Do some business at the ATM on your own I think  that’s pretty cool cuz usually like in Honduras   when you see a Banco agricola or some type of  Bank on the outside they usually put a gate  

Over the ATM so you can’t do anything service at  all because they’re afraid of people breaking into   the ATM but here they leave it open while you’re  in the mall so I think that’s pretty cool now look  

To the left again we have a BAC credomatic same  thing it’s Sado they have at least two um ATMs   and they also have someone servicing it with their  guns and things like that so I’m showing you what  

Has changed it’s safe even our guys that are here  doing the machine they’re not as afraid as before   before they probably be like before them bad boys  ready at the at The hilt ready to see something  

Happen but you see they’re not afraid he’s still  looking at me though he’s like what the heck’s   going on all right keep pushing baby s yeah you  can buy mattresses whatever merry go rounds kids  

Clothes now we go even further down before we  get to the Cinemark and now we have ceros of many   different banks so if you want Banco hip hpto Kyo  CR com ATM from Banco Pro America Banco Agricola  

Again another ATM oh my goodness they are really  trying to take over the market and another one and   another one all right so see that’s pretty cool  so like I said if you can’t find an A cajero on  

The street then you come into Metrocentro and then  you can find pretty much any bank that is serviced   here in El Salvador at your Helm to withdraw even  I withdraw money at these things because I need   cash sometimes and I don’t have it so there’s  no conversion issue because El Salvador uses US  

Dollars but they will charge your fee if you’re  not a part of that particular bank or if you’re   using an international debit card but luckily  I use Alli bank and they refund me up to $10 a  

Month on any Bank charges at the ATM pretty cool  if you ask me oh now we have some Hermosa mueres   that are hiding no scuro no scuro it’s okay it’s  a H all right what do you like about s Miguel s

Miguel really W okay well that’s what’s good about  s Miguel in her eyes so thank you for your inista okay okay she’s scared but it’s okay it’s me it’s me  fut esposa all right b w all right so you always  

See people hiding their face and all that but  that’s how it is so the movies are still in the   same spot I’ll show you so usually they put the  best two movies that they want to promote right in  

These spots many people are not liking the Marvels  for whatever woke reason or even wish but here   Disney wants them to put it up front and Disney  Gets what they want so this is the movies that  

Are being shown at this time here at the Cinemark  in Siman Metrocentro San Miguel so one thing I I   think I know about this um movie theater is that  they do have movies in English even though for the  

Most part um they don’t speak a lot of English in  Al Salvador really they don’t you may think they   do but they don’t they have movies what’s up bro  I’ll follow you on YouTube you you follow me yeah  

I believe so really nice to meet you what’s your  name Nixon Nixon JT Max good to meet you brother   nice to meet you yeah hey uh I’m here visiting I  live in the United States where uh Houston Texas  

Ah I just left Houston really I drove from Houston  here straight up wow You’ll see it on the video   I’ll upload everything car broke down everything  so I’ll be looking forward thanks bro nice to meet   you bro yes all right so he he speaks English  he’s from Houston so overall they have movies  

In English here so that’s how it is all right  so you thought I was going to forget about you hola you want to give me a b Vitos bitos  no she’s scared I was trying to make her   one of my like thumbnails but it’s okay salvad no

Noos yeah yeah advertisement for me ad  advertise so so say salvad no [Music] okay   y gracias all right M Canal is Max say Max say  Max say Max let’s see if she can find it on YouTube yeah it’s easy by there we go Madagascar Africa Salvador

Guatemala all right byebye all right so back  to what I was saying they have movies here   in English so if you have someone like me  in EXO that wants to come watch a movie   at the cinar which goes all the way up  there then you could watch it and don’t  

Be afraid and don’t have to worry about  subtitulos or whatever else other things   you need to listen to things that’s not in  your language so it’s in English keep going   expose I think that was here for a while  okay it’s going to be a long video man long

Video nice people everywhere you go all  right so this PO compo has been here for   a while so there’s nothing special  about that I’ve shown you many poo   compos especially in Guatemala I was just  there with my boy Kan murales when I was  

In amatlan got aala so we already saw that  on our previous video right before this one okay all right so more stores China Walk J ja don’t know how to say that LE shoes  Okay so from this point I’m just going to show  

You things in clip form not going to show you  just pretty much every little step I take because   I know that would be super boring to watch so  if I have something interesting then you’ll see

It oh what’s wrong with that boy he’s lost what’s  going on here he already in trouble what’s going   on okay so see fames chilling you know this is  what I like this is what I like to see families  

Out and about before after church whatever PL  said everyone is here like just chilling man   like this is what life should be and that’s what  I was saying in the beginning if you feel that   things have changed to where this atmosphere  was not the way it was before when you left  

Then maybe things are in a good position maybe  things have changed I don’t know it’s not up to   me it’s up to you to vote and do whatever  you got to do to keep this place safe who

Knows one thing that I just saw in the news was  that the president at this time decided to take   a leave of absence to go on a campaign Trail  if you ask me I’ve seen many people that have  

Hats that say like bu 2024 I’ve seen it so if you  were to ask me I would say he wouldn’t even have   to campaign it’s kind of like Donald Trump Donald  Trump ain’t even doing any type of um moderation  

