Revelaciones del Universo | El Misterioso Libro Secreto de la KGB sobre Razas Extraterrestres

Greetings, explorers of mystery, and welcome back to SpiritualisLuna, the sanctuary of truth beyond the conventional. Today we will immerse ourselves in a fascinating discovery: the mysterious secret book of the KGB that reveals information about different extraterrestrial races. What secrets does this enigmatic Book hide?

In the vast universe of UFO and extraterrestrial enigmas, the search for answers remains a constant challenge. As we explore the limits of the unknown, it is imperative to keep an open mind, but also apply informed skepticism. Join me as we unravel this intriguing enigma!

During the time when communism dominated the Soviet Union, the secret services wrote a controversial document: ‘The KGB secret book on extraterrestrial races’. In which the 58 extraterrestrial races that visited Earth are described. The book was prepared by the SMERSH counterintelligence service. In 1946, a very complete book described the different species,

A detailed description, the ship in which they traveled and the place of origin. They also included information about how different species contributed to the progress and development of life on Earth, the races that have been observing us for a

Long time, in addition to those that have been interacting with the governments of various countries and the different meetings that have secretly celebrated with said governments. The Russian Book of Extraterrestrial Races shows a list of space beings, some with humanoid aspects; others are more similar to animal traits.

There are even abominable-looking, almost deformed creatures. This secret KGB book is a sign that we are not alone in the universe. “We cannot know and verify whether the 58 races that the KGB secret book compiles actually exist, or there are many more.

We do not know what governments do and if they actually meet with certain races. The book belonged to a former Ukrainian diplomat ; his son, named Petro, found the book among his father’s belongings. According to his record, it had been written in 1951 and was updated over time.

Petro’s father claimed that the book had been a gift from a diplomat friend of theirs, in which they updated the information sent by their colleagues. There were rumors of contact with advanced beings and other worlds, but they were only rumors; however, reports were prepared. In this case, the agents kept their records.”

We are going to name some of the races that the book exposes to us, some of these races we have heard or seen a review of, remember that you are completely free to believe or not, the absolute truth does not exist, well let’s start with the best known. and the one that

Causes the most debate these days: ANUNAKENE: we know them historically as the ANUNNAKI, They come from the planet nibirue (aka nibiru). Its planets are part of the same solar system as Earth, but with a much longer orbit, it gets closer to the sun every 4,000 years, and not every 3,500 years as

Is commonly accepted. They resemble humans, but are taller (2.5 meters 8′) and more muscular. When they arrived on earth, there were already other races established here. Some malevolent and with supernatural powers, race on earth. They genetically engineered the most intelligent non-alien beings on earth, (we

At that time not much more than intelligent primates), to have a race of slaves at their disposal. At that time, Samael and Lilith were the Anunakene king and queen. They were not aware of the presence of reptiles on earth. They only cooperate with another race: the Zeta.

Not to be confused with solipsi rai, (also known as grays). They eventually left Earth (reason unknown) but before leaving they created a sub-species of the Zeta. This species eventually became rulers of Egypt (pharaohs) until the reptiles infiltrated them (as temple priests) and ended their reign. They gave birth to legends about “giants”.

They will return one day as they themselves promised, however, the date of their return remains a mystery. They know everything that is happening on earth, as well as on other planets where they had influence (and, or still have). The proximity of the planet Nibirue (aka Nibiru) causes cosmic instability and

Climate-related repercussions on all planets in our solar system, but does not cause the amount of destruction that is generally accepted and believed. How far away they are is still a mystery. Here we must make a note: The reference to “Nibiru” is common in certain conspiracy theories and pseudoscience,

But has no solid scientific basis. According to some interpretations, Nibiru would be a supposed additional planet in our solar system that is said to have an extremely elongated orbit, and that would periodically approach Earth causing cataclysms. But we will talk about this in another video program, we continue with another race. LANG.

