Japan’s Rice Prices Skyrocket – What You Need to Know
Japan has a rice shortage and its economy and consumers are feeling the pain. It is not just climate change or inbound tourism that is to blame but a more simple, and short-sighted policy that is affecting rice stocks, limiting rice imports, constraining supply, causing rice price surge, increasing retail price inflation, creating general economic impacts, and even geopolitics. Let’s dig deeper into the root cause and what could be done to solve it. If you like Japan, rice and economy, you don’t want to miss this video.
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Sources for today:
_ Price of rice reaches 11-year high – https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h02076/
_ With rice in short supply – https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15378092
_ Why has Japan been hit with rice shortage despite normal crops? – https://mainichi.jp/enVideglish/articles/20240823/p2a/00m/0bu/024000c
_ average Japanese stock market return – https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Japan/Stock_market_return/#:~:text=Stock%20market%20return%2C%20percent&text=For%20that%20indicator%2C%20we%20provide,from%202021%20is%2022.23%20percent.
_ Rice yield comparison per hectare – https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/rice-yields?tab=chart&time=earliest..2022&country=NOR~OWID_WRL~JPN~CHN~USA~AUS
_ Rice production in Japan – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_production_in_Japan
_ Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery in Japan – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture,_forestry,_and_fishing_in_Japan
_Selling price of rice 2014-2023 – https://www.statista.com/statistics/1285142/japan-rice-selling-price-per-60-kilograms/
_ テレ東京Biz (in Japanese) – https://youtu.be/glvIwKzxLxw
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