
German free paper. An interview article with Mr. Hanyu has been published in Japan Regest. Japan Regest is a free page in Japanese and German that has been published in Germany since 2012. We introduce the latest information on Japanese politics, economy, culture, society, etc. in German. The circulation is approximately 60,000 copies.

It is distributed at major Japan-related events and facilities throughout Germany . We also reach readers around the world through our website and social media . It is one of the important media contributing

To the promotion of the Japan Society in Germany . Now, I would like to inform you about an article written about Yuzuru Hanyu in November 2023 and an interview with him. Below is the content of the article . Yuzuru Hanyu talked about his show and picture book,

His experience working with Japanese choreographer MIKIKO, and his collaboration with Crump . He thanked his German readers and expressed his intention to continue working and expressing his feelings abroad . No Japanese athlete enjoys as much international popularity as Yuzuru Hanyu.

The 28-year-old figure skater from Sendai has made a name for himself around the world with two Olympic gold medals and numerous competitive victories. Even after his competitive career is over, Hanyu continues to realize his projects. For many sports enthusiasts, Yuzuru Hanyu

Remains the prince of ice skating. He was the first Japanese athlete to win a gold medal at the 2014 and 2018 Winter Olympics . At the 2022 Beijing Olympics, he will attempt a quadruple axel for the first time in history. With numerous records, amazing costumes, and impressive choreography, he

Is ushering in a new era of skating. He inspired many young players . But Hanyu is one of Japan’s most respected figures, not just for his technical prowess, but also for his artistic program . The ice is his canvas and his body

Is the brush with which he paints the story. His emotional performance not only opens the door to a distant world for the audience, but also elicits enthusiastic applause. He is considered one of the most important philanthropists, especially in the northeastern part of Japan . Because the 2011 Tohoku Pacific Earthquake

Gave strength and new hope to the people of Fukushima Prefecture and his native Miyagi Prefecture, in areas extensively affected by the tsunami. Just a few months after ending his competitive career in July 2022, Hanyu held an ice show, “Prologue.” In February 2023, we

Announced a project called “Gift” at Tokyo Dome in front of 35,000 people. With this show, he not only showed his gratitude to his fans, but also gave the audience a glimpse into his inner self. On November 4th, in front of 14,000 spectators at the Saitama Super Arena,

We began the second chapter of the Ice Story, titled “Replay. ” This is the first time in sports history to bring the diverse world of video games to the ice rink. He appeared as a pixelated video game hero whose story revolved around different worlds in search of freedom and dreams. This

Includes the world of Final Fantasy. His journey will not only take him through the 2D world , but also the real Japan, and will continue until the spring of 2024. There,

Performances will be held at Saga on January 12th and 14th, and in Yokohama on February 17th and 19th. Hanyu’s artistic depth will also be reflected in a picture book of the same name, which will be released by Kodansha in Japan on December 20th. This

Is a co-production with the manga artist group Klump, which is very famous in Germany . If you would like to purchase this picture book in Japan , please visit the J Store in Berlin or Hamburg. Or contact our online shop . Interview with Hanyu in the text below

. “In February, you made history and performed your first one-man show titled Gift at Tokyo Dome in front of 35,000 people . This is also the title of your picture book. “I wanted to

Fill the story with my life’s experiences and the things I hold dear, and give it to the audience as a gift . I wanted to convey all my thoughts and words to those who are watching and need

Support at that time.The feelings and words in this story may be mine, but many others may , I’m sure you share it with me.” “In the chapter, the phrase “Gives the world color.” came up.

What do you think about it? “I have had many experiences in my life. I’m sure I’ve grown a lot over time, and I think the meanings I have for things have changed as well.For example, when I was a child, I never hated rain

Or associated gloomy skies with dark feelings. However, as I grew older, rainy days always made me feel depressed, and when I looked up at the cloudy sky, my heart became heavy.In order to give meaning to such days, I used the word color. } “For

Gift, we collaborated with MIKIKO, a Japanese POP group. Perfume choreographer.

What did you learn from this experience?” The way I express myself and the way I understand everyday life has changed. Expressions have always existed, but I realized that words and body language are also a means of communication when it comes to communicating something . I didn’t have much confidence, but

Through this choice of words, I came to believe that I can express myself.I believe that there are emotions and feelings that are strongly conveyed through my figure skating.I feel music more strongly than before. Because of this, I

Have become able to express my emotions more openly.I would like to continue honing my skills and learning various forms of expression in order to convey my emotions better .” “Why do you choose Clamp as a manga group?” Did you choose them to realize your project?” “I

Love Crump’s work and am fascinated by their worldview.The depictions of the environments and characters are full of emotion. contains coded messages, and I prefer stories that arise from circumstance rather than chance. So I wanted my gift to be drawn on paper by Clamp and asked them to draw a book. ”

This interview will be of interest to many German readers. Do you have a final message for them? “I will continue to work hard to reach people abroad , including in Germany. I will continue to pour my emotions into figure skating in the future

. Thank you very much for all your support .” What do you think? I’m glad to see that German free newspapers write articles of better quality than some Japanese media. I’ve put a link in the summary section

. There have been several good articles published in this German magazine, so if you are interested, I think it would be fun to click on the link to the site and read it. Hanyu has been featured a lot overseas as well. We will continue to introduce articles from overseas.

Thank you for watching the video until the end . If you like this video, please subscribe to the channel. Thank you everyone for your hard work today. A good day.



Yuzuru Hanyu: The Ice Seraphim(アイス・セラフィム)
セラフィムは、ヘブライ語の「שָׂרָף (saraph)」という言葉から来ており、「燃えるもの」、「燃えているもの」という意味があります。



  1. 羽生さんは唯一無二のフィギュアスケーターであり芸術家。世界中の人に一筋の光をもたらすショーで豊かな時間を提供し続けています。