The typhoon of the decade caused enormous economic damage to Japan

Reviews of weather events, natural disasters, astronomical phenomena and wildlife around the world

Japan is assessing the consequences of one of the strongest typhoons that raged across almost the entire country. Typhoon Shanshan, one of the strongest and most destructive in the last decade, brought torrential rain and stormy winds. Authorities have issued a heightened alert for floods and landslides, with more than five million people forced to evacuate.
The island of Kyushu suffered the most, taking the first and main blow of the typhoon. Parts of the southern Japanese island of Kyushu experienced record rainfall, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. In the city of Misato, 763 mm of precipitation fell in 48 hours. The power outages affected a total of more than 340,000 households in Kyushu.
The city of Ninomiya, southwest of Tokyo, urged residents to take “immediate measures” to ensure their safety, such as moving to the top floors of their homes after a local river flooded. Residents in areas affected by the typhoon were warned to prepare for strong winds and dangerous waves. And the weather agency urged people to be prepared to evacuate before conditions worsened.
In addition to the immediate destruction caused by strong winds, floods and landslides, the typhoon also caused enormous economic damage. In a number of regions, many highways were completely or partially closed, Japanese media reported. High-speed Shinkansen trains have completely stopped passenger traffic in Kyushu. In addition, transportation on the route between Tokyo and Osaka is closed. Automotive giant Toyota was forced to suspend production at all of its 14 factories in Japan. Nissan and Honda have stopped operations at their factories in Kyushu, according to media reports. Electronic chip manufacturer Tokyo Electron also ceased operations. Shops and restaurants were also hit: Seven-Eleven Japan Co and two other major convenience store chains closed about 900 of their Kyushu locations, while McDonald’s Co Japan closed 98. Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines canceled hundreds of domestic and international flights.
To summarize, we can say that Typhoon Shanshan caused the greatest damage to the Japanese economy over the past decade.



  1. Jafi manudia. Gk pernah dia merasa kecil hidup dibumi. Langit. Ciptaan tuhan anusia juga. Sama. Kecil banget manusia itu n maklukh lemat. Bila dibandingkan sama yg larn kyk matahari bulan bintang n bumi. Setan iblis n malaiakt meteka adalah maklukh yg kuwat n tidak akan mati sebelum qiamat.

  2. اللهم احفظ اخواننا في اليابان وارحم ضعفهم واهدهم يارب العالمين اللهم لا قوة الا قوتك يارب ارحمنا ولطف بنا ولا تواخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا يارب لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

  3. 大きな台風であったが、日本のインフラは素晴らしい 被害を最小限に抑えてる

  4. Ellen G. Whites tell a century ago about this and others events. ( The great controversy book)
    ((The passing days are eventful and full of peril. Signs of a most startling character appear in floods, in hurricanes, in tornadoes, in earthquakes, in casualties by sea and land. The judgments of God are falling on the world, that men may be awakened to the fact that Christ will come speedily.)) (SW march1 1909 part2)

    We are living in a time of lawlessness. It is described by the prophets: “Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” “By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.” Isaiah 59:14; Hosea 4:2. While but a small part of the evil and corruption of our large cities is ever published, there is enough to make the daily papers a daily comment on these texts.
    (SW march1 1909 part1)

      Turn to Christ KJV and keep the truth Sabbath the 7th day of the Lord Jesus. 
    SUN-day Worship law come (for the earth and or the Vatican) 
    The mark is worshiping the Vatican doctrine or others God (or atheism).

  5. For westerners, this footage is adjusted wt some AI coz all that is disasters are actually in China not in Japan….😠….even we as ASEAN can differentiate between Chinese or Japanese writings / vegetation & disasters that are "stage or self destruct" on purpose…..😊…..only PRIVIET NIHAO maybe Salam from ASEAN🤘