Russia is pathetic

Russia from an economic political military and even cultural perspective is fading away.


  1. Dear exSHperD. What is better? To take territory fast and guard huge supply roads? OR to destroy the enemy army in a small area where everything is destroyed but the enemy army is annihilated? Answer that question and you will know why 'pathetic Russians'' are not in a hurry to ''take territory''.

  2. Putin once asked a kid where the borders of Russia ended and the kid said in USA. Putin then answerd it never ends. Just a forshadow that Putin want to rule over everything and want Sovjet era back again.

  3. Russia does what it needs, not what some random guy on Youtube with a broken Indian accent needs.

    The official goal since 2022 is to take 4 Ukrainian regions, not Europe, not even Ukraine.

    The official strategy is the war of attrition. There's no deadline. The human resources in Ukraine are already scarce, their volunteers are over, they had to adopt a mobilization law but they can hardly mobilize people by force.

  4. Also, the data for the Russian GDP in this video is some random numbers. It fell by 1.2% in 2022 and grew by 3.6% in 2023.

    Also, as someone who has zero knowledge in macroeconomics you compare different economies by their nominal GDP, however, this reflects price differences as much as the economy size.

    Economists compare different economies by their GDP by purchasing parity. Russia is 5-th or 6-th economy depending on the method since its economy size is close to Germany's.

    Just because the USA has significantly higher prices, it's economy is NOT larger than the Chinese. It's 30 trln/China vs 25/USA in int dollar by GDP/PPP.