Tokyo Phoenix, the Rise of Modern Japan

Tokyo is the world’s largest and most densely populated megalopolis. It stands as a symbol of our Futuristic high-tech civilisation. Yet over 150 years ago, before it opened up and embraced Western culture without losing its own identity, Tokyo was still Edo, a traditional Asian city ruled by the feudal powers of the Samurai. Twice the city experienced total destruction. Yet each time, like the mythical phoenix, the city rose spectacularly from the ashes. Discover the story of this metarmophosis through never seen before restored and colorized archives filmed in Tokyo from 1905 onward. This film reveals the extraordinary resilience of the Japanese people.


  1. they are aesthetic since Meiji era . no matter how European the city looks , its sitll has Japan vibe .
    looking again most nation we have today look like Japan in the 20s-80s

  2. L'erreur des généraux japonais fut de croire qu'ils avaient les capacités militaires, économiques et technologiques pour conquérir une partie du monde. Ils auraient dû se contenter de l'annexion de la Corée et de passer une alliance avec la Chine en leur fournissant les moyens de se développer sur le plan militaire et économique. Ils ont été trop gourmands. La conquête de la Chine par l'armée impériale japonaise était un fardeau car il fallait un coup humain important pour l'occuper durablement.

  3. Esa bombas las lanzaron solo para ver cuánto daño hacía en una población pues Japón ya esta vencido .eso fue un genocidio cometido por los EEUU.eeuu se creen la policía del mundo cuando son los mayores invasores dela historia

  4. but when i hear a true story that happens at my favourite country i am from malaysia is one of japan colony in ww2 but now we are more friend that hate cause we know japan is facing many problem non stop being the first country modern asia and many else ,in malaysia one upon a time there is a lot of japan product that we buy but now there is replace by china product that more cheap and a lot ,so its make japan more stress and lack at many things like product,work and economy is being slow ,not just japan china collab and create aa new east asia power with west asia like saudi arabia and many arab country join it ,its enough to makie western out from world economy hee

  5. Do we need weapons to fight wars ? Or do we need wars to create markets for weapons?
    In 2022, the military spending worldwide amounted to 2.24 trillion U.S. dollars,
    As 9,000 people die from conflict-driven hunger every day.
    A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds.

    “O believers! Stand firm for Justice as witnesses for Almighty ', even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or close relatives. Be they rich or poor, , ' Almighty can best take care of both. Refrain from following your own desire, so that you can act justly–if you distort or neglect justice, Allah is fully aware of what you do.”
    Al- Quran / surah An-Nisaa /chapter 4 verse 135.

    " And ˹remember˺ when We took your covenant that you would neither shed each other’s blood nor expel each other from their homes, you gave your pledge and bore witness. "

    " But here you are, killing each other and expelling some of your people from their homes, aiding one another in sin and aggression; and when those ˹expelled˺ come to you as captives, you still ransom them—though expelling them was unlawful for you.1 Do you believe in some of the Scripture and reject the rest? Is there any reward for those who do so among you other than disgrace in this worldly life and being subjected to the harshest punishment on the Day of Judgment? For Allah is never unaware of what you do. "

    "These are the ones who trade the Hereafter for the life of this world. So their punishment will not be reduced, nor will they be helped."
    Al-Quran / Surah Al-Baqarah – 84 to 86

    " Whatever ˹pleasure˺ you have been given is no more than ˹a fleeting˺ enjoyment and adornment of this worldly life. But what is with Allah is far better and more lasting. Will you not then understand?
    Surah Al-Qasas – 60

    He is Allah. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. All praise belongs to Him in this life and the next. All authority is His. And to Him you will ˹all˺ be returned.
    Surah Al-Qasas – 70

  6. 21:41 sila terjemahkan ke bahasa anda ,awak tahu pada tahun 2022 berlaku satu propaganda yang mana ia dilakukan pelajar sekolah cina yang memperlihatkan apa yang jepun pernah buat keatas mereka suatu masa dahulu dan ia masih diingati sebagai kebencian cina paling besar dalam sejarah dunia dan tak dapat dilupakan ,sesungguhnya orang cina telah atasi kessusahan dan mula rasai kesenangan mengatasi bangsa jepun dan seterusnya bangsa barat .tindakan ini menyebabkan jepun marah dan segera menaikkan isu sensitiviti diantara dua negara

  7. 22:57 disebabkan itulah kenapa ramai orang cina dimalaysia semasa zaman pendudukan jepun di asia tenggara mula tutup kedai kerana bimbang menjadi mangsa jepun ,layanan jepun terhadap orang tempatan melayu amat baik pada mulanya ,,bangsa india pula sedikit baik ,hanya bangsa cina ja dilayan dengan teruk kerana perbuatannya menyerang china mencetuskan ketegangan serius antara dua negara besar tu ,dan jepun juga masa itu banyak menyekat kebebasan bersuara dan bersosial termasuk beragama yang mana jepun telah mengehadkan saja ,jepun juga belajar banyak pasal islam supaya senang memasuki negara islam yang berada di asia tenggara iaitu sebahagian dari wilayah jajahan jepun selama 3 tahun setengah dari 1941 sehingga 1945 dan indonesia ishtiharkan merdeka 4 hari selepas jepun menyerah kalah

  8. This is a tremendously beneficial documentary – and I'd say a relatively fair representation of Japan, Tokyo, and the Japanese post war rise. thank you, from a Japanese Tokyoite!