Type standing up and arguing with those other  people he’s not even doing that cuz he feels   like he’s going to win no matter what so I think  the current president here may not even need to  

Go out on a campaign Trail he could probably sit  in this Palace the entire time and say look look   at what I did look at all this I know I’m going  to win I think it’s like that but you never know  

You know what I’m saying you never know what um  how things come out in the voting polls I have   no bone in this fight it’s not about me I don’t  there nothing about me I don’t even think about  

Nothing because I’m not a citizen here I just  want the prosperity of the people to continue   and to do well and for things to keep pushing and  doing better in Salvador that’s all I care about  

I don’t do politics I’m just letting you know  what I see all right keep pushing so in this   section I always skip showing you this section  because there’s always music in the background   messing everything up big screen TVs anything you  want to buy pause the show move past this before  

The music gives me a copyright issue now this is  a store that I like this is a xiaomi store xiaomi   is a Chinese brand that is the most popular brand  in India but it’s also making its Rounds Around  

The World what phone do I use for the past 3 years  I’ve been using a sh me because it actually works   and it actually has a remote control so when I go  to these hotels I don’t touch remote controls why  

Because this has an app and infrared that allows  me to change the actual television with my phone   or the air conditioner I’m telling you the truth  this is not a promotion for xiaomi it is letting  

You know that xiaomi is real I don’t buy any  other phone but xiaomi and they cheap I get   it from Amazon about $200 something dollar so as  you see this is the new xiaomi and they also have  

Smart watches for xiaomi too oh she’s laughing I  think she likes the promotion hola come on stas V   all right so xiaomi Home Products xiaomi this  xiaomi that I’m all up on xiaomi I don’t buy  

Samsung I don’t buy Sony I don’t buy Nokia and  I don’t buy Apple I buy xiaomi much gracias oh   yeah top-of-the-line Brands they’re cheap but it  works mostly because of remote control I don’t  

Touch dirty remote controls Digis cell is here as  well pays is here as well many of you may not see   pays in the US anymore but they’re [Music] here  hello got a DJ doing his thing we got free candy  

It’s it’s Gratis fire oh man you got Hershey’s up  in there boy okay I see you much gracias thank you   oh yeah DJ giving away free candy oh yeah top of  the line all right guys so I’ve reached the end of  

The Metrocentro inside so the last thing I’ll show  you is the LA dispensa Dan Juan so if you want to   buy like fruits and whatever treats candies it’s  a supermarket you can buy anything you want and  

We also have the I don’t know what that says  Cobo de remesas so that is like a remittance   so if you’re here trying to get money gram or or  any other remittance they have it here so you you  

Can send it from USA you can send money from  wherever and you can pick it up here so they   have like a line of people pretty much waiting to  get their money all right so pretty much this is  

The end some things have changed since the last  time I’ve been here some things have not mea to   cap it’s bonita oh yeah I like it oh yeah yep so  this is it pretty much this is the Metrocentro  

I’m telling you people there super nice I haven’t  had any problems here in Salvador some people may   call me Brash some people may call me offensive  it is not offensive to be real this is real life  

I will say hello to anyone even if you might not  like it it’s real life all right guys so let me   know what you think let me know what you think  about this Metrocentro tour that I’ve shown you  

Here at this time before the elections let me know  if you think things have changed enough to keep   things the same let me know if you think it should  be more change if you think there’s some back room  

Dealings that’s making this change happen write it  as well it’s not my business I’m just letting you   have an outlet of expression you know to to the  world to let the world know what’s really going  

On here in El Salvador all right guys this is it  so more to come it might just go outside I don’t know ah I noticed a change there’s no security  guards looking at my bags I really thought they  

Would be at other entrances but they’re not at any  of the entrances at all they have done away with   the security guards checking your bags I’m so used  to that in the Philippines here they just stopped  

Doing it all together huh huh pretty cool Pap  all right guys thank you watch the other video up   ahead to the right and to the left click that box  there’s more to come more to come from Madagascar  

In Africa I want to let you know how Madagascar  is dealing with the current issues that they’re   dealing with now so watch those videos watch  out Salvador watch Guatemala I have so many much   more videos to show you stop being afraid click  that link cuz learn about Africa from your boy Hala oh

YY ah bonus back here again at Metrocentro here in  San Miguel El Salvador I’m going to do something   that I normally don’t do is mukbangs but I’m  going to do a mukbang at a famous restaurant   called KFC the last time I’ve been at KFC  was when I was in Japan and I embarrassed  

Myself now I’m going to go to KFC and actually  purchase something here in El Salvador what   caught my attention was this nueva WOW box valode  Lunes aier oh [Music] snap I guess I can’t get that scratch that if I can’t get a 3.99  wild box on a Sunday then I ain’t going in  

There forget about that I’ll make another  video price got to be the same man came   on the wrong day man ah what’s your name  on YouTube is the cl cl what see someone represent oh Mario oh CL the  cell phone is on YouTube okay  

I thought said I on YouTube but  that’s super Express P okay I understand okay so let me ask you you work for cl see no you didn’t let me finish all right H hola hola

â–  SAN MIGUEL, EL SALVADOR: Many things are changing in El Salvador. Does the current government get all of the credit or all of the blame? Join me as I discuss these things while providing a current and exciting view of the Metrocentro San Miguel shopping mall. Join me on this Sights and Sounds adventure! Vaya pues.