Small species growing only up to 70 centimeters (2′). They come from the sixth star, in The constellation of Coma Berenices, also known as Berenice’s Hair, is a little prominent constellation located in the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere. It can be seen in the spring sky between Leo and Boyero.

The constellation is named in honor of Berenice II, wife of Pharaoh Ptolemy III of Egypt. Legend has it that Berenice offered her long blonde hair to the goddess Aphrodite, who was so impressed that she placed it in the night sky.

The LANG, They have 3 native planets, maybe 4, and have colonized at least 10. They were one of the first races to visit earth. They were the race that started the stories, about fairies, 2 alien claims that have kidnapped over 10 million humans throughout history (that

Number is highly disputed by 2 other races, they claim the number is much smaller , and 1 race even made a statement to a Russian president, saying that the race has kidnapped any human). Last sighting; New Zealand, in 2006, a group of 20 members. Representations of fairies vary greatly depending on

Local culture and traditions. In some stories, they are portrayed as benevolent beings who help humans, while in others they may be more capricious or even malevolent. These creatures could be these LANGS that stayed on our planet, it could become a possibility, although it is still a theory, we continue with another race. MAITRE.

They come from the constellation of Libra. This constellation is located in the southern celestial hemisphere and is one of the constellations of the zodiac. Gliese 581 is the parent star of the planetary system where Gliese 581c is located. Gliese 581c is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, also

Known as Gl 581. The Maitre are the same average height as humans and many consider the alien species to be “parasitic.” He first visited the earth during the prehistoric period (date unknown). The kidnapping of humans is carried out openly.

They have the goal of colonizing the earth, that has not happened due to the protection of other alien races, such as those of the “council of 5”. They are hermaphrodites, and their lifespan is 120 years. They have colonized at least 26 planets. They have kidnapped at least 5,000 humans (men).

They have visited the earth at least 200 times. Last sighting: September 2006 near Alaska. UNITED STATES. “Attentive to the council of the 5”, we will talk about this council which the book tells us. Next race. PLEIADIYANS, (Pleiadians): Those who come from the solar systems that surround the Pleiadians, come more precisely from the

Planet Erra near the star taugeta. The Pleiadians are associated with spiritual growth. They can grow up to 2.5 meters 8 feet tall. They practice sexual cultivation, the clear difference between their sexual expressions and their sensual emotions. Their ships are known as beam ships. Although regularly visiting Earth, they have remained largely silent since

The year 10,000, BC. They are one of the oldest known breeds. They continue to develop the mental skills necessary to eventually achieve their goal. An even higher spiritual state. The planet Erra is a concept that appears in the beliefs of the ufological community and in some New Age teachings.

Erra is claimed to be the home of an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Pleiadians or Pleiadeans. According to these beliefs, Pleiadians are advanced beings who have supposedly established contact with some individuals on Earth to transmit messages of peace, spirituality and cosmic consciousness.

However, it is important to note that Erra and the Pleiadians are not recognized in mainstream astronomy or established science. These concepts are part of contemporary ufology and spirituality, and their existence has not been scientifically proven. ALLGRUULK (THE BUILDERS): They come from the sculptor, The constellation of Sculptor (Sculptor in Spanish) is a constellation

Of the southern hemisphere. It was introduced by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. Sculptor is one of the faintest and most inconspicuous constellations in the night sky, but it contains several notable galaxies. One of the best known is the Sculptor Galaxy (also known as NGC 253), a

Bright, relatively large spiral galaxy that is visible with small telescopes from locations with dark skies. Sculptor is an interesting constellation for amateur astronomers due to the presence of several galaxies and star clusters within its boundaries. ALLGRUULK are derived from an ancient breed of reptiles that has become extinct.

They are specialists in the construction of ships and other devices necessary to travel in deep space. They are also space travelers in search of new raw materials, they can live up to 230 years. last seen near Tokyo, Japan in 2005. REPTILIANS.

The best known and feared of the reptoid species (there are at least three). They have been permanently on earth for over 15,000 years (confirmed) but the belief is that they may have been here (permanently or intermittently) for millions of years. They come from the Draco constellation.