  9. it's a great day !
    inasmuch as a Big consumer and even more consumer of documentary, reports and cinema :
    This is the first time of my life I've seen a Youtibe video with different language tracks.

  10. EXCELENTE DOCUMENTAL. Lo produjeron con absoluto sentido de seriedad y de investigación histórica que lo hacen creíble como fuente primaria. La clase de análisis pormenorizado que uno encuentra con cierta facilidad en su propia ciudad, en su propio país, y muchas veces en la de sus vecidos o en las grandes ciudades del primer mundo, responde casi todo en este caso sobre una ciudad que simplemente uno asume que ha existido desde siempre; pero que nunca se había adentardo uno mismo a observar en detalle y que merecía una producción así de pormenorizada y completa. Tokio vista con ojos sociológicos e históricos, más allá de la idealización por el Japón mismo que a muchos nos encanta. De verdad que no tiene desperdicio. Lo voy a compartir…

  11. Ta complicada la cosa para todos los humanos hay una profunda sensación de vacío hay que volver a las raíces de vivir en armonía con la naturaleza este modelo actual lleva inexorablemente a la extinción de la raza humana

  12. I dont really think japanese people liked what happened in ww2 they simply followed the evilness of the emperor with no question and also they all have been brainwashed

  13. While tokyo was tokyoing…
    But india wasnt indiaing😢because coal road wasnt discovered yet😂….


  14. As a one Japanese-American’s point of view, last 70 years lived with in both countries, see, here, and experienced with older and younger peoples in both countries. I watched many documentary videos about Japan involvement in ww2. Some of them are okay and some are poorly represented and some are presented very propagandistically narrating towards Japan, kind of saying the those two atomic bomb killed thousands Japanese civilians is far act of American. I asked myself what’s different between German killed thousands Jewels vs American killed thousands of Japanese? Why this video is up now, why now? Look around what’s happening in the world, everywhere wants to start war. One wants to dominate and one wants to defend. This video is maybe trying to hint Japanese people not to motivate people defending themselves.

  15. Japan's historical distortion, historical revisionism, is too absurd

    Germany reflects on itself

    Germany teaches history accurately

    The Japanese should emulate Germany

    Come to Korea and study

    There is a lot of historical evidence

    As soon as industrialization was successful, Japan waged war and massacred countless civilians

    Every country has a dark history. That's one thing. Whether they are ashamed and regret the wrong doings in the past and not cover it up is another

    the Asian Holocaust

    the Asian Nazis

    Japan should reflect on itself

    Germany knows how to reflect on itself, but Japan doesn't

    There is a lot of historical evidence in Korea

    It's an accurate history

    Imperial Japan was a serious, twisted evil empire

    As soon as industrialization succeeded, it invaded the neighboring country

    I must say that American soldier was necessary and it saved at least 20x more lives considering that Imperial Japan never wanted to stop doing Asian holocaust

    Thank the American soldier for stopping the Asian Nazis

    The adults told me a lot of stories

    But Japan denies history

    You have to reflect history correctly to get along well in the future

    For future generations, too …………………

    Japan must learn the right history

    Japan pretends to be a war victim

    It's disgusting to believe in a made-up history

    a people who don't even know their own history

    It's natural that you have to learn accurate history from school textbooks

    For future generations

    There are too many Japanese war crimes to count

    Japanese right-wing nationalists

    Yasukuni Shrine

    It's like calling Nazi Hitler a hero

    Japan is making history strange with animation

    It's such a strange country

    The Japanese were a rabid group of believers

    It's the same democracy, but it's covering up and erasing history

    Too cowardly Japanese

    The war crimes of the Japanese Empire are too many and endless

    Japanese Who Do Not Reflect

    For future students, we need to learn history correctly

    It's important to learn history correctly …………………

    pretending to be a victim of Japan

    When are you going to pull yourself together, Japanese

    Koreans don't want compensation

    They want to learn the right history and truly reflect on each other and form a consensus

    Koreans want understanding, but Japanese hide and hide

    As soon as Japan invaded Korea

    the murder of Empress Myeongseong

    The king of Japan is God

    The king of another country is a beast

    Japan's hobby of war of aggression without declaration of war

    The Bombing of Chongqing

    Googled it

  16. Heart breaking, but inspirational. The civilians suffered because of greed and deception from the imperial government. I cried seeing the destruction of their historic city.

  17. Bizarrement le Japon et l'Allemagne sont devenus des plus grosses puissances mondiales après avoir été en ruines après la deuxième guerre mondiale 😮🤔🤔

  18. Perdón mi corazón perdón Japón tú eres la filesidad de los corazones LOVE es muy muy poco por ti Japón no yoras mi corazón él amor es Dios muchas gracias mamá Mariam ❤

  19. Gracias por el vídeo nos da una idea de cómo Tokio ha crecido en el tiempo y sus nuevas tendencias para no olvidar su pasado milenario y su identidad.