Libano: von der Leyen a Beirut presenta un pacchetto di aiuti Ue da un miliardo di euro

L’Unione europea fornirà un miliardo di euro di aiuti finanziari al Libano nell’arco di tre anni per sostenere l’economia del Paese e contribuire a prevenire un alto numero di rifugiati verso l’Europa


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  1. They can all emigrate from Lebanon to North African countries. There is plenty of space and opportunities there to lead a better life than staying in Lebanon, which means poverty and misery for them and us. Because we live in or to say clearly Lebanon is Sri Lanka.
    You don't know how much Germany wants to support me now and would pay me for this reason? You don't know that I am worse disadvantaged here than any other foreigner and than the Syrian himself. I am not a child. I am not joking with you. You don't know how much Germany wanted to build industry, agriculture and an economy there so that we could have an honorable life and not emigrate to other countries because of the centuries-old political problems in the Middle East. You don't know how much Germany is helping us there to solve the social and political problems between population groups and countries. As long as there is poverty, this problem will always exist.🍽️🍞🥖🥦. Because Germany will accept 40 million refugees here, in compere to their own population numbers? Now you can imagine what happens in Lebanon, and his own nation. Before that you do any help for refugees and poor humans there, you must talk to me first, l am going to give you clear idea and best information how to make your help and on which way. 🤔😴😴😴

    🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇 Waffeln für alle Kinder bitte