The constellation Draco (the Dragon) is one of the 88 officially recognized modern constellations. It is a large, elongated constellation located in the northern celestial hemisphere, between the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Draco contains the bright star Etamin (also known as Gamma Draconis), which marks the dragon’s head.

The Reptilians have a presence on thousands of planets and have colonized at least 500 through “infiltration” within the leadership of each planet. Some (not all) of its members have the power to form changes, as well as telepathic abilities. On Earth they did not need to infiltrate human leadership all the time, as

They often lived side by side with humans (most humans are unaware of who they were) and “lived our evolution (in all its aspects). ” David Icke, a controversial writer and lecturer, he has developed his vision of the world over seven years and four published books.

In his works, such as “The Robots’ Rebellion” (1994), “And the Truth Shall Set You Free” (1995), ” The Biggest Secret” (1999) and “Children of the Matrix” (2001), combines elements of New Age spiritualism with a critique of the totalitarian tendencies of the modern world.

At the center of his theory is the idea of ​​a supposed Babylonian Brotherhood , a secret group of reptilian humanoids who control humanity, including prominent figures such as George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II. Icke has also claimed that the Moon is an artificial construct used by reptilians

To manipulate the perception of reality. of the humans. His belief in a universe made up of “vibrational” energy and the existence of dimensions infinite is combined with the idea of ​​an Interdimensional race of reptilian beings, the Archons or Anunnaki, who have kidnapped the Earth.

Although David Icke has been persecuted and discredited, we cannot affirm that everything said is true or false. We know that every time someone publishes any of these topics they will be censored and demonized in the public eye. Remember that the media is the property of certain powerful people who do not like certain

Topics. Let’s continue, what is the Council of Five and what races make it up? Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the “council of five.” The races that are part of this council (formerly known as the “council of

Nine”) have been protecting the earth and humans according to extraterrestrial records. Some say they have been protecting the planet since before humans existed, for millions of years. The last meeting of the “council of five” on Earth was reported to have taken place in 1944.

This meeting was intended to discuss possible threats to Earth and humans, as well as the increase in alien visitation over the past 500 years. According to various alien races, the “council of five” (formerly council of nine) has been monitoring human evolution from primordial times, when humans

Were just single-celled marine organisms, until their evolution as primate creatures, after the supposed interference from the Anunakene. After the Anunakene manipulated the DNA of “primates” and created humans, the “Council of Five” decided to not only monitor, but also protect humans. They recognized that humans might one day join other alien races

In development and enlightenment. The races that make up the council are the following: Orela: The Orela have an arboreal physiognomy, with a woody central trunk from which multiple branches, leaves and roots extend . They can reach heights of 50 meters and longevity of 5000 years.

They move slowly propelling their large roots and communicate through pheromones and vibrations of their bark. They cultivate a contemplative culture and organic technology, dedicating themselves to the introspective study of the natural processes of their world and modifying their environment by engineering living organisms in symbiosis with their ecosystem. Egarot:

Egarot are described as enormous creatures, measuring hundreds of kilometers in diameter and composed of dense cores of liquid metallic hydrogen. Their advanced internal biochemistry allows them to develop intelligence and technology, despite lacking a stable physical form. The Egarot’s purposes or motivations for attempting interstellar contact are not yet known,

Nor have any details about their civilization or capabilities been specified. Ginvo: The Ginvo are an amphibian species approximately 2 meters high, with two pairs of fins, gills and the ability to emit light. They use their bioluminescence to communicate, camouflage themselves, and detect predators and prey in the darkness of their ocean world. Redan:

The long-lived Redan race originated millions of years ago on the second planet of the Arcturus system, evolving from primitive amphibian-like beings to an advanced industrial civilization. Over time, they were transhumanized through cybernetics until they abandoned their biological nature. Emerther: The Emerther are not a biological life form, but rather a kind of

Heuristic artificial intelligence that emerged and evolved in a self-guided manner on Endora. They are described as a decentralized network of interconnected heuristics capable of recursively improving themselves, lacking a unified physical body. It is generally accepted that Emerther is the most important race, not only of the council, but of all known races.