– Jay Cee Max

**This video is in no way intended to belittle or show disrespect toward the Salvadoran people and their culture.**

I hope you enjoy.
NOT to me. I am just a vessel
to remind you of this.

Stay tuned!!

#JayCeeMax #SanMiguel #ElSalvador #MetroCentro #nayibbukele #coolestdictator
@JayCeeMax @MichelePonte @HaraldBaldr
@SimonWilson12 @tiofrank_ @tiofranktv6820 @KurtCaz @Julmorgannn
@AmayaZelaya @amayazelayatv9904 @TimKyoutube @desmadreenfamilia5511 @ElSalvadorenGrande @PhillyDom @iammarwa @iam_marwa & Bo @Deschavetados
@ThisIsBunjo @PeroLike @Cherada @receta @drewbinsky @NomadicMovement
@DailyBald @baldandbankrupt @ElSalvadorTravelOficial
@Davidsbeenhere @Maniac Canadian @Biiboo_ bobii @ElPatechucho
@Salvadorenisimo @elsalvadordiaadia3653

world’s coolest dictator reelection re-elected el pulgarcito MetroCentro nayib bukele El Salvador’s Capital of the East: San Miguel Downtown San Miguel (Centro Histórico), El Salvador i love el salvador Conduciendo Paseos Recorridos Salvadoreños El Salvador en Grande Municipios de El Salvador Recorrido por El Salvador Recorriendo El SalvadorEl Salvador Trip El Salvador Carreteras de El Salvador calles y avenidas Youtubers salvadoreños Youtubero Salvadoreño El Salvador 4K San Salvador El Salvador Moderno El Salvador actual el salvador 4k #Davidsbeenhere #traveladvice #thenomadicmovement #traveladvice #TREADtheGlobe #TRAVELSTOKE Karen Klopp #KarenKlopp San Salvador travel guide is el salvador safe? exposed is san salvador safe el salvador travel guide san salvador safe el salvador safe san salvador dangerous el salvador dangerous el salvador travel vlog best travel video guide Salvador San Salvador Central America El Salvador Safety El Salvador Guides El Salvador Travel Travel El Salvador el salvador royal decameron san salvador el salvador travel vlog things to do in el salvador decameron el salvador trip salinitas royal decameron salinitascentral america is el salvador safe is san salvador safe is san salvador dangerous where is el salavador what is el salvador san salvador crime san salavador dangerous el salvador dangerous el salvador tourist in el salvador is el salvador cheap? san miguel el salvador 2023 el salvador 2024 2025 san miguel el salvador metrocentro san miguel el salvador casas de venta san miguel el salvador carnaval san miguel el salvador noticias san miguel el salvador desde el aire san miguel el salvador acento san miguel el salvador volcano san miguel el salvador news san miguel el salvador centro america street vlog san salvador nayib bukele carlos calleja elecciones en el salvador san miguel mercado de san miguel metrocentro san miguel catedral de san miguel nuevas ideas el salvador plus el salvador 4k luisito comunica fernanfloo little viejo cipro salvadoreño wacha amaya zelaya deschavetados san miguel el salvador reapertura economica el salvador reapertura economica san miguel el salvador avenida roosevelt san miguel el salvador el salvador san miguel el salvador en grande avenida roosevelt el salvador en grande entrando a san miguel el salvador en grande san francisco gotera morazan driving in el salvador calles de san miguel san miguel city metrocentro san miguel a san miguel chaparrastique reapertura economica en metrocentro camara oculta el salvador san salvador metro metro centro metro centro mas grandes del mundo metrocentro plaza planeta shops tiendas conociendo turismo youtuber youtubero salvadoreño youtubero salvadoreño juegos elsalvador como es videos viral comprando compras el salvador daily jacqueline y cindy el salvador daily el salvador daily cindy san miguel metrocentro san miguel El Salvador travel Is El Salvador safe El Salvador life in El Salvador living in El SAlvador +50325045555
El salvador vlog mercado de san miguel el centro san miguel outdoor market san miguel shopping in el salvador sellers in the mercado +503 2504 5555
– Como esta actualmente Metrocentro San Miguel de El Salvador | Parte 01 | El salvador daily
– De compras en metrocentro de San Miguel El Salvador
– Centro comercial metrocentro San Miguel El Salvador camara oculta
– Never Thought This Day Would Come in El Salvador (#136)
– 🇸🇻 Look How Much Metrocentro San Miguel has Grown! I Thought I Was in New York! It’s Amazing!
– 🇸🇻 The Electoral Government of El Salvador May Not Want Me to Say This In Metrocentro, San Miguel 😲


  1. In all seriousness and haters will say it’s fake but I’d like to support a prayer movement for Haiti 🇭🇹 nobody’s talked about it anymore after the coup but I’d love to see Haiti heal and with a leader as Nayib