The reason Japan’s currency is underperforming

Convera’s Global Head of Market Insights Steven Dooley discusses the reason why Japan’s currency is underperforming.

The Australian dollar has surged to a ten-year high against the Japanese Yen.

Currently one Australian dollar is buying roughly 102 Yen.

“Interest rates are really a key driver of valuations,” Mr Dooley told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd.

“The fact that while most central banks … have seen interest rates higher, while Japan has kept rates broadly steady and only just recently started raising them – that’s caused their currency to underperform.”


  1. A society with many societal problems. Let's Ask Shogo! Going the way of Germany, de-industrialising to benefit it's master.

  2. Bring in a few million migrants.
    Economy goes boom. Society is destroyed.
    Somehow I believe the Japenese prefer the lower Yen if they can see what is happening in Australia.