“These are some of the races that we can find in the secret book of the KGB. To not make the video so long, we have selected those that are most related to meetings, contactism, of course, conspiracism. However, for the rest of the people, all of us who speak and create this type

Of content are considered conspirators, in some cases, fantasists. Without wanting to generate controversy, we like to investigate and share our knowledge and research, making it very clear that the topics we discuss on this channel do not necessarily represent the absolute truth. We always encourage viewers to freely interpret, opinion, and investigate.”

Although the content of the book is speculative and unverifiable, it raises profound questions about our understanding of the cosmos and humanity’s role in it. How far apart are these races aliens? How do their alleged actions affect our existence? What tangible evidence supports these claims?

Human history is replete with stories and myths suggesting interactions with beings from other worlds. From the Egyptian pyramids to Mayan constructions, there are signs of extraterrestrial influence. However, traditional science often dismisses such narratives as fantasies. In a world where information is filtered and controlled, it is crucial to take a

Critical approach and seek the truth beyond conventional narratives. The truth may be hidden in ancestral stories, in archaeological evidence, and even in contemporary sightings of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. In the end, the search for answers about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth not only challenges our beliefs, but also invites us to explore the

Infinite possibilities of the universe and our connection to it. On this journey, the truth may be elusive, but the search itself leads us to new understandings and perspectives about our place in the cosmos. We cannot know and verify if the 58 races compiled in the

KGB secret book actually exist, or if there are many more. We also don’t know what governments do and if they actually meet with certain races. Neither governments nor those who govern them are going to spread the truth about certain issues,

Since each movement in the media produces an effect on the economy and stability of some territories. In this order of ideas, we should not ask ourselves: should we believe in what we are told or have been taught? The answer is that we should not believe 100% of what we see and hear.

The truth must be sought both in those who lie to us and in those who do not. If we are careful and analyze, we can little by little find certain things that others do not want us to know. The answers are there; We just have to investigate, analyze and draw our own conclusions.

However, we cannot force anyone to believe in an absolute truth, since there will never be an absolute truth. Our ancestors left us those clues, those indications. They showed us the way and also told us that they would return, indicating the sky, the water and under the earth.

There they are, that’s where they came from. Each story, each inscription, is the past; It is the present assimilating our perception to our reality. Conclusion: The exploration of ancient civilizations and their knowledge, as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial influence on human development, raises fascinating questions.

As we unearth evidence and reflect on monumental constructions, connections between different cultures, and stories of encounters with otherworldly beings, a constant challenge arises to discern between myth and reality. Censorship, misinformation, and government secrecy add layers of complexity, leading us to question the true extent of human knowledge and possible interactions

With entities beyond our planet. How might we reconcile similarities in ancient buildings across cultures, such as the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, without resorting to conventional explanations, and what implications would this have for our understanding of human history? What could be the influence of censorship and misinformation on public perception?

Of phenomena such as UFO sightings or theories about ancient architects or astronauts, and how does this affect the search for truth in these topics? To what extent could the possibility of extraterrestrial contacts or visits by advanced beings to ancient civilizations change our understanding of human evolution

And power structures today, considering the existence of classified information by governments? We will be reading your comments. We have reached the end of the video and we hope you have enjoyed this tour of the secret book of the KGB. If the content has interested you, we invite you to subscribe,

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¡Bienvenidos, buscadores de la verdad, a un nuevo episodio de SpiritualisLuna! En este fascinante viaje a través de los rincones más oscuros y enigmáticos del universo, exploraremos el increíble misterio detrás del libro secreto de la KGB sobre razas extraterrestres. Prepárate para un viaje emocionante y lleno de suspenso mientras desentrañamos secretos ocultos y revelaciones sorprendentes.
#Conspiración, #Extraterrestres, #KGB

